THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO. SAMS Prince Albert Suits, Cutaway Suits, and Fine Dress Suits, JUST ARRIVED -- See Youman's flat, Knox's Hat, Silverman's ha-lts and Caps, AT THE TWO SAMS L .a-LaTZ. AIRAroStaiLllfiy VOORHEIS & ETS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WQfOR CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. IN-OPECsIAT R2ATES TO STUDENTS._ySE U ' fflce. 23 South Fourth Ave. SPALL /\mNLJSEUS Of Old UT. of M. should have a University of ichigartGuitar Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaransteed every inch of the road. Violin and Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; illanjo anid Mandolin Strings, 5 ets. Everytling in proportio). L. 1I. Clenent,IIGEEI1O& LG T O BROWN'"S DRUG STORE CORNSERI MAIN AND HURON STREE'TS. LARGEST STOCKsof TOITocrGOODS AND FINE CIGARS, TonACCos AND CIGARETTE'aS INTHiECITY. J3bij Your ~collarsi anui] Cuffs, Neckties. alld --'Pep r13ij iiaGloves OF vryWAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. yStnzdent will save money by buying University Text-Books and all supplis at!lHeadquarters. We illowy special discount oil LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BIOOKS, D)ENTAL BOOKS, in !,ujrt. every Book utsed in tlbs Iluiversily. .0110 Blank Books at lowest prices. LlhAJHN(G 1OOK STORE IN THE (IVY. 'rit s-,l Ildtt lI;i I for Ban jt MIL LEJ? LE THE 1LE.YIEST STYLES MURDER-Continued. IN- edge of the pliatter ends; but 'lihe J G heard" that the nilijtianen were liemined in between two rush OF ALL KINDS!AT also clainms that Granger was the J. T. J.ACOBS & CQ.'S,I first man hurt. 27 ANID z9 MAIN WT. In regard to 'Granger, many -- who know him, say that hie is a L. GRUNER. psint sufte Dealer in psint man, whoisufte c tO0Ts .4.1TDnSMRIOES tomand. Someofteow Sn...2 No. South Main Street. t o ftetw p 1ligotne Neatly ansi Promptly. boys who were present at the j bIhmond Sftraiqht Qcit. charge characterized hims as a CIGARETES. blasted fool," who ought to be Cigartte Smokers who arrested for his order'. It is said are Willintgto nay a little that Som of te slir e es iaore than the p1rice .sodesxpres .(bedifor the (sncirli hysi o osl Cigaretts, will fiad ed tileir regret that teci t~ Tess ASO Onx sperior to till others. have bayonets, as they would like NCut lstesThiclhmnonslStraighst eeat'01Carte are mode troms the bright- to ulSed thsems. It is almost cer- Genimost dellcatesiy favoresianid highest cot~ ta5.s.OrigloImrnnoVitrinsia. This is tEls eOls in that the trouble would Isave beia8 r sof it0nihtnh i iateer a tebeetn yet tmore seriosi h olTi tnear 1ns lo a siss atteiosfth A , tsc ; N itanevrytch g s oldliers had beetsfutnishdwt ~ llnssigia ball cartridges. Al Arbor Savings Bank The comnpaniy is composesd of Ann rior Rich. lCapi't IStssck, $55,000, Omi surpluns, ilnhln Law about eighty members, and there of his danrteera akigLwer ewe wny tit bele Bee cives Depsito, bus~as and 8 ~ hagonteprinespal cities of the dl ates. Drafts eashed u pon proper artmed metn out last nighst. Cttiats NMACK Fees., w, 1D. HAsnastas. Vice Sen., A H OPTL CHAS. E. HISCOCKn, Cashier. A H OPTL atOsAN..nYedsrtigi- Whsen Mri. Dennison was first tcto in Shorthand will please call taken to the Hospital lie did not T th fice rpber, 35J3. .Mr Huron Street.Prcia feel very much hurt, only com- _sreasonable. Call and see ine. plaining of weariness and head- Stoves, new and old, large and ah u onlesoe iu small11 for coal, wood, oil andace Busonlehwdsis 1u11r ne, at J. E~. Harkins', 28 E. of convulsions. Dr. Naticrede urIan street. was sent for, and decided it was a rusptusre of ,in arte.rvysunder thse skssll. Thle boy's skusll was bored inl two placees, to1 let oust tile bloosd collectesd there, and tile carotidl artery was cult; but liso still con- tinued to sink, ansd passed away at 5:0)8 this mnornsing. His father and mnother arrived soon after. Irving James Dennison was born in this state May, 1872. About eight yeasrs ago thse family moved tos Toledo where young Dennison attended tse public schsools, graduating froni the Toledo hsigli schsool, and Toledo Mansual training sclsool with thse clt-: ior189 S. For cue ycar after graduating lise was ensployed in thse Bicycle works of Lozier& Yost, and thecn camae to Ann A r- bor where lise estered as a special. lie was of a very quiet disposi- tion, and last sighst was the first night thsat lie Isas been out since lie cause to Ansn Arbor. As is issual at such titmes, the mats most seriously hsurt w a quiet spectator. Mr. Dennison's father is superintendent of thse Smead Heating Works, in Toledo. - AT CHAPEL. At chapel, this morning, there' was an enormous attendance. President Angell spoke of thse sad event, expressed the sorrow that Continued on fourth pre HA T8] Ties. Good~peed's, The PA TENT Bes LATHER. 8HE8 FINEF PHOTOGRAPIIS, MIII nery and Art Gods. 10Est Huron St. IT FORE K& ~I (H ' neiactrers of ttBISB~EnSofo Band lnd Orchestra Strokfor Catosge. lloiled free. G, GRA ND RAPIDS. NICHIGAN. *--tTHE ARGUS- F11NzJoll gi1 ij AT LOW FII(S. FINE JOBS PRINTING. It is our aimto please. .Saisfaetiho5Gaarenteea REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE.