THE U. OF M. DAILY. E2L s CLOTHING HOU ,E, 71, 173, 175 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigar.__ Mens I GENTLEMEN's FURNsHINGS, Cien'sCL H A T S AN D @A PS Latest Novelties Arriving Daily. NEW BOOK STORES, 6 South Mairl Street. 44 South State Street, UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, S Ta T I LTT E ' Medical Books, Law Books, BLANK BOoKs, ALL KINDs, All Books used in City Schools. Students, Note Books and Pads, Draft- Complete Line of Sporting Goods. ing Instruments. Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A Warranted Fountain Pen (Gold) for $1.50. hi~h~CDOL 1f [IIIVERSITY. Allow us to say that we carry the finest and the most complete assortment of Ready-made Clothing and Furnishing Goods in the city. Our Suits and Over- coats are equal to custom tailor work. We have added to our HAT DEIPATMENT the Celebrated WILCOX HAT, which, in addition to the DUNLAP, GUYER and other leading styles, makes it the most complete in Ann Arbor. 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET. A. L.. NOPLE JAMES M, STAFFORD, mA1LOR IIPORTER, The best place to get a I + 2A S + & MADE TO ORDER. LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - MICH. Where and how to buy Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings at the Lowest Prices. SO By buying of P. F. MILLS & 00., THE POPULAR DRY GOODS AND CAR- PET STORE. 20 BOUTE 39 FINE JOB PRINTING. It is our aim to please. Satfsfaction Guaranteed REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE. THE LARG] GREATEST VARIETY On LAMPS, in this city. You will RED STAR " OIL has no e charring of wick and gi Sold at 10 cents per gallon, delivere 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. THE CAMPUS. The seminary rooms opened to- day. Hand in your requests for addi- tional hours by Monday, Oct. 5. The number of literary students registered at the present is about 050. E. L. Austin, formerly with '90, is teaching at Carrolton, Ill. Chapel service begins to-mor- row at 9:15. The choir will be the same as last year; Reid. '91, McAllaster, '92, Dorrance, '92. and Doughty, '92. The number of new students" entering the Literary Department is about 450, with others continu- ally arriving. This, of course, promises a freshman class as large if not larger than last year. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. The first medical prayer meet. ing will be held in the associa- tion rooms to-morrow at 7: p.m. Over a hundred new students have reported to Dr. Campbell. This so greatly exceeds the num- ber expected that the question be- comes, "What will be done with them." G. H. WILD, Is showing the Largest Stock of Full Dress Suitings in the market. All the latest shades and novelties in Trouserings and Overcoatings. Fine Vests can be had of No. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. G. H. WILD. --THE ARGUS- iB I TESS PIRrOI Y. TFIN JOE ( ___ __ __ __ __ AT LW PRCES.WM. ARNOLD. AT LOWPRaICES. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, EST STOCK, sesi at iNSTRe gw a d LOWEST PRICES M.W.BLAKE, PICTURtE8, FRAMES, A N D I save money by buying of us. Our ART GOODS. 50 west Huron St. qual, burns without odor, or ves a clear white light. Manufactu er of and dealer in d to any part of the city. SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM BER pEAN & Cor. Fourth and Depot Sts. _ .J. HALLER Disciples of Blackstone. 46 SoUn MAIN ST. Repairing a specialty. Prof. Wells lectures to-morrow RINSEY & SEABOLT, to Juniors at 2 p. in.; Seniors, at Bakers and dealers in 10:30 a. m. Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, 6and 8 E. Washington st. Judge Brown lectures to post JOHN WOTZKE, graduates in quiz-room to-morrow. LADIES' and GENTS' SHOES. H. D. Jewell, of the DAIL Repairing neatly done. 45S. Main St. staff, has been appointed Assistant HENRY ., MILBURN, Librarian in the Law Department DEALER IN for the ensuing year. PHYgICIANS'AND J. S. McDonald, '91 law, has accepted a good position with ~ J ~ ~ jljj Eggleston & McBride, Grand Orthlopodical Appliances, Rapids, and will not return this Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Sup- .year. porters and every article L. K. Salsbury,'91 law, is junior requted in e prac- mnember of the firm of Matthsewson cine. & Salsbury, grand Rapids, who 81 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT. are conducting the defense of Through Vestibuied and Coionist Egan it the celebrated Egan- Tacoma, Wash.,an ort land Oregon, O'Connor murder case. The Wisconsin Central and Northern Pacific lines run through Pullman Ves- The Webster society will hold tihuled and Colonist Sleepers between first meeting year Wednes Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., and itsfismetn toisya ens Portlatid, Oregoii. The train known day evening, October 8, at its as the 'Pacific Express" leaves tht Gland Central Passenger Station, at rooms in the law building, where the corner of Fifth Avenue and everybody is always welcome to Harrison Street, at 10:45 P. M. daily. For tickets, berths in Pullman or Col- attend. onist Sleepers, etc., apply to GEo. 1 - TaomrsoN, City Passenger and Ticket The first junior law to register Agent, 205 Clark Street, or to F. J" this year was Koto Nahaharo, of DDY Depot Ticket AgentGrand Tti ye wapotaha fCentral PassengerStation, corerFgfth Tottori Ken, Japan. Avenue and H1arrison Street, Chicago