T-4E U OP 1M. DATLY CLOTH7IN~G HOUSE, T ,V K . TrI TYKN ~ Iiyld'' e' CLOTH .LINGTHWTS ANDPYTAIFZS 15JAQi QOF >the LJ.,ettQraze, -IiLsitesL NovelteiG APrriV.) r iljAT NEW BOOK STORES, -s--i Z_4 YY*±11 ' ± TA±fLf ' HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES- 6 Sc iial 1Street. 44 South Sate Steet UNIV ER. ITY TEXT-BOOKS, ~ oT = y-G. H. WILD, Medca BooksLasw Boos, IANKi Boo.- ALL KisA Aliooks usedI in City Schools Sudenst, Note Books and Pads.IDraft- is showing- the Largest Stock ot1-ull Dress Suiings in the market. CmltLieofSporting Goods. igIstruments. All the latest sades and novelties in Trouserings and CompeteLiie o in Oeroatings. ine Vests can he had of Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A Warraxted Fountain Pen (Gold) for 1.50. No. 2 E. Washington St near Main. G. "}'I. W11,0 JAMES M. STAFFORD, THE LARGEST STOCK, ENSIE 1 LIRETORY GREATEST VARIETY V LOWEST PRICES WM. ARNOLD -ALR1 6~ R OnI;LAMPS, in this city. You will save money by buying of us. Our anWATCMAKERArDr WaL "lIED STAt'"OIL has no0 eual, horn7s without odor, or 5 eial attention paid to repairing ae3 charring o wick and gives a clear white light. M. W. BLAKE, Th bs pac o etaSold at 10 cents per gallon, delivered to any part of the city. PICTURE S, IFRAMrES, A N I ebs lc ogta 44 SOUTH MAIN ST )PEANv & CO. ART GOODS. Is West Honsflt FERDON LUMBER YARD 1'r-i .LyS'.cQ THE \~CAMPUS. jdeolpi1i, and the Al. A. C., of Manfcarurer oan delerln HyelisNew York. SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER IlyePrinceton '93, had is Cr. Fourth ad Deotst 51s. MADE TO ORDER collar bonse broken wihile playing Smith college has 551 students. i -HALE insh practice gamse Thursisdy. Cornell's foot-ball leven oit LATEST STYLES Wior'tolbnr a se nae the Easteris trip won from Union 46psmTriAINdST t]gasbeenaeRearn apcat.to coach the Anslherst foot-ball and Trinity', and lost to harvard, - O. M. MARTIN, temtre ie veywe. Amherst, Williarns and Wesleyain.DELE IN c TeWebster Sceywl et The Hlarvard Glee Club has ait lthCsetM tllcScit-il eANDs COMMON COFFINS. MODERATE PRICES, dci- the following program Wed- cped the invitation to atteud the J. A. POLS~iEMUS itesday evening, Nov. 12: Vocal Assembly at Union Armory, -iZ iL.V E 1 OT ANS. pigilteRgh rvost LO'S AKAp1AGAEE 19SUHMI T, solo, "At the Ferry," Mis i. E. orntutengtpreiust North Sain street. Hoar;Delantin,.O'yre te ae-irvard gamse. RINSEY & SEABOLT, ANN ARBOR, .- MICR. Adobart;nDeclaheVateonrince-'Byrre'antheeYale-Ha essay, II. S. Hepuer; oration, G. Adisovote aePic-sal o nIdalers i - - - - - A. Brown. Vocal Duet, "'Call ton game, is to be one dollar wills-j}roceries,nProisionlsFlutad 1,a y tncnt. ack again," Mir. 1). E. 1ee- a dollar extr-a for grand stand JOHN WOTZKE, Lac~y5)LuLenL3.Mae or Sine _- - lis an~d Miss M. E. Hobart. seats. LADIES'ndeGEN11+s