THE U. I OF M. DAILY Al THE TWO SM Prince Albert Suits, Cutaw'av Suits, anti.Fine Dress Suits, JUST ARRIVED- ------ See Younlaan's Hat, Ktnox's Hat, Silverman's liats and Caps, AT THE TWO SAMS IL ,131. lTZ. Alli ArbFor XofiLalllfrY VOORFHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! 'STATE ST. TAILORS, OUALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. SFOIiAi, RATF To STUDENTS. -f~c *23 South Fourth Ave. -PLAN]SE i, Of O1d U. of M. should have a Univer~ity of Micehigan Quitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. G~uaranteed every inich of the road. Violin anid Guitar Strings, 10 ets.; Blanjo andI Mandolin Strings, 5 ets. Everything iii propertien. L. IT. Clement, ALLMLITDINU.R -PANO& O G C0. BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORtN Elf MAIN AND MULTION STlRETS. LAtioaEr STCO t rTOILET Goon)s AND FINE ClesAtis, T .I At-COS AND C'IGARiETTES IN THlEC(11. J3ki~j Your j 5)-CollarI andJ ifs, Neckies avijd evrisj I(id Gloives O-- FERGr.USON & SLATING, EeyWAHR'S ROOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. Siistuenit will saive nioney by buying Cuniversity lext-Blooks andl all supplies(-4 lleadquarters. We allow slieciai discount on LAW BOOKS, M EICAL IBOOKS, I)ENTAL, OOKS, in seti cryr lfl usul d withe i I ilivers ily. t5,(0Bl3ank Books ail luuest prices. T~~~L.IINIl 1IOOK ST.IORIE IN TIlE CIT . ... ALL TIlL lEiS]? SEl LLS FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. ---IN- ilue ollicers of the Choral LUiioni desire that all whor hasv e ie sell- iiii~1-i {ing Choral Union tickets slhould re- N DGolt at once, or at the latest, due- ing this week, in order that the OF ALtL KIN DS;IAT niunbor of tickets sold, can exactly a- 'T' JACOBS & CO.'S, compalete contractsfr th ie lad- 27 AND 29 MfAIN SWr. ditional concerts at the earliest L RUER -possible elate. D00eaer iS ~~ -P. H. D ONT Ahetir1E No 8 Soth Main Street. MISCELLANEOUS. - - _ 9done Neatiy and Pronptlyr. _ lihrii fl-jStrdiht Qcit. The first meeting of the Politi- No. S cal Science Association will be CIGARETTES. hield in Roont F, Thursday even- Cigarette Smokers woho ing at 7:31). A paper will be F 'aresvilling tsosnyaltl r thetiop rice redb Professor Hudson and the chsrged for the ordiosro Association will be formed for tiadieCigarttre,wili d lois BRANDsuopeirior to work for the year. Graduate ..oi!al others. Cut~ 1,1CignreuThsitihmondSaight ! iiStudents studying political science u(olnst i llesir in litvseed and hhighest crootdhin1 melmbers of the Seminaries in ~itn rit gesurao ri gui Cjit. sttshistory slnd political economy iiid 15E5brought ot by us is the ear -7.n ttbr Ot aleimiitationsainiti beerre that te lubr of the faculty are espec. the~ll~ haslbise ierery isielrge. iailly invited to be present and Satfsrare AsRri-ic 5s~hla irgintiiaarticipaitoein the organization of A5Arbor ieh Svings Bank the society. Ca1Aro ir. Opital Stoc, s,, Orla Sariissu, fll~t .Communication. Otuf.thsgi, Ioort-(lees Deposito, >ii awsndt Lltalaion the ptinel at cities sif te ga c T.lte I itlestair-s. hrasca estledIspotiproperEsYL.oM.IAr: :,tizn 1-o njieres.i-ar he it froms me to croak, hut as Nw. a. hInt Itas. vicec Pres.. otte of is numher lholdltng siumilar views, tiuns .R ttotte, Cashier. kinidly allow me a word. stt1tTItANn.-Any otte desiring itt- ls it not been already conclusively t th ton in Shorthand will please call shsowtn that no tug-of-war cats replace teno once of J. W. Miner, Pracetical the old reas game between the Fresh- Te graphera39 E. IHurota Street. teen and Sophomores ' I am sore ateSsonable Call atnd see me. StOVean many of us felt, when the plan of a guea s' new and old, largean tug-of-war was proposed, that it would 'for coal, wood, oil and be injurious because productive of just 1159 atJ. E Hakins, 2 E.whsat has ensued, i. e. short rushes at urti street. tnightt, which are infinitely worse itn i every stay thani the old foot-ball gamtle. There is juast about so iiiitithiprllil- nis steani that iiiist be aworkedti tlt soiehiotandie I aia sore that the odi tush ginie is the safet anduullmost ie- spiectable way ftaswork it till. It is not yet too late to have the ,gamie before the sllows'fliesadotu s reduce the prob- ability of a witntereof disorderly nights, britnginig disgrace atid injury to the Uni- versity. D~o the facts nit justify the wisdote of the propositiotn? GRIADUATE STUDENT. THE CAMPUS. Wse have beets kitidly handed thle followitig ad~vertisemlent from the Catmbridge Tribunte. It alay pemechiance express the views of hlollow-elleeked Anin Arbor Sen- iors: "4Wanted: By a starvinhg senior, who is willitig to pay al- muost anyting, a boarding place near~ the yard if possible, where lie can get respectable food, properly served. During tlhree years heeilas tried tmany places at various prices, an~d has failed to get anythling fit to eat. Address 'Inquirer,' Trbutne office." A regulation blas been p assed at the Worcester Polytechlnic In- stitute, by which thse semi-annual spring examsinations are dispensed with, and unannouced examina- tions will be held at regular reci- tation liours dulimlg the ternt. Contributions to the Oracle must be handed in by Friday. jxw'S I ] B ]I ! Vorroi , ii. -istii r luu t, teiuuutut 0lt iii e l~ std it muitt lt . io ti 1itt>, Stew- I t ;r icrII.Vt,u i .lu- , ii t t ]I'i niii the r Nst it i l ,.r I d t ou t t u-s 1 it) (.rilusii eres MILLER IHA T81 Tics. Good~peed'S, TeIPA TENT Best' LEA THER S HOES. lINhE FHOTOGRAPHS) Millinery and Art Uoods. S0 East Piuron St. Alalnuatirers of -Bind lnd Orchestra, r. llsBln d dOrhestra MU S 10 - A OGRAND RAPIDS, micImtOAN. - THE ARGUS.s-- AT tOW I 11(55- SHORTHAND Slf. IT wiLt PAY YOU. Siseribmail ceooethOw Ruildirg, as South State Street.