THE ,U. OF M. DAILY. ,j C of M . c* V teams. A trip could be taken STUDQE N TS' BOOKS. Pthrough Mew England playing a BUT YOUR COLLEGE Publihted Paily (Sundas exrcreted) during number of gamnes and enabling TEll Booms L!W A kP MEPIQAL BoRS the Cllegeeyear, by the teamr to see the Y'ale-Hlarvard Y Y NOTE DOORIS, AlTHTIE THE U. OF; M. INDEPENLENT ASSOCIATION,. match on Nov. 22f; or a N ew4 STUDENTS' 1300K STORE, STrATE STREET. _____York and Pe nnsylvania trip end- Secondlande books at low prices. We are agents of Paul E. Wirt, Scott aaid Subscription price 52,50 treyear, inarirblhyir), with a gable in New York Hlollandl fountain pens. Bargains in stationery. in advance. Sngle ces3rcnrts. Onrrule at iln gv Sherllriran d iPost (O Onei'8stacirrsevery .ts, itrir lplnwould ire eS = = N 0 - eilning :iat ii()clock . r ________yb__________aChalicetogetpointsfro______ letrt tireofficeroftrhe mireraHose T== 7 S'I bloeck, at Streetaire, at Sirrfit's,,or kih anytire ale-lrincttrn gairie. j (~NG N at tire edituors. EAr ~c fsc rl nst SM C IA E T . The effect of such a trip upon is r E ~~~The Niagara Cmuiwin hudr h fieb Falls Route." tO A. M. i they areco iriiierir tire saerrrday. rrror frrot-hallprrospects for next Addresrrll tntrnairtlented forpublication to e ar CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. +}rn1l/norc~rr .v~,,,. 111year Slit 1 50 be wondoerful. T its restiarnsald twescerntrtietirr13uirres a.maur.- ear's teotni is cotmposed altiost Rteprrtalt neglect :rorrtiretrirt otCarrerees etretlyitt uew Dnitotof whotir all the City Cireultr, W. it. t'Neti. hut otte or two wtill he here tiext THE U. af M. DAILY, ea.W athsmnned ot Antn Arbtrr, Mich. yar Whtteentiredtrt EDITORS. sacac osetegg si H. B. SHA KR, a.'a. MANAGINGEDITRna. ilayedl ly tire host teatlis, itt W. E. GaRFFIN, '9t.aSS'. MANAGING EaITnR. isrder tirerehy to learn hotter A.H. CaVERT. 'a2. ASS.MANAGN EaITRs. IltlCSo lyfrIGX er M. S. HAMMaOND, '91t. a NES MANAGER. isti so hyfo trtye. W. B. O'NEILL. '91t. aaar. BaS. MANAGEn. If Sattrday's gatinreftus oit well R. W. DaUGTY.'9at. 'T.BaS. MNGR Hu r1 Ir1ttrr,'itt. 11;'..iTmr1r1A1,S,'91. there is rio reasonrwiry tis eastern H. 0.J vi i, I. it. it. Ntt. resct E. 0, Hic> .1..)e?.)..Lsir-err MAY 17'lt. tlil) souldl tot he taken. t rRA S1u 2, tt4... C. T'ir t. s, t'W 1,.0. W1Ittrrhurur93. tft. Er.. 1M.rsrs, 9t. ---- t-Aroinitire Worle in Eirelity lPais" is st randifedlat (GrarndfiItp- Friti rll we (rotir laiti of the ids. Mit-li., anol will prohahly trot trouble lastirighrt tittli ilt)be title It showhere as itshlledl. ahbuitnotiig'" is Ohtrrie i- seera Clisitudentts hiave forganizced tire manyor-. Tlhere certilry wa a Telegrapih Compraniy anrd Iavo no mre itrirhing lhan irsiririat tire a tologratplisystetirbetwoontihtiri past-offico last night, trot So tuc-l roomrrs with tire mrain oiffice at tire rootirs of ess rs Ate Eiwee arid as thereihis heentilt tinity tither Fitchl, stif . 11 ourti St. occasiotis wlitoi ito arrests NeF------,.'. tiade. It is potsitively rasserted hy manoy observers tirat ito rusp- lug or resistanice wits tiaflehy those arrested. Tire sitiple faot is, that they did trot runliomie as fast as tire mrayor desired and evenr dared to atrswer iin a tmatnner that to curt seeired saucy. We are sorty that tis trouble has occurred, for, nto dostrt, tire sttudenrts are partly torhlatmre. Bunt it is ar vety stupid polricy for the city autithorities to carry tiriigs with such or higirhnd las was (lonre last night. To excite tire opspositionr and arotise tire hatred of tire students is no way tos pre- serve oirder. Milder tietihods will succeed whore such moetirods as used last tnigirttnust necessarily fai. 'We wish to suggest to tire Board of Directors tire advisability of sending tire eleven on atn East- ern trip, provided there are suffi- cient funds in tire treasury after' tire Cornell game. Nearly all the Pennsylvania colleges hrave open dates after Nov. 15, as have also many of tire New England college BUaSNESSLOCALS. I\ateer irrreeted irt this cror.urn itt tire rate at 0cts rfsteetite,intcirrserion. Specirrt eaten far lortaer tutor anti extra runes furaitherd hy applying atthis etbiene ry conrauttiare R. We. Doughty, Asrintant Businreta Manaager.] Jarrauscirek itt Mactbetir attYpsilranti to-muorrosw night. (to to E. B. Htall for corl. For Warm t'nderwear tand Stylish Overcoats see Wagner & C'o. Gritter's choicolates anti boni-bonts are thretinrest that call be miad~e, pure flavors, tioo adurlterationr. Try tirem. P. 0). News Itoomr. See tire(Colurtmbia Bicycle iii winidow. State mndWiliamiroSt. Ladly Mactbethi ty .trnrortscrek rrt Yprsilarnti to-mrrowiusntight. Speciali trarini indlowt' rtes. Notbly Btlack C'hevioit suitinigs $25.00t 11rr11 upwardis atcStotlt'rrrs. Eorr fun!swe still curt rrices our Barr- tos, (tuitars, Marrdolinis, ('uses anod Strings for tire samtie, loswer than at anrytrursic rouse in Michrigain. 'Ibis nneanis all tire words impr~ly. A. Wilsey, 25 S. 4thr Avenrue, City. Nouvelties itt Topi Coatinigs at Stauf- ferris. Stewarrt Boanjos att Wilsey's. Baotths h0c at P1. 0. Barber Strop. Mell Gillespie, Teacher of Giuitar, Bianjo atnd Mandolin at Cigments. Ray State and otiher GuitarshBanjos and Marudolinis at W ilsey's. Best Strinigs at Wilseyns. FORo SALE-A 5i-inch Expert Col- unibia, full trickled, ball bearinrgs all around, itt Al conrditionr. Chreap. At 8 South University Ave., between 5 and it p. m. Fox RENT-Suite of rooms nicely furnished, both hot and cold water, furnace, etc. No. 48 E. Liberty-st. AND THtiE. 1 'II.&ITI E rICI., .0Ia a vae-+ra -- THE BEST sr- --r j Seventeent teaciher. Hoard witir Furnisedrrert4^at_ I..-n. B0 Roornrs:25 per week..Circrularstupoappuir- .Iits0 cin.P. R. CLEARY, President. ____04 _C_1 a =t;C____- tDEARS IN ..ii'04 cale nr°°a W a S~TATIONERYI saa s BLANKEQOOKS. '- c t 5tr- mi C GI'^7PG ATHETIC GOODS AND STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. s5 , Blest line of FOUNTAIN PENS in tine C1. ____' city. ice Cretn, Suoa Water, C onnitvirnrs,t'olrlLunchies, o na zt ,er''a Cigarr's andrTob tuco. K-5 a OYSTEtIS, FRY, STEW OR PLAIN.' Calltandnseeus at I^5- '26 SO TEH 13SrmArT'E Sm- 0 ~°Qm DL. fDOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER. I 0 frI c a-12 c tin Brain-Workeisn,% edentary Peoplt: I a 9 "=St CtinmnnrLatntes, Yt'nh;the g'dsu qo0fa - Atl te Invalid. A csnpltetQ q gynansiums. Takes.uptt i n. sturc otar oomsun, n scienific, +aiary. *Sunday eceprtted. drablte., conmprnstive, cheap. tndoredihy ..,n0nihtitciatt tim. yrCltergymtenditor- & iother O. Wt.itt.C0LES, Hit. AYES. now ui*cit. Send frnilldtircSea. G.SP. & TA. Chicago. Ag't AAr.n L..I)owrd, Scientific Physical annd- Vnclr luritne, Fst r14th st., NewrYotk. j ., .' ;Toledo, Ann Arbor and North IiE I~O W , Michigan Railway. T f i TimetTable going tntoaafihuitMSnday, Eat. ni- FRENCH tt'E CREAM. FINEST FRENCtH COOKINGt. LOWEST PRICES FuLl eatag Earth. SATINtS. GigSou ath- itEST MATERItAL.________ 71 Fort St., Went, -- Detroit, Mich. r lar e Cd2., eCa3l ________________________ San. Cit a.1Standard Time. Cre ciiM" CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. 1 --t. a. at-a.Mal f'. C. YOST, Pr'tOt-rRaIER. .unLvb Nov. 13 ant on Washingtonit. , - YpsilantMich. . 3.. 30na 00to......TOLE O.... t1 ti- 1 Ftrt-clranstRigs ant StylishtiSaddle Hornis 4 it2 t 45 MonaoeJunetn '12tO2. 10ut It forenire. ...... tt0 6 47 ........Oundeet-i... nina it22.." 4Sa 7t8i......t. M itSn ......t11i7 1545-,. ....I5i01 Sri0 .ANN AtRBORn1tiS 9a1en 5,3 f8(6Whitmore Lakent1 ii855 5.. ' ( .... 550 s5t.-Hamhng-....110 i5ts 0 ,"" P T G .PIIJ~ r1 s.....0.. Hoell.... SIt- 7359t40i.DuraPndnt.....t9V 72it f _, 0 / .ail5it 5 t t.Caro Stir. 9 -C 6 soy aIl....,a 2it .Owossotta.. ru9 ,); NO. l w . 1 TLTRtt ST..9 1 135.......oIta.....74- s.... 4i2t--- 50 ...,St. Louts......128505 tO t. X 51 i ..... .A lmata....723 45t8 ,h e 738 10r4.1. 67 ... .latn rer.. ..6I)34'8 s ! s tt50 .. 2t5 ...arewelcl.... 32 ItitCraa...l5 35, .. Cr~ adl a. . 14 4Ct_- ka a . acaa .. .. .. . .. .. . . ..... i.... L ..aniste...7208 301 ...7-i6t2205 .Baronria .. 719 AP r 1 ~ I 00}...9.35..iFankfor.5.. 6.... 8 ONE__ N__GHT__ONLY hut anin aw LOUIS Jt.AX EN !dP te. (tan ae. A SetsanNaeatthFPO.EwaEa-m .E.H.,HA NLWOOD. AtM,...«