THE U. OF M. DAILY AT _ ETWO SAMS Prince Albert Suits, Cutaway Suits, and Fite Dress Suits, --- JUST ARRIVED- - See Younman's Hant, Knox's Hant, Silverman's flats and1 Caps, AT THE TWO SAMS Ji 13 LILr. A~l A~o 8tall glll~y, VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WOBR CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. SPECTIAL RATEiS Cii TTUDENTS. Office{ - 23 South Fourth Ave, -J LALJ3E i Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guiaranteed every inch of the roa(l. Violin avid Guitar Strings, 101 cts.; Ilje and Mandolin Strings, 5 cts. Every thing i proportion. L.,i 81s. Claint, LME\B arIT SiietS. LM N ITGEK PIAINO & OLG.A.IJ 00. BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORN ER MAIN AND ItUIION STREETS. LAiwEST STOCK of TOILET Gooos sANFINE CIGAS, To nACCOS AND CIGAUETTES IN THE CITY pki~g Yobr Go Ibarli andl Gtfs,]neckties anti peerrin itd IJGloves 01' FERGUSON & SLATING, 22 G~r2TT T 2'.TST=.. - .ANN J 1T om I EryWAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOW TOWN. eeyStudenit wiill save mioney hy hbuyinig University Text-Blooks anld all supplic- t headquarters. We allow special (discounlt on LAW 13T)BOOS, MEItCAL IIO)jS, DERNTAI, BOOKS, ill elect. every 11ook used ill the Univsity. .i,0011 Blank Rooks it lowest pices uI lN 110 111IN 1 tr . y LEE THlE TEWEST STYLESJ MISCELLANEOUS. IN- The Philological Sociecty will 1 meet on Tlinrsdav, Nov. 13, ill N10011 E, at 7: 1,5 sharp. A3 paper- C L O T H I wiii be presenteldIb -Mrli elsor, CLOT011 ''El arly BatbyloniianiilIreca- O.F AL KIN~jA tions." O~ AL KINS~ATNOTIC.-Stulden~ts who havte 'IT. J.ACOBS & CO.'S, not already deposited their cou- 27 AND 29 MAIN Sr. i ponI froml the Treasulrer in the - -- -box of Secretary's office, are re- L. GealRiN ER. quested to do so at on1ce. DecZS eric 7S=C)o-F= P.iR. LDE PONT. elrin No. 8 Sou teth Male Street, tir Pnslv.Cubwl goeNeatiy cnil Promptiy. ThePennylvnia lui wl l ~ m0 ~Straight Qtit. hold a Ineeting ill (le Law Lectnre No. 1 Zooma on Wednesdny, Nov. 12, CIGARETTES. at 1 p. nI. All new students, f Cigarette Semokers whoisomlie state, are espcal n acre nn oyalthetleied 0oattend Lind joini the clisb. mrthntepie5charged ftihie ordisi's At 5almeetinigof officers 011 Fri- trade Cigarettcs, rill ied r' r Tnis BRtAsNsuperior ic day eveoning, Nov. 7, Mr. Geo. C(I ii The Richmcoed Straight I..itosack was elected chairman 1el 5iire n- ;re mede fromi the bright- ee ier3tdeihly ii 1avredad highest cnet of the executive comittee, end 41cad K"), green ie Virgini.eils h l d .ep ti luakn oneern 5ed 5CriinaIlirsad ef Straight let Cigarettesses in aeitlilderlg 5~~asroit otbys ithe yr1873.lIng for the Thanksgiving lBen- h5ALVrieeisss WiS s a ery sevpcknhatthequet. ID. M. LICIiTv Pres. au a authA e rcaniiobIclotCret cc aia!1 .-tiies rcea Dr. Vuhnwill give al5h res aihmVangrhatu al tu 7Arbor Savings ]Bank deiits coniditionied, or not psassed A111 ArbeorsMict. Cpaltc, 50,000soos, in aiiy of his work, an oppor- Orgga Surpliti, 51U0001 selrthlsitsd e der sheOecieralBpsti Lanhi asetunity to pass the Saeenext Fri-bi Srfecag , h rnia iiso h a t2p ni i omi h Idj $ette.OfficeDrfs ccepon ercoper ilygienical Laboratory. 'v. )HAccIMAN Vice Pres., LOST, on the Campus, an Eng- Cees. N. HlscotK asher lisli History. Will the persoun S1IORTilAND.-~A.iy oiie desiriiig in- who picked it up, kindly return it trtction lin Shorthianil will please call t .Witle office of J. W. Miner, Practicacl d 4 N T rhe,39 E. Huron Street. Tliayer ? 0limareasonable. Call aind see me.--++---- St"Ves, new and old, large and Foot-ball, Saturday-D. A. C. sthall, for coal, wood, oil and 6, Pittsburg A. C. 63. Albion 68, gaoieat J. E. ilarkins', 28 E. M. A. A. 0. Princeton 6, U. of t1lron street. P. 0; (championship ,game.) Stinnecke Soholarship. Wedincsday iiooin the contest- ants for (lie Stititeckoe schtdarship) were inivitedl to (lie Pr-esideiut's house to lier(lie i-esuilt of the ex- ainlationlliId sotie weeks ago. IDr. Patton, in a few appropriate remarks, said (hat, though only one could obtain the prize, none shiould be discouraged, for all lied iio doubt been benefited by (lie competition. Ile also enuphuasized the imiportance of the classical stndies anid strongly urged each and every oiie to elect this brancb (lirotigliout his cotirse. The Scholarship was awarded to Jesse B. Carter, of New York City, who was prepared at Hal- sey's school and last year enitered (lie LUniversitv of New Yoi-k, where Ice stood at (lie head of (lie class. 13. V. D. Post, who was giiveniloiioi-able mention, was prepared at Lawrenceville.-Prili- ecetonilan. The University for June is to contain an illustiated series of ar- ticles on the Yale-Harvard races. The number will be printed in tbe college colors and contain views of Yale and Harvard buildings.- Ex. In the series of inter-class foot- ball gamnes at Harvard, '91 won (be championship. LTN 'S BI llOVST~! (61 Meoroe-rs ,Dcto ,t/ich lie Iccr elcst cci< l Necchn itci eIri the Stae. Ace-se fice 5iariiic. 'ihiciac lirctiean cicliecici (uicars. aniI'iirtoccStew- art and Dea cy Ba ijo. Bielst tic ileh ecicforVlin yand uitacyccr ea 10 3 rseich M'ILLEP Tics. HA T8. G ood~peed'3 ~ PA TENT BestjLAT/E LINE PHOT6GRAPIIS, Msillnery and Art Goods. . imYORK & SON, ( Y lManefclirers cif Band lnd Orchesra Hind Ind Orchestra Bend/or Caiclocga. F _ Miled Free. GRAND EAPIDS, MICII IGAN,,,T- -PTH E A RG US.9- AT IA)W rBl(F5. SHORTHAND COAS. IT WILL PAY YOUl. Sliorthaed SrheeliNew Bilding, 20 South Stat e reet.