THE U. 01 AqT THE TWO SAMS Prince Albert Suits, Cutaway Suits, and Fine Dress Suits, -- LIUST ARRIVED ------ See Youisian's liat, Knox's lit, Silverman's Hlats and Caps, FM. DAILY Of Old UT. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar$ Prices lowest, Quality Highest. Gu~aranteed every inch of the toadl. -Violin hnod Gnitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banljo and Mandolin Strings, e ts. Everything ill proportioi) L. I. (ainet.nt, ALLMKEITDIIIGLL ?IAITO & OLGAIT O. 35SO. MksinSt. BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETS. LARGOEST sci, orOFTOILET Goods AnDFINE CIARS, Ton;ACCOs AND CIGARETTES IN ThE (CITv. J3h!.jYouir , 1j4) Collar$ and Chiffss Neckties allckPep ris Itid Gloves OF--- FERGUSON & SLATING, 22 _7 SO STI 2.A.T-1 ST., - mM~ Z AT THE TWO 11-1 I3YILiuZ. SAMS Pb t811111blluftY VOORHEIS & CiTS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST, TAIL ORS, WOR CALLED FOR and DELITERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. ~O -1rCcIAT. RATES TotSTUDEtTS. O'fic 23 South Fourth Ave. SPLLALJS E S Every AHR'S BOOK STORE, DOW TOWN. ,V St '"tldenlt sill save nitisrey hy toying Unitversity Iet'X-lltol mid all stippls-.i, Ilradqnarters. We atllow. elttIcial discounlttt)on AW BOOKS, ElICAL 1011(. lOENTA I BOOKS, ill short. ev ery Book trod in the (lio 01 ity . 000 IBlatik Itotiko at lowest trices. 9 wai ~_,_ I ~L I)IN(1 Bi)b. S',)If II : I 1 ([I. LLL E IT7IET STLLS MISCELLANEOUS. Dri. Vatigitan xwili give ai til t- IN- tietis tcodtitiottet. hr nttpatssedl C LO TEIIL{G tunitty 1tiss the Stint e next Fri- OF ALL KNDSIAT 11lvgienieal Laborator . FOl.EY Gui.- There will be a JT. JACOBS & CO.S, mieetinig of the Filey Guild, Sat- 27 ANSD g MAIN STr. nrday, Oct. 5, at 's p. mi. 1"" --" P. J. JIALLY, Pros. L. CRUNER.a . Dealer inThe Pilological Society will XS AND STsiO1:s meet 011 Thursday, Nov. 13, in It b gdairn NeSotaindrmpti. - _ Room E, at 7:15 sharp. A paper ikhmohd sight Cit. will be presented by Alr. IBelser, No.1 till "Early Babylonian llilprcS- CIGARETTES. tiolls." Cigrarett okerositrwho NOTICE-Stlldents whto have r are willilg to itai a little niot alr'eady .11thi cn inure than tie price deptostitedtherc charged fsr the ~ttit't9'tonsfroiiihelTreasurerin the ink Cig(i rettes, will Lnd )11 .psu TIiS BItNDsuplerior to box of Secretary'sofficeali re1- allotiters. t cuti5501 a J The Richmotntd Straight quiested to tlo so at oncee. at 1 Cga1ret tes are maode tromnithe Iriglit- o1c1o1i t grown inl virginiti.This hisitte01fl stp v' 'nal Brattd of Straight CttCtatrttes, LoSr, 011h ....nllnS, iai Fig- aoblrsghtot by tie in the ytear 185 '~wreititatos, atttd ulerve that te lisli History. Will the per~son ArY.N & GNTER inolh who piceked it ut, kindrt uni a- , aturrs ichtmonttVirgintia. to L. . ( Wliitehiead, 14 N. .rxArbo Savings Bank Thiayer?--..-- ieSrpt atlush$100.000. ATHLETIC NOTES. o~rgxalittt tindr tite (generalitantking Lows Onite1 et a tnIhe prtin iorop te Blacks injury leaves Poe and cn t,n. Notieers: Riggs the only metibers of the v. 1IItt TK icerfares. Princeton teatm who played on CHtAS. a.HSOCtK, Catier. tftOTHlAND.Any one desiring iii last year's cliatmpion ship eleven. ctuto iii Shorthand will please call Since the Hlarvard-Yale Fresh- atteoffice of J. W. Miner, Practical mnfo~alsre eaHr Steographer, 39 E. Huron Street.mnfo-alsrebgnH - Ternit5 retasnable. Call and see nun. yard has won seven games and ntvsfew and old, large and Ylfout, two gamesben tied. 5IalI, for coal, wood,- oil and Foot-ball is prohibited in Ger- 991 irlle, .at J. E. 11arins',1 28, E. man universities. 11 en treet. J1acksonl, Bowdoin's collier rlshl, won the first prize, ofheretd by Dr. Sargetnt, of Hatrvardl, for the best- developed college titit. Thio Prinleetonl facullty lave ci - cided titatino specitil student 'will be allowed to play oniatiy Utii- versity athletic teami until lie leas beeti ill college otie year. The Yale-Hlarvartd Freshmunt foot-ball gatiie takes place Novem-n ber 29, at Catmbridge, and not at New Raven is stated its Friday's issuie. The Setniors wontihde class cliampiotnsliip ill foot btltat liar- yard. The cltass of '94, at the various Eastern colleges is as follows: Yale, 410); Hatrvard, 400; Prince. toni, 2Ei0; Lehighl, 122, Dart- mtoutlh, 1211; Drowtn, 112; Uni- versity of Pentisylvania, 100; Atiilerst anid Willitats 75 eacli. Wesleyain defeated Cortnell, Wedtiesday, by a score of 6-2. Nov. 1, Yale vs. Wesleyan, Cowan of Princeton; Nov. 15, Yale vs. University of Pennsyl- vania, George of Princeton; Nov. 15, Princeton vs. Wesleyan, Cor- bin of 'Vale; Nov. 18, Princeton vs. University of Pennsylvania, Gill of Yale; Nov. 26, Wesleyani vs. University of Pennsylvania" Edwards of Princeton. Y ' ' 1 1f, IT '0{4 taeStole. Ai tt ti i Nre N )tr o kit. rrt, liuoadJa10~c l..., G iit . t r'.t [ ttt, Slew- for 1I ttjt MIf LLER HAT S.Tes The ~PA TENT Best ILEA THER S HOES.- Millinery and Art Goods. :3nt} Ftoron. St. i1 w, YORK &SON, MI ii f actiutrern of Baal d Orches lann andOrchestra Soltetf~tr t't totttttne. > MailedSt-co,. GRIAND RAPIDS, MICItIGAN(3t- >, AT LOW IFS. FINE.JOB P2RINTING. It is our aim tonplease. Stefactilh u (annteed ftEGSTfRDFFI E,D0PQSITECO6OK HOUSE