THEX.. OF M. DAILY. "'C. of 1 1f. t ait Publishedt Paily (Sutndtays excetptedt)Idurittg the College dear, by THlE U. of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION. Subscription price V,71 per year, intvaritably in ttdvantce. Single copies 3 centst. Ott sale at Shleehan'sad Pit w 011cc tnt Cstandteverty evening at t o'clock. Stibarittittttmty be left at ttte cttiee of the tDAttY, tOpeaHiuet black, at Stteehaan's, ttStotttet's, orawittttany of ttte editars. Comunicatatiottnsthault reachth te ottice by 111 A. M. ifthttey ate to attpear the eatae lay. Addtessn all mattter intendted forpablication lt the Managittg Edtorc. All busittesc eatut- icatiottnshottl be cent to ith e Basintess Mate ager. Report all tneglect lonthttetart of Carrersnto the City ('irculator, NV. IB, ilNeiil. THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbae, 1Mith. EDITORS. H. B. SHOEAKERtt ,. IMANAGNG EDITORa. WE. GRIFFN, '91.A..e..MAtNAINEITOaR. A. H. COnaERT. 'a a. A*.. MANnAINEITaR. M. 8. HAMMNnaaa'91 BsNtt AAGR W. B. OINEILL. 'at, Aa8'o. Ba.. MANAGER, R. W. DOUGHaTYe.'a2,.Aa+.B. MNGR I It-r1oox Ittttrtiii,'t51.. I 1..i1. T 1111AtI.. '9it. ti~etiSeie, 11:. .. L. OTtWa-ac .'V!. L. G. 1U'1ttt IAti, '93. iE. IL. MAc~O , !5;. In reply to our correspondetit, we would say that we have tiot beeni able to find anyone who is presidenit, or at least who will lowl that lie is. Itt regard to Seniior electiotn, we will mtake the follow- itig sugestioni: TheInde'petdetlts hiave anl executive conimittee; let conitittee 11111 let the cliairmieti of the two coitmiittees agree upoti a time that will be satisfactory to thle whole class, atid isstie a call for iai electioti. This, we thiinkc, will eticotirage the spirit of coil- cord in the class. Itev. Mr'. Suntderlatid will prteachito-miotrtUwmortintg tipoti :'hlristiatiUniotnt," antd in thte een~intg 111101 -Thle D octrinie of Thler'e xwillbe atinimetnseletm- lcrticl2jollificationi tmetitg this evenintg. Thlee will be a torch- Iilit lprocsion, 11111ati addsress by (Iox.-Elect Winlans at the oplerai STUDENTS' BOOKS. BUY TOUtR COLLE01E TETBoors. LzFW A1 IMEDIcAL B005 STUDENTS' NTBOOK STRESTATE E STREET. SecondtI-hland books at lew prices. We are agenots of Paul E. 'Wir't, Scott a1d Holland fountain penis. Bargaittsini stationery. S====AS cszcOO._ I wwoo i rU= RS= _s g I3M "The Niagara Falls Ratle." I THE ARGVN PUBLISHING HOUSE. - Iholuse. There11 i suc111a0thitlc' 11.5ftuni Stattlcv htls airsC ivi New thiere arc also thlin~gso01111 tlllIxVetnYork. passintgunitthe Ile111110letof fllll, Thle rcsttlts of -yestcrday's tell. Which are relily critmes. AI e Ilis totlrttttiet atre: Codd beat class amntg the latter the cutltitng Stotte, 0 to 4, El to 4, a11d1 Iage atid tearitig if the tiets on thle beat Blrowti, S to 1 atid 6 to 4. associatioti courts. These tiets,- .- rT- CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. pts- a . "ca-c IFS , Seves nteahers.BESr wt Furnished__ P. R. CLEARY, President. a. ' I s r BURLEIGH & JOLLY, ! r _ - fRaa t DIEALEitS IN a-I 31. TIDNER' trJ RLANK BOOKS, c ATLETI2 COODS AND STUIDENTS' DI PLIED. Best litte Itt 1OUN TAIN NS i17thtlle city. htIc t'lii11111 WdalWtr Celfel'tionls,i 11lI.lit'tes, i_________ I OYSTElIS, FRY, STEW OILPLAI(N.;4o; Call and see tax at '0;0. ;.0koa 2E6 SO'J'Ir-12 S '.~E 2'-1W cc ~jai 4 ! °t'oS D. L. D)OWDS HEALTH EXERCISER. Far Brainorort5Sedentary People:______________________ Athlleteiortivaliid. A comltei tlaity. *Suttday exicetued. Vrwo i l111 siiicp eensiv l lc b . O.iW0 U 11GGLES. 11. W. HAb'E5. ! "Inidorsedltby li,IiiilhyaiciaIsilicv- . P . 'I. A. 'iticag~o. Ag't Atn Af yers,Oclgytaa, editars .& oillers nowllli.i~git. Senldfor ill'dcru L.IUoud, MSitntiic 'lysia. .and~ Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Nroolt Clttliel MiqKstt14thbt., NewYorS. Michigan Railway. = J 0 M I'Time Table gong into eilact, Monday. Ntt. Cj oang Raorth. STATaINS. Gaing 5Sui" FRENCH ICE CIRAMv. FINEST 1FiRE'CH ~ 1 COOKIOS t. LOWEST i'RICES FOR a.C r adftnldTme r 111-:9MATERIiAL 'tadsCd.SadudTanEdeclls P' TI Fort St., West. - Detroit, apkMiMllca.,a PM. A WLn'ci ArreP, e..1 CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. 11 0 600......TLEDOO...... 1 jiC.LYOTPRRIO.402&0Moreun' 1>10II13( Nios. 13 and 15 Washington St., - Ipsiltanti, Mich. a 4 o10 6 47 ...,.Dunadee......2 16 10 102i irset-clasosIRigasad Stylioh Saddlec osus a ......,4liS7.........S ilan ..,... It i5to10 f2le Hire. 45 7 27 ..Pittsfaeld 1.. i137 9 4.'. 5 t07 4o.ANN ARiBO, li1 'I9 -0 5 13 Sf6Whitna Lake I1i0tO8St .... Sio8 '5.... n ba ..t o 5;8, 0 6 2 £55 ...... Howeli..t".1 0 1; i... 735 940...Daeand.... saio 7 20' ae1 20 ... wosCso......9 55 I P~I 9TO35A12i40.....S.,t Ar a. 77234b 71 which were hpurchilsedl less thlat a mlotithi ago, were so cut indtoh~rli that they wvilhliaxe to be relhacedl by niew oties niext spritng. We trust that such crimes airelnt looked upoti with the least tolera- tion by aiiynienmber of thie h'nli- versity, andI the sootier those per- sons, wxhio do such acts, are brought tol justice, the better it wvill be for all, both the criinals and this sufferers. Public opiniotn alonie eaiirciiimedy the evil, anid to if wcetiust hook for thie suippres- slin(If such acts of vanidalismi. CommunIcation. To Tite '. of Dl. "DAlls ." 'There is cositderauble dloubt 1aslt 'she is presiutit of '91. Ittwts geiierah- ly tinderstod hlat J. A. .haniesoii hIs that honor, buit lately it hats been rsu- mored that the exalted position wxas too much for himn, and that lie resigned as sooii as lie lieard of his electioti. -Rumor further says that the digniity has been paissed around and has rested upons tle shoulders of several of the best known sons of 19ll, w ithot lindhig a permanent abiding place. It is cer- tainly a matter of-somve importance, as the Junior~ president lisa the right of calling the class election. The writer would like to find out who the presi- dent is. SE _uOJIT. BUSINESS LOCALS. [i~lotcittctinsrteid ia thlisllat1theiraela o1 tiletst ter 11i1e, i.tilictionlul. Special rairo for lcager utime and euxtralintes furntised by. applyintg at tislofoficte riy ronutiauait. W.toughtty, Assistat lisiatect Mantiaceel Gruiber's ctlte~tsS anidblli-btoons are the fiest that c eai imnatde, lpure flavors, tie atliteration. .t'ry them. P. (1. Nesss Rootti. For futn? wxe will cut prices onl Ban- jos, Guitars, Mandtolinis, Cases anid Strings for (lie samte, leswer thiain at aiy muisic house in Michigan. This means all the wor~ds impilly. A. Wilsey, 25 S. 4th avenue, City. Ftou RENTr.-Suiite of roomis elegatitly furiiislieul sui only a block froni cam-i pius. 44 SotithaThiayer Street. Try (lie Toledo Steam~ Latuiiry. (Go to E. 13. SHall forreoal. Iniect (lie fittest hunelot Overcoats iii Aiiii Arb~or.Wtignier l& to. StewvarthBantjos att Wistys. 1-Ntu OhtNTr.-Suiite sif rooms uicely fiurnishletd andicoenstuiently sittiatedl 11111y i blo1k troni (le fcatmputs. 41 5. Tisayter St. Chleiap. Baths 10le at P. 0. Barber Shop. Mtelt Gillespie, Teacher of Guitar, Banjo anti Manidolini at Clenients. Baty Sttate anid other Guitars, Banujols aiitlMaudoliiti at 'Wilsey's. Uniderwe'ar-Wagnier & Co. -anicy Vestit gs at St.afford's. Blest Strings at Wilsey's. 1,1(10 differetit styles itt Nobby Trouseritigs at Stafford's. L()T.-A Sigma Phi fraterntity pin, set in sapphires anid one diamond marked Edward D.Wickea. $5 reward. FoEt SALE--1,1SO5-inch Expert Col- umbia, full nickled, ball bearings all around, in Al condit'on. Cheap. At 6 u$oth _University :Ave., between5 and 6 p. 'm. r 1 1' T~edayIwovemberxS, B MUN TOWO 3 UAWN Biofh ' MgicetSeenery,'Amaaon Marces, ec.s __4 tprices, 75,ni 0, and ~5c. H Seals on sale attiP. 0.1News Seam. "ao