THE U. 0. ATHE TWO SAMS" Prince Albert Suits, Cutaway Suits, and Fine Dress Suits, JST ARRIVED- See Youin's Hat, Knox's Hat, Siloverman's 1-uts and Caps, AT THE TWO SAMS L~ 131I1rLrZ. F M. DAILY Of Old U. of M. should have a Univer~ity of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, (4uality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin alnd Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 5 ets. Everything in proportion. :3 S.Mi S.. ALLMELDI1TGRPIAITO & ORLG AIN 0. BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORN ER MAIN AND IhURON STREETS. LARGEST STOCK OF TOILET Goons AND FINE CIeARS, TOBlACCO', AND p ~VOORHEIS & DIETAS, BETWORK LNlTE lCITY STATE ST. TAILORS, a"Aco C4$ ALLED FOR and DELIVRED. FIRST CLASS WORK. FR U O SPEICIAL tRATES Ta STUDEINTS.O R U -23 South Fourth Ave. 1ZPtLL ANLJ S E JS 22 DOTT rI S .A.-M sm,. WAHR'S 0K 'STOREDO N TOW EeyStulden~twill save mIoIney by buyinig 'iiIilit T'xt-Blooks, .1(111 all ppiesc'Heaquarters~. We allow special Iliscolti'llnLAW BOOKS, M 111511 ALIlllKS, 1)1 NI(.10tOKS IIin iot, 'ery IBsok usedill (the Ulliveni. 5,00o Blank Books at loswest prices. LI.EAD TINGBiOl S t lllEIN1THE11CITY. ~t'LT THlE ITEU {lST StlTYLJES MISCELLANEOUS. Jackson, Bowdoin's (ce1101erlush, INIhDr. Vaughan will give aill stl- awon the first prize, offered by D~r. (luI O~dtl~~d'o otplso Sargent, of Harvard, for the best IN illally of his work, a1l1 oppor- developed college il11. tun~ity to paIss the samle Inext Fri- C OTIHL ID GAT lat2 willLbortoy beicdedthat no special student will OFAL, KNS1T1.1 Y GV1I.T r ilb ealwdt lyolayUni- ~ T.JA.COBS & CCO.Silmeeting of the Foley Guild, Sat- versity atllletic team un~til 110 bas 27 AIND 29 MAIN ST. Ilrday, Oct. 8, at s p. 01. been in college one year. - L. RUNE. - '. J. JIALLY, Pres. Tile Yale-Harvard Freshmlen L. Deaer inThelPilological Society wl foot-ball game takes place Novem- 3c pz' ITT-fleet Til ursday, Nov. 13,in lv ' gs SNO. e MaIn rapt. 75sla pnrher 21, at Camlbridge,anel not at _ d Seihan iIrpl oom E, at7:5sap pprStraight Qaot. will be presented by Mr. Ilelser, New Hlavenl a1 stalted in Friday's No. 011 "Early Babylonian Jl pr~eca- lsue. CIGARETTES. ions." Tile Selniors won tile class -' Cigarette snmokers who NOTICE.-Stuldents wlo Ihave chlampionlship in foot ball at lHar- ore ,tilling ItIo )5Da a ..,lerittley rd wore than Ihe price not already deposited terco ad charged ter the oriuti, I rnSeCigarettes. ilfn Pons from th ie Treastlrer in tile Tile class of'14 at tile varions T'19, iS BRAND superior to box of Secretar'?s office, are re- all thrs. au \ I TcmdStraight-qetdtod oatoc. Eastern colleges is as follows: Wim iarettes arThae f h brightqe- e od s t~ce or Yl,41);Harvard, 400;Prince- '4 asin rand ~ ~ Iof Straight Cat Ciga.rettes, LOST, on teCampus, anlF n , 213 (0 LlgI12 at IKnkathngP imd i. sanote bs vhat thle lieh History. Will tile personlImothti, 120; Brown, 112; IUni- ALh E & fX ItBranch who picked it up, kindly retu~rn itveit (IPnnyala,10 Ili o th AerianTahacco Co.. G. WilitPensyvinaead; an1-Ginicc ichm 1'lond Virgitnia. to L. G. 14ieierdat us A4Arbor Savings Bank TlWe ll n sli AI~tl AShrpiuh, Ci IIcIN ellidefeated Cornell, ..9ea~i,. 51 1115,51. .ATHLETIC NOTES. Ia 5screcif 6-2. tttlir5 lde h GnralOahig aw liars and cuffs, Neckties ]Pew rnw JIGlQoves & SLATING, A N 's ISIC 0 1! 67 Mc ro 1 ave, D tct , i , 'Th LagestM5c.IsIal IerIarlo II Ius i the Slate. AjptI flrMartn hl. 55 lIauburnI, liloueoatd lInccGsltat I.t1nd11 CII It , stew- ccrt adPaIIl i y III 1h.11 lact i l~r4in the NIcldcIItIb il to antc , vd , tc ls 1 ill'.nt tec fe115 u 5 d 31ti ad it <1. ec MILLERnjo IHA TS.l Ties. Good~peed's, The PA TENT Best' LEfA THER LFINE HOTOGRAPHS, Millinery and Art GSoods. .3a East Huron St. III YORE; O& M lanufaetllrers of Baud and hrchestra Bad and Ochestra s 1tir.. , r-Catalogue. GIIANDIIAAPIDS, MICHIGOAN. -tTHE ARCUSL. T .AT LOW 151(55. FINt J08 PRINTING. 3"t is our tit'osle". S lfiuedomGuarawxme REGISTER OF~FICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE 5t1l es state. Receives Deposite, hays lnd Urk% 55Olia.iigen the principal citiet of the doltlfleae.Drafts eathed ausenIproper It'nmA55n MOfficers: W.D. SlAnRANsa. Vice FeeCs.. CuASs.E.SiCOCK, Cashier. 5tr 10.11AN D.-Any one desiring in- stinn tkf lan Sltorthtand swill please call ,t fieof J. WV. Miner, Practical r9 1Ra e,39 E. Hturon Street. rins ' able. Call and see ume. s v Slnew and old, large anld m~all, for coal, wood, oil and 0, tll) t J. E. Harkins', 28 E. 11r'4 treet. Black's injury leaves Poe anld Riggs the only mlemibers of tile Princetotn team wiho played on last year's champiolnsihip eleven. Since the Harvard-Yale Freshi- man foot-ball series began, Har- vard ilas won seven~ games and Yale foul, two games being tied. Foot-bail is proihibited in G'er- mall universities. Nov. 1, Yale vs. Wesleyan, Cowan of Princeton; Nov. 15, Yale vs. University of Pennsyl- vania, George of Princeton;- Nov. 15, Princeton vs. Wesleyan, Cor- bin of Yale; Nov. iS, Princeta vs. Universlty of Pent syi st ia, Gill of Yale; Nov. 26, Wesleyasn vs. University of Pennsyivaniat, Edwards of Prlimoeeton.