'TIU J. COF M. DAILY. 'SG. of 1Wf. Tarty. Published Lacliy(udays excepted) during the College3 ear, bye THE U OF M. INDEPENDENT ASOCIATION. Subscription price F150 per yer, invritbly in advance. Single cpe a cents. Onoalct Shehans and Poet Offico new standecery rveniag at 6 o'cock. Sbcrititnemay be left cC the ofie oifte DAILY OpernHottec blur, at Sitcchu'o cC stfettee, orsit cnp of the eitor. Cmaattnicatis sotld rechitheticeic by 10 A. 5. It teyarc to apper thenter dy. Addressalsitmatttr ittteded forpubictiotn to theManaging Editor. All buines cottun- ictietts should b ticonthe Buies Mut- agr. Report anleict o ttitbeat of Crrirrsto the fiy Circuatr, . I. ONeid. THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbr, Mich. EDITORS. H. S. SEAK~aER, .-.. -aae-10a W. E. GRItFIN, a.A- ...o1eE"R A. H. COVEuR'9, a.a.-. M."'.. eETO.. M. S. HMaMuse. ttt. But.....0 R. W. DOn eaec.'ax As- D. M.R tlt-cOctSHSOetOc, I. I Ir. B. TiaASt, '1. H. D. JEWEttL,'1. I. I. lTEt.. '01. . 0. Ht.tLLAoii'hW. LI. SOUTHMt~Ac, 1Q. RAte'NST siOYc1. l t. J. .'at-ti, 1. e 1, (G. WITrEcret, 113. E. t. MAOtN,'9. i Tliere is such a thin g as fiini there liteC also tigs on llalloween passing untder Oslthe ina e of ful, which ise really crimesC. We class amntg the latter the cuttig anid tearing of the nets til the associatioti coulrt. These nets, whichi were purchased less than a mouth ago, were so ctt and tri that they will have to be replacedi by new ones next spring. We trust that suchl crimes are tot looked upoti with the least tolera- tion by any netnber of the Uni- versity, and the sooter those per- sons, who don such acts, are brought to justice, the better it will be for all, both the criminals and the sufferers. Pbli opinion alonle can remedy the evil, ansI to it we tmust look for the suppres- sion of scli acts of vandalisml. Comrmunication. To Tho1L. of Mt. liAtt.' There is conlsiderable tdobt as to who is presidenltsf '1. t was geteral- ly understoodi thatt J. A. Jinesen has that honor, bitt lately it hos been ru- mored thiat the exaltesd positioi was too nmuchi for himl, and that le resigned as soon as le heard of his electiot. Rumor further says that the sdignity has bent passed around and has rested uon the shoulders of several of the best knowai 5011 of '1, without findig a pernmanent abiding place. It is cer- tainly a matter of saome importance, as the Junior president has the right of calling the class election. The writer would like to find out who the presi- dent is. SEIOsR. In reply to our correspondent, we would say that we have not been able to find anyone who is' presidett, or at least who will swt that lie is. In regard to Seior election, we will nake the follow- ing suggestion: The Independents have n executive committee; let the Friatteinities appoint a1 similallr commliittee atid let the clai-mnt of the two commliittees agree poii a titte that will be satisfactory to the whole class, ansI issue a call for an election. This, we tiink, will encourage tle spirit of con- cord ill the class. 1Rev. Al. Snderland will preach to-morrow morning upon1 'Christian Uniot," ads in the evening c11)011,The Doctrine of AtonIellelt." There will be ati illluese dmi- ocratic jollificationi lmeeting tis eveninig. There will be ti torch- lighat procession, 111d1ai tddress by Gov.-Elect Winitats at the opea house. Stanl~ley lhs tarrivedl ill New York. The results of yestersays tel- iis tourniatienttarie: Cosd bett Stoie, 6 tos 4, ( to 4, and Page beat Browt, 5 to 1 atd 6 to 4. BUSINESS LOCALS. [NoticieIterttd itthisocolimat t eirtec it lUe"tilperr lite, igiiitsertion. Se--ia rtro for loger titeranttlcints fu~rnihe biy appit t is iucer srby cosuitiniceH. w. Deougity. Assitsttusis atrsSlttgr.i Grtiters cotcolates adthbit-bosti are the finest that fll bcImate, pure flavorso 10iiutlteratioi. Try them. P. . News Rea. For ftttil we will cut prices til Ban- Jos, Guitars, Mandolins, Cases and Strinugs for the saie, lower than at atiy mutsic house in Michigan. This nmeans all the words imply. A. Wilsey, 25 S. 4th Avenue, City. Fots RENT. Suite O o omsll5elegattly ftiirtisiedlandthotly a block fromi cam- Ins. 44 South Tayer Street. TCry the Toledo Steatm Laustdry. Got to E. 13. Hall for coal. Inispet the fhust lino sf Overcoats inl Anin Arbor. Wagner & Co. Stewart Banjos at Wilsey's. FORts BENr. -Suite of rooms nicely fturnisbedh atidlcovenietly sittated otly a bliosck froni the camplus. 41 S. Thiayer St. Cheap. Baths 10c at P. 0. Barber Shop. Mell Gillespie, Teacher of Guitar, Banjo ad Madolin at Clement's. Bay State atd other Guitars, Bajos ansI Manedolits at Wilse's. Underwear-Wagner & Co. Farlcy Vestitigs at Stafods. Best Strings at Wilsey's. 1,0001 different styles in Nobby Trouseritigs at Stafford's. Los-A Sigma I fraternity pin, set in sapphires and one diamond marked Edward D.Wickes. $45 reward Tots SALE-A 5-inch Expert Cl- u~mta, full niked, ball hbearings all arounid, in Al condition. Cheap. At 8 South University Ave., between 5 and 6p.,im. STUDENTS' BOOKS_ neY TOURS COLLEGE TEXT BoorFs, LAW 71AND MEDICAL BOKS TNOTE 11001S, AT THtE STCDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. Secoid-hiandl books at low prices. We are agetits of Paid E. Wirt, Scott ttid Rolland founltain pens. Bargains ill stationery. TiT SWE MIGCHIGAN GENT At "The Nixaaa Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. AND I)LHEAAeO 1 __ SN"SS.SS~ e -a c : '" c 55 ~THE BEST_*- Si-ete ches. Hoarid with Furni0shedI0 P. R. CLEARY, President. toaw H BURLEIGKl & JOLLY,- STP\TIDNERY O' ~ e 01i BLANK BOOKS. a MTTDKOHDAND STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. ___ Best Mile of FOUNT1AIN PENS hi the j _ city. IteeCream, Sodla Watei, - n -- C ConfectisoosColul Etin-hies, ___ Cigoirs lild sTbaccos. I -- - OYSTERS, FRY, STEW ORIL, PLIN. e- Call and see uscatI -- I 26 SOTh ITST'ATE ,ST r- I a o .-C, D. L. DOWDa HEALTH EXERCISER. atC A %qas ForlBrain-Wrt er s cl ednary People: I g i40 GetlemeinLaies,Yiiuths h Athilete or levalid. A coiiiiece ODily e SutidlO.excpted. reiiitsoom ewc, scienifict, Sdurclec opreen-siveceaep.0 . BC RUGGLES, tcH. RAVES. Indorsed liy ic-coo diesliseian 0 FG.P.& T.A. Ctihiccco. AgtAataarbior- yers,,clergy-imeiieditors.&- others nwuigi.Sn a l' ic-1s'xl a 0egs ocag. Po.D L.. Dood, Sietitec Physical and' Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Vocti iihiceo~nt ,uhisi. Ne Yiek.Michigan Railway. .c- r21- ' QJ= T' ime Table goiag tatoeffecot, Sunday, Nut. 25- QA 96eIo. I Goiag Noith. SATSea.Gong South. FREN~CH ICE CREAM. FINEST FRENCH1 6.4~ . * COOKING. LOWEST PIaCES FOR Man. CCd.tadard Time. CI Ccadi. Sc" BEST MATERIAL. Ec. C ea.tiE. ciE- 7I Fort St., West. - Detroht. Mhch.;- --- --- -- _..---' CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. 11033U6 00-....TOLEO..i-..1 10 1510-.. C.. o. T R'soe.... 4 i2e6O4'oue uete' 22at 3( e~. jlots. 13 and 16 WashingtnSt. - Ypsilant itch. "-.""" 10 56ely-I...unde -...12 i1610 2p.. irst-c-baslRgsancd Stylisb Scddie Horses ..... ii3 701......Milan .... h11 5 0 to2t.. for Hire'. 4a5.o 7127 .Pittsaield- 1537 9I4)t..- .507 1 40i..ANN ARBIOR itSr, 9 2 .- 525 7 0 -I5.... elcad'...htI119510- 5.39 8OC6Whitmurn Lak 11 O 80-5.. 5 0 5 c .....- Hombrg.-..10 5Is8 - 116 u 5O.OoruDac.d. 95 -to3s -O8s0451 s7....Care.- 5..1-5 3ue.813 N O92 W tU21T. O il ol, d l.. t .C e adb c ... 640 utGhO 6 0 i4tics-5 05-...Copemsaih st8554 20 1 O51.. . 700 . Mansisste - t710 2 15 Z, . - l1.501.... 6 05.. 5 e zo nia....... 7 19 3 0 Saginaw Division. ONE NIGHT ONLY OigEat tmsa. Ghgacb Taaesday,WoveasbernSi'gas an . Pass, Pte 'pso jjo JB T11 0~57-..1740 .AA Arba r...A 1 .......25.u 9M. Mtagaificent Seenery,"'Amazon Marches, etc. c '16....it s05..East sagftaw.. s8a 10 560 Prices, 76,n 60, and 36c. . w$ ASHLEY, A. 11. PAsnzy. seats osaale st tbe[P. 0. eSe sRoom. GEO. H. AZLt 0015. 1A PAen.s g