'C. of 'MT"IfiL. Publisbed Daily (Sndays excepted) dring the Collee ear, by THE U. of M. INDEPENDENTASOCITION. Sobciption price 11t..5Aper year, invariably in advance. Single copies) cents. On sale at Sehansanid Pot 011c romsnatand every eenig at 6 o'clock. Subscriptiu may ho left at the otie of the DIL, Opera Houase blck, at sheelnn's, at Solaiet's, r with any atf te editors. Commuinaiicatiois eold cacb tbcrofc by Il A. h. it they arc to sliper tec same day. Aidessoll matter itendaed fr pblication ti the Mansing iEdior. Albasinesscomn catissholdbibe snt itoSchelBsieslMaic ager. Recport all negect on the t)artatf Carriri is the City Circatr, w. llONei. THE U. of . DILY, Ann Artir, Xih. EDTORS H. Bs. SnOEAERB'.Onaat1. EClo. A. H. COVER, 'a2. Ae'. M,,ai,,n Brar. M.. HAMMnn'n. Ba~in.,, M."~.. W. B. 'NEiLL.,', -. ta. MANORR,. R. W. DOnUGTY. 'a.2, Aee. B.MAQ. \4' In. Otiticix. '. (kV'. nIt ian\ 4t.'t ;?. O) HLLA,i,'2. L..$017T eiars'ti.S. T, (} wI'iiseiiA, '=';. j. 1.. MAtSiN, 9. Out' eitorial st is cottposed f reresentatives frottn every d- pariitnent of the Unitiversity, a pintcile that haus never before beetiadlheieidto by any paptier piteviisn'hv pbished lee. Ot of tealry twentytwo litttdted stuidetts (ver eeen ituitdreil are to be fountinitie professiotal ilepatm'tents. Conetuettly, be- lievintg that a tt'te U. of At. pape' shoililviice the sentiett of the ettire Utiversit, we have ttade this pulblcation,. ot the orgatt of o)11e departett, but of all. Foot-Balli. Eighteett 11101 isere out for foot- ball rictice yester'day aftertioon, and11bothtliyesterilyiandtu oday a large crowd of fellows watched the ttten at work. The crowd was lll'g(' elolglinii fact to seriously intrfere withi the practice. Sotte mteatslbhold~i be devised for keep- iog the crowdl back, even if a roie hias to be stretced~ entirely arouid tlisafiel. The foot-ball tianage- nteut bshould rettedy this atitonc. Lawn of '92-Continued. r.. A. Smith, Battle Creek. J. E. Patt, Ain Arbor. . T. Barnes, leni. Ci, 0. Halley, Battle Cree. Chas. Baird, Grand Crossing, Ill. G. S. Johnmson Eaton, Pa. E. J. Price, newark, o Albert Horton, Milleratur, Ky. R. A. Slaw,'Lexitmton, Ky. J. B. Mae, Ann Arbor. .. W Halloway Winebeaster, Ky. G. Ef. Babcock, 'East Gilad., It. A. Ball, Weston. W. Va. F. Al. Pierce, Brooklyn. THE U. OF M. DAILY. W. G. Crohill, StBondlete, hItd. STUDENTS' BOOKS- P. A. Sullivan, Kewatee, 111. A. C'ole, IBellevue, ta. liUY YOURICOLLEGE .. 1. Eli igrJrC'icagi, Il. I. Dewitt Hlands, MittArtir. Bo ,~L W ~ ML IA O~ F. W. 'Booth, Mashlat, Iltt. ok A H E.IL. Latie,tBurlingtn, Kan.OE 1)0,A''l i RI. C. Rerick Seteca. STL'DENTS' B100K STORE, STATE STREET. J. W.P'tigttitty0. Secetnd-hianid books at oss prices. We aie agetst of Paul E. Wirt, Scott and JothntiJ. Adrich, ierpont, . IRottandt fotttain pen. IBargains in Stationery. Jlohn . Muzzy, Sititliviie, N. Y. Chas. J. Award, South Beun,Int. - --- ___________- ______--_________-- ________-__ BUSINESS LOCALS.=== ICH GA L T 1 [Niiiecs inertcd intisilumn oaoi at he rae 11 "The Niagara Fall Rt." ofi t0 cens per hine, siigle inserist. Stecial- rae o ogr eadetalieiunse y ptiyig at thiloffhic or by conuliingeR. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. W.tDoghtyAssisanhBusnenss Manager.] -AND )iti ' Go to . B. Itall for coa. 'owN'' Leek at The TwoitSams' ai. j1IIV' 1iC I t " . I Ituy yer too' books uof Catlagtan t jjA j B11Aule S JOIiBiE3 aCo.I'5__tatSt Try Totetdo Stearn Laiudry. 8 2213NT. /SCaE., ' ' 'w - IF BtstlhIc uat P. . Barber S.5105 All1 thi news'tingiitneckwsear tt -1s'- ba a I t Wagier ' C.'' 21 . Mai. THE BE Order II ryters c'andies t Grube rs. S Doueti-bre's tdov'ereoat.'t Wag- i aei eet'..ron l i ihe 11cmr. tooui&2.5pr seekI. Cicur uoinmili -e- Fllttstoitkiohitings't tafter's. eahionm. 5 ,Iz Buiy 'iar, catidy, statinery, etc.. P. R. CLEARY, President e a m at Gruber ' . 0.New's Roonm. -Al Ithtet.new'e'st styles in cltintg ef BURLEIGH & JOLLYie alt IkitisatJ.1'. Jacobsc L'C.s, 27 DE'AItLR IN 11142SMuint t. o a t mt5 ~7's\/cI Itargan in netws'base-buriu'r coat I" 'i UI F~ Stolves at Eberb itilIHardiware Co.'s. BLANK BOOKS,n Buny your scolegi'text-tboioks,tnesv ltistATHELETIC GOD SAND STDENTS' IPPLIS nn a' F ss'cindlhiaun, t tthe Studlents' Book _________ _______________ RauuteStattiuris stock of trouser- ciy.Ite e Cre e tmu'Soils Wate, hu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,odgs suit fantcy vestitgs. netiusCihoucis IFor tblarget tin' of tess'anuslet-amdtotico sh liats thundcs tou le foutnd i hte O 'STE ,SRYSTEW' 0111P1AIN q c city, gii tii J. '. Jacobs & Co., 27 thd all and nen us at ; tt 291 Haint 26 SO''WIU STATE S2'c ' Seconid-handtulbseks, tutattk tioiks, andstD. L. DODS HEALTH EXERCIS ER _ i 1aJE . 1 sta tioneur ' eeus t Seti, 3,o.s orBain worer ntary t eonp Plpit o 7 _ Ca .. 'I e fmnulo.'s e L a diKus, 1'S oPsbaheui-- Boiok tote. Atletie or inali. A ciimplees'eecii'I Ihe"I. sit .M1Foutaini Pen"ll aoumly B ginia unoc.S u n 2.00 at'rilbi.r' P. . Store. drae, inpsiniie lap w)v RtlQGLP5 it1. W. to. yE ~F _ idrseily se...ro c a .nsaw-I sc P&T A. hienes "'oum .:'T Alarge lte of Trunks, Satchels uiacr iod au1lak. largo i rg's;lnocillirec Prt. 1. I Toledo Ann Arbor and North Iluttd-bsugs t reasoabe pries, at X'.cl OCluie, 0'ibidtuii,tt 'icciN- 'sri.icigni Railway. J. T. Jacobsa & Co.'s, 27 & 25 H aiti ieTbegigitoefc,'odyNv' street. 1 _____21. TTime Tabiagnheehantno. ari tgentsidoy,'Wae. Shielat &to lreagtus otXXito0ing NSrth8aria u Coing Sna Itolanid & Sciott tfountainu tenus. Q Ni\. _,"lj. Ituty State Guitars. alt siesillnmiose tiENCHtWE CR EAM. b'tNftS'l FRE'Nt M'ean I C a 5 ~tada d Tme.Cl'e is. wiood, mipti'sutand mahoganty. 1ully tCOOKIN. ~.LO5Cr 1I iS'i(t'.S tFO t EP. ap apMal tp. toai w ]aat Lt~~ iucra. Best gutar Ti _"--' --- w~i. wranVilitring.sce c. at air,3 1Fort St Wet. -DeroiStn ntee] .... .I'.A.B'r en.""I ria siiih thugDl' itiiPci,.,_________-1it i P~ . iut un for lo.lBantjouS trings, c. Losset CITY LtVERY AND SALE STABLE ..... . 4107 4i'Mnnreno neun 12 L is10 " prices guarlanteedt 25 SosuthiFourthi C.. 'OS'.P1( io 'n . }.."" 457 ....4..luudee . ,,... i151 170. 3 nd15 aeinto S., Ysiani, ic. 435 755 ..i...Miann ....150 1 9 S5. aveunue. Alvin ilusey'., 3tOi abnln t.'Ytlni1t 2 ..Ptfcd..ld i P'is-ui~stRigi andSut SyihuSaildle iNrse 4(5372 1uail 149., 577 183 ANN RAI.5110 9 All ble novelties iii Neckwear, Kbisleo lre. , 5 4 V....... .. gelI910 50 Clsuves, Canes, CUtelaseti., ets., a'''''700 auui.....amnegake.11 15 5 J. T. Ja1cobs & Cius 27 sand 2IllaMui s. I '(. '..... s s as..... Hoel .....itl 5 Rtandial'S Mihliery tOpenuig Tlias- ^I...... 7 1,5 9 5 .... Daund...9. s51 0." sday atd 1risay, dOct. ihist 4, '3o E. 1 ....... 63 10 rho ......Connia..1.. 1 s c 4 "' Hu ronl street (ity). '...'' 07 145 I th...sasan_.......,Sic i'" Rhod.sli'his le best suit cleauest coa. 9 22, 12'' Ntitli)St. Lou...... 7I 1sO" Yard, W. Iiurusutstreet, unear 'rhaisud. jA. M. 15 16 12 4 ...t.tleamnut.. i0a45a4sic (.onu Host's I~istory of Costitu- NO. 12 W. lIUlION"ST lii)si 51203....Cra..... eir15g.c ' S as ...... m 4 i ......aewel ...:. tionl of U. S. at Callaghanut & Co.'s, 350 ______________________ t 3S. ' 31 .... adilci.,....... 1 South State street., 8057....4 45 V Cpmi ii ...... 9as'1 _________ _____ ONE NIGHLT ONLY 1uai... 02.... 0 ela ...... Little Patrice.1013._us 18. Sale inat 81I A thoughiher portrab hasQoften been..October n 4 l... Frantfot 7 SO. te intenewspapers, glorious privilege Wednesagina.w DtSio'n. after which the individual so honored might reasonably be excused for dyng, Tie Chamin and Verate CineneNort STTINtS. Goig 80'a and although a very large nnmber of Little Actres,' critics and other well intentioned and rl^1 -fTN ^7- p~my Pam. pa, reasonably impartial people have told . pa..L"'R7t s.. t .. -. her that she possesses the spark of gen- In H W. Rightiren soneen. 5P.If- A t Ann Ar A. t 1M"" ions, beauty ad many other desirable Sat Comey Drama 7.,..7 38.5..naArbor,. 5 ill 3 ,,50 things, strange to say, Patrice, the 8 7RCALL ... 986s..a.Dutandag. 1...... "6 yonng star, lisa not allowed her head to AM ID NI..HI1I.tsl ..East atw.. 7t4an enlarge its boundaries. Her head is J~W SLY .lP~LY still well shaped, with hair cut short a ldb togrmteCmay satt SLEmt. O. PaIsL. A5 the back, and allowed to flourish luxur- suprtdbyaStogDrmdecmpn. .5,a AZIe OO. Loast Gen . , iantly over her forehead. 'CRICES--25, 50 AND 75 CENTS.