Nii~g~zsALI VOL. I. No. 36. The Medic Sports. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. Alpha Nu. DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE. Wright, Kay & CO I Pm~t nhcaWrTinha, KI yrt& C . In the heavy-weight wrestling, The regular meeting of the Adams, 'i4, won from McClurg, Alpha Nu Literary Society was '92, after a hard struggle. The held last evening on account of 100-ydl. dash was won by Bur- the meeting at University Hall gess, '92, over Arneill, 94. this evening. Instrumental music Time 11 1-5 seconds. Thurtell, was furnished by Miss Davis. 12, won the light-weight wrest- The first on the literary program ling over Swantck, '94. was an essay by E. E. Taylor. Thirty men on each side then This, was followed by a reading by lined up for the class rush, which Miss Fleisher. C. E. Filkins was the best conducted in many gave a whimsical account of the Years. The first goal was won by origin of All Saints' Day, fol- '92. The greater part of the '94 lowed by some interesting re- rushers then went home, which marks on Hallowe'en. The de- necessitated the forfeiture of the bate was on the question of the rush to'92. government ownership of rail- AWoul-ways. The afirmative was sup- A Would-be Orator. ported by Thomas Lyon and the We give below a letter recently negative by J. Lowenhaupt.- The received by Prof. Trueblood. It question was then thrown open to is needless to say that the writer the house, and a general discus- is not a graduate of the U. of M. sion followed. lle is foreign to this State. The thanks of the meeting are 14 T$oMAs C. TRUEBLOOD: due Miss Davis for assistance in EA SsIR ,-I wish a good oration music. The society is in a flour- very much. If you could send me a god oration, one arranged well that ishing condition and everything could not be criticised I will pay you gives indication of a prosperous three dollars. I cannot finish it myself year. by the time I want it. If you will Wrte it for me please do so immedi- ely and I will send you the three Junior Class Meeting. dollars. I want it to begin well, be- ' ginning with something about litera- About fifty loyal members of taro, its influence, the good it has '92, including three co-eds, gath- done I like literature very much and ered in Room A, at 10:15 this hope you can favor me. I should like somiething sad then, something col- morning, for the purpose of elect- tainng beautiful thoughts and life, ing class officers. F. J. McElwee something that will touch the feel- presided. Very few fraternity I . h a e i- men were present, consequently cally ald suh ascould not be criti- fhere was littte opposition to the 5lsed. Please answer immediately and independent nominations. S. W. sd oration by the seventh ifpss- sedertosithlee nt iPo"si-Curtis was elected president; F. e. I will send money upon receipt of manuscript, or if you desire will send Burns, treasurer; G. E. Fitch, ltsooner. The oration to be of such a secretary. legth that it will take ten minutes to The ladies were left to elect a 'deliver it. Respl -- -- -- .Telde eelf oeeta vice-president at some future T1le omoeopathic students pre- meeting. After several interest. 55nted a gold headed cane to Pro- ing speeches by the members elect, fesor Mack, last night. the meeting adjourned. R ev. Robjert Nourses Lecture at University Hall Saturday Evening, Nov. 15. The Webster and Jeffersonian societies are arranging to give two or three extra lectures during thezyear. A committee consist- ing of Messrs. Park, Jewell and Puter, from the Webster, and Messrs. Baldwin, Largent and Newcomer, from the Jeffersonian, has been appointed. They have been fortunate in securing Rev. Robert Nourse to deliver the first lecture on Satur- day evening, Nov. 15. He will appear in his great hit "'Dr. Je- kyll and Mr. Hyde." Mr. Nourse needs no introduction in this city, ni lie is already well and favorably known here. As a dra- matic orator lie is unsurpassed. He is endorsed by the leading men of the country, and the press in every city in which he has ap- peared speaks in glowing terms of Iis abilities. The societies are endeavoring to raise funds to repair and beau- tify their rooms, and should be commended in their efforts at the same time to afford a rare enter- tainment. The admission price has been placed at the low figure of twenty-five cents, and Univer- sity Hall should be crowded on this occasion. Tne Baldwin Lectures. Rt. Rev. Alexander C. Garrett, bishop of Northern Texas, will deliver the first of the Baldwin Lectures for '90 before the Ho- bart Guild on Sunday evening, Nov. 23, in St. Andrew's church. The second lecture will be given on the evening of Friday, Nov., 28, in Harris Hall, the third in Foreign Buyers, Importers of Gems and Art Goods, Jewelers aqd Op- ticiaqs. anufacturers of the Finest Society Badgesnpadei the courtry, Samples sent upon pro- per references, D estr-oit Ojaemr-ev fle.ovsp Bfk., 140 WOODWARD AVE., Metroit, - - Mich~ean. WHEN IN YPSILANTI, STOP AT THE OCIDIMR AJJ IIOThL Seial Rates to Students. St. Andrew's church the follow- ing Sabbath, and the fourth in Harris Hall, Dec. 5. The mem- bers of the Hobart Guild will at- tend in a body. Bishop Garrett's subject has not yet been announced, but as he is said to be an exceedingly logical and eloquent speaker, his lectures cannot fail to be both interesting and instructive. A Medical Society. A number of the medical stu- dents met last night and organ- ized a medical society, which will be to the medics what the En- gineering Society is to the en- gineers. It will probably be named after one of the professors. Several committees were ap- pointed, which will meet next Saturday evening to perfect the organization. The first regular meeting may be expected within two weeks. A gun club has been organized at Cornell.