T4EU n'MDAILY THE Nis RW - CLOTHING HOUSEK 171, 173, 175 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigarn . #fK RR4 THE BYR ra Rs K Men's, Er1 j ~NTLEMEN's FURNISHINGS. Chl clrz ens H 1 GM ATS AND {AF S 13 0 eoFF the atesf Qraze, 1Latest Novelties Arrivino Dail. NEW BOOK STORES, 6 South Mair Street. 44 Soutt State Street UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, 3 T 1 rT4 -- Q- - R ' Medical Books, Law Books, BLANK BooKs, ALL KINDS AllBooks used in City Schools. Students, Note Books and Pads, Draft- Complete Line of Sporting Goods, ing Instruments. Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A Warranted Fountain Pen (Gold) for $1.50.I HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES. (r. VIwH"W ILD, is showing the Largest Stock of Full Dress Suitings in the market. All the latest shades and novelties in Trouserings and Overcoating s. Fine Vests can be had of No. 2 E. Washington St.. near Main. G. H. WILD. I i nmIr"lr-r"% -W A -U-% 0-4. JAMES M, STAFFORD, TLA.RGt GREATEST VARIETf All iD Oii LAMPS, in this city. You wi IED STAR " OIL has no charring of wick and g Sold at tO cents per gallon, delivere The host place to get a 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. fIgs5 ± +Q(AS8 + UL THE CAMPUS. Rev. Robert Nourse, in his GrADE TO ORDER "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" will be the chief attraction at Univer- LATESTj STYLES city Hall, Saturday evening, Nov. 15. The tickets for the Cornell game call be secured frot any of MODERATE PRICES, the directors, Van Deventer, Wis- ner, Shaw, Thayer, Codd, Stone 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. and Marshall. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICH. $1.25 is the price of tickets to the great U. of M. Cornell game, railroad fare and entrance to the Spca aupegrounds. The field sports on Saturday will contain several events never Gents' Fast Black Hose, contested at the U. of M. before. Gents' All-Wool Rose, A three-legged race has been Extra Quality Suspenders, added to the list of entries for the Superb Assortment of Ties, sports. All-Linen Initial Handkerchiefs The '93-'94 tug-of-war on Field Day, promises to be a hot con- test. SPECIAL LEADERS The first meeting of the new Mathematical Society was held last evening at Prof. Harrington's WHITE SHIRTS house. Every member of the ' faculty interested in mathematics a - was there, together with several ILLS ("'I advance students and two profes- sore from outside the city. Arti- desd Popular Dry otds aw4 uporyeistore. by the twenty members ofrthe 20ISouth Main. faculty present, and a paper was EST STOCK, a LOWEST PRICES ll save money by buying of us. Our equal, burns without odor, or ives a clear white light. ed to any part of the city. PEAN & GO. read by Prof. Cole. The society will meet at the homes of the different professors. The meeting of the Jeflersonian Society last evening was very in- teresting. The most taking fea- ture of the program was whistling by some young ladies. Captain Malley will accompany BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ANN AIM S AVINGS 3ANEI WM. ARNOLD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 36 MAIN sTREET, Speta sattention paid to repairing watches an Jeweiry. M. W. BLAKE, PICTURES, FRAMES, A ND ART GOODS. 10 west Huron St- FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manufsctsrer of sand dealer is SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER Cor. Fourth and Depot Sts. J. HALLER 46 SOUTH MAIN ST. Repairing a specialty. 0. M.MARTIN, DEALEI N the D. A. C. foot-ball eleven to Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND COMMON COFFINS. Pittsburg to-night and coach themC in to-morrow's game. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Rakers and dealers in There will be a meeting of the Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, Lecture Board, Nov. 8, at 1:15 ad 85. WashingtonKSE. .JOHN WOTZKE, p. m., in the S. C. A. room. Maeruf flne LADIES' and4 GENTS SHOES. Yesterday in the tennis tourna- Repairing neatiy done. 43 S. Main St. ment, Van Inwagen and Burns GRANGER'S beat Effinger and Colgrove, 6 to 3 ACADEMY OF DANCING, and 6 to 4. Codd and Cooley played Page and Slocum, 1 to 6, -posite Eaw BuIldIng. 10 to 8 and 5 to 5, when the play Pupits will be received at any time during was stopped. thelseason. An effort will be made by the Through Vestibuled and Colonist Rugby directors to send the eleven Sleepers Between Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., and Port- on an Indiana trip later in the land Oregon. The Wisconsin Central and Northern season. De Pauw plays here on Pacific lines run through Pullman Ves- the 22nd. tibuled and Colonist Sleepers between Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., and Captain Cumnock, of Harvard, Portland, Oregon. The train known as the "Pacific Express' leaves the has invented a nose mask for Giand Central Passenger Station, at foot-ball men. the corner of Fifth Avenue and Harrison Street, at 10:45 P. M. daily. The Philadelphia Press names For tickets, berths in Pullman or Col- Yale as the probable winner of onist Sleepers, etc., apply to Gxo. K. TiocrSoN, City Passenger and Ticket the intercollegiate foot-ball cham- Agent, 205 Clark Street, or to F. J. ions andHarvad a h EDD, Delpot Tlotet Agesnt, Gramd pionship, and Harvard as the Central Pase er tation, coraerFiftl victor in the Yale-Harvard game. Avenue and arrison Street, Chicago Ill. C_ :