THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS' Prince Albert Suits, cutaw~,vSits, and Fine Dress Suits, JUST ARRIVED- See Yonman'.s Hat, Knox's H~at, Silverman's Huts and Caps, AT'THE TWO SAMS A llL . T Z A o r S p i j j l la p fry V O O R H E IS & I T S BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, *WOlRXCALLEDF OR and DELIVERED. FI RST CLASS WORK. UI-SPiCIAi RATES TO STUDENTS.IC I 4Office._ 23 South Fourth Ave. PILL AIl] SEE LUS, Of Old U. of M. should have a Urniversitx loft.Mi higan Guitar. Prics lwes, Qaliy hghes. Garatee evry nchof the road. Violin amd Guitar Strings, 10 eta.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings. .5 ets. Everythiingr in proportion. :3. . Cl S.ement, ALHED T7T PINO & CL .A N OtT RASJE AT BROWN'S DRUG SORE CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETS. LARGSTa STOtK OF TrOILTa Goons AND FINE CIGARS, TOIBACCOS AND CIGARETTES IN THa CITY. 4. Yob X Collarsiana Cidfs, Neckiles OF- FERGUSON & SLATING, 2v sOTTTTI SST.A.W2_ W., - _STTT .AR 8oIm. WAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. yStudent will save money boy buying University 'Text-Books and all suppliel tt Ileadqtiarters. We allow special dliscount on LAW BOOKS, MEICt(AL lOOKIS, DI'NTAL BIOOKS, in short, every Book used in the tniveIrsit . at}1)1 l3anik Books at lowcot prices ERAB1ZIN(; BOOK./411.O+lLry IN)1.{J1 A11 (l~T. __ r a T, ALL THE ItEL ES ST STLS MI1SCELLANEOuS. IDr. Vaughin will givo all stil- INItenls tconditioed, orl'not Jpassed C L T Hi ll any of his eor , an l oppo1- JJQ tunity to lass the same neiixt Fri- day att ? p. ill., ill],is 100o11 in 110 Ilx glenl il Laboratory. OF AL KINSIATFol.EY GUILD.-There will be a OF AL KINOIAT icetin~g of 1110 Foley Guild, Sat- ~ - T. JA.COBS & co.'s, urday, Oct. 8, at S p. in. P. 3. JRALLY, Pros. 27 AND a9 MAIN WIN Tile Plhilological Society will .tneet oil Thursday, Nov. 13, in L. GRNER.Room E, at 7:15 sh~arp. A paper Dtealermi will be prsne Mr. Ilelser, No.8s Sooth Main street. Oi"aryIblnan tipe- ~Ittiigdone Neatly and Promptly. lions." kpZ1hmond StraIght Q~lt. Communication. No. 1 CIGARETTES. To Thle I.S. MDAILY." Cigarette smokers who Iii your issue of thle 3rd I notice this: :- aresiling to Day a little "Thley (thle Pllrduie boys)hwvrcm in~oree thanthe rceloerco- cagdfrteorl.tioteli plaill of thle unlgenitlenmanly actionis of trde Cigarettesswill faid 'rtSitRANDl suplerior to 0118 of our Ru~gby teaml who, thley say, / all others. didlilnoteafolet-ball urill toin 0115 No. IC' 'didrOlriTe ilichmonodStraightt ,ttre toi- E t igOiC5et to ads trtom the bright- j ure thleir turn whlenever lie hald an up- Osl must dtillsaely ftaorltedl sdi highest rost °d rL' a Itoantt isVitihCurgiola. 'ITis is tile til3 lortlltity." '10thlis apparent''roast" attwa brought sot by tus in tho year 1075. Iol iet ata fweee Osare or Ititatios, and observe that tte tPurtdue tman gets a little humlpthley Srt fla a as ttelowr is ansevery packhage. t1he AtLLEN & lltN'Etit Branch call thlat inijury, certalinly it apipeairs Or tthe American ac'ltlno Co. - atrs - - lliehnlsad virgrtlllothlat the Purdue boys are afraid to take palrt in thle game they profess to play. WREN IN YPSILANTI, InI reptorts of Eastern games we hecar STOP AT THE of injturies very serioos, but we nlever read of thlis ias "ngentlemainly action"' OCCIDE TALJ onl the part of oppnit HOTELS If so mluchi was Ilottmade of such ...Stecial Rates to Students. matter, as iin this article of the 3rd's ---------------------issue, thle University team wottld pros- SaoIITaAND.Any one desiring in- per more than in thle past. Itruction ill Shlorthand will please call Foot-bal tisbsi oghr Ithe office of J. W. Miner, Practical halatisetsaruhrl Stenlogapher, 39 E. Huron Street. game and all whle are engaged in it Terms reasonahle. Call and see me. shiould expect hruises, etc. As to tilt fact thlat thle man11 referred tot 11(idot play foot-ball, let Capt. Mal-o lcy dlecitde. Ile is hlere to Isalkethle bssys play foot-b~all 11111 surlrt'3will hlave sdiscretionl enoutghl to chloose on~ly foot- ball ptlayers for tile teawi. ONE OF Tim EI.EVEN. Foot-.Bail Games Tuesday. Cornell 2(3, Trinity 0. Rochles- ter 9, Union 0i. Princeton 85, Columbia 0. Harvard 33, Orange1 A. C. 0. Yale 52, Cresenits 0. Boston A. C. 34, New York A. C. 0. Capt. Malley has left his team to take the Pittsburg trip with tile 1). A. C's. Re went last evening, withlout the knowledge or coniseiit of the mnanagemencit. Tile Manhlattan A. C. aiid Sal- ford Hariers held their joint llIhandicap illeetitlg at Madisoni Square (Garden on Saturtday. Cary ' wls beatell by Miteliell, '92, in the final ileat of the seventy-yards dash from a lhandicaps 8f 11 feet in 7 2-5 seconds. A. 1I. Jomies, '93, w5onl his trial heat ill 7 2-5 seconds. The Castalian board met last evening and decided to offer $75 in cash prizes, as follows: song, $25; cut, $20; poem, $15; story, $10; best and most original grind, $5. Professors Thomas, Dewey and Rolfe will act as judges. 7 [Uti ' U C,,v Dtc's., Mch. 'FiIto lo t :uits l j it toO 'I tt lisetHtouseill tihe Stale. Agens soIce Nartit,. 55atltbutsi, litoo antl Ilsttoty G5utltt'-. IllSDoi 'l tttl.Stew- MILLE RH TS Tics. O ood~peed's, The PA TENT LEATHER Best SOS Millinery and Art Gfoods. ,W EstiHuron St. JIW, YORE~ & SOX, Mianufaciturerofg, Band lnd 01r1111h ,Settd ft crr a ivne AfiI Vree ZOO OGRAND RIiDS, 311CIAN. --eTH E A RG U S.s-- fJNZ joy al10 AT LOW I RiCES. SHORTHAND [GRE IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand Seheeiji~cw Buiidthg, 20 South Stite Street.