M. DAILY. THE U. OF 'C. of 'niF. Iaiu. Publishest Daily (Sandays excepted) during the College tecar, by THE U. of IM. INDEPENDENT ANSOC1AT1ON. Subscrption price g2.50 per year, invariably in advance. Single copies 3 cents. Onesale at Sheehan's and Post Otice newt statnd every evening at 6 o'clock. Subscription masy be left at theoflice of thelDAtLY', Opteta touse block, at Shehan's, at Stotllet's, or tih any of te editors. Comtnmsnicationo should rechithe 'ofeby 10 A. M. iftihey are tssapspear thesaea(lsay. Address alomatter intended for publicatiott 1W the Mattagirng Editor. All busisneat commn-ost catlous ohould Ito senst to te Busitness state ager. Rettort all neglect :totlsrtsart sof Carriers to the City Circulator, W. Bt. O'Neid. THE U. of N. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Nich. EDITORS. H. B. SOAER, 'at,'AAIG DTR W.. .tGRIFFIN,'at.ase'c. MANAINGaDTR A. H. COVERT. 'as. a**'T. MANAGIG. DIOR M. S. HAMMNDo.'at. BuinsMNGR W. B. O'1sIL. '9A T BS ANGR Rt. W. D OUGHTY. '92. 5..'c. Bus. MAAGER. E.10.ts.tJ . :.s1t. 5. .. tttT vtt.'It. El.t'tliOs'. J. Ot' 'Isas ''. L. G. W ttT'EHttut, '4)3. f.PIL. MASON, . 1 It is unlfortunallte thiat the claIss games as now arran~gedi, initerfere with the practice of te 'Varsity teamti. Sinlce tilt object of class teatns is to develop 'Varsity ma- term!l, tiltspresettcotiflict isi re- gard to timne of playisig and grotutds shold~s in sonie way be retnedied. Unle's the gatmes can be played at an earlier' hour some otlier grounds should be secured "Let me say that all ungenltlemanly player is tile worst enemyll of atsy gamue. Then, toe, a tdirty' player will tirver do as well as tttought le playetd a -sqluare, harsd, clean gatne. 'What rustier's 11a110 stunts pre-emititit at Priticetoni :XWho is Yule's greatest pslayers And yet (Cowan atid Gill were tiever ktnowsn to step their harst, clean pslay tosc vrip~ or sltlg. At Htarvardl, Yiardisg atndl 'litnock have Iplayetd the samte Issition--the formler wvas a sltigger, tje lutter noted is a hard btt inantlly player. I ask my foot-bull friens wh s~ichi was theo grouter1plaiyer? 't'henl the sectionl which I demnd ttof all foost-bsall mtett is to try to dligtiify thse spoert bsyIpilyin~g a live, hard, watcltfusl, mansily gamle. Let every captuits, "couch," anid friendi of foot-hull ems- phalsize' tore thiasi ever the 1100d of grit anit tirelessly thurd effort, is-1't lerts' tisciounstenaunce dirty play or atigry disttlay. It shiould be the ptridle sof every team to become sioted as coni- posed o(f the hardest and best bttmlist getllemantly players." ATHLETIC NOTES. Crasnstosn, Harvard's 'etntlrshl, I has recovereti ando is again play- isig with thle elevenl. Owisig tos the fact that s0oImansy osf the oarsmieni of Columsbia aire plaiyinsg foot-ball this fall, it is psrolbable that the anstual fa. Ir'i- gattai will lnt be i'owedl. The Hlarvarsdfall gatnes were held oi Saturday atid were sin- uisullly sulccessfnl, the tisiile ill all the evesits beisng very good. BUSINESS LOCALS. STUDENTS' BOOKS. BUY YOUR COLLEGE TETBOOil. LAW ANDT MEDICAL Q05 NOTEh BO~OKS, A 1TH STUDENTS' BOOK STORE; STATE STREET. Seoesls-llltts books at low prices. We are agetts of Putl E. Wirt, Scottan Holland fotntain pen. Bargailsaiti stationery. T~hD ST MQLU.AN GAD A isnl l "The Niagara Fls Rote CENTRAL STANDARD TIME AND 'THE Cma1 ~ CHARY W NW COLtLEGI~fE, 0f C ______I -IS- l 0.51 '68a ""THE BEST.w- - - Sev'etnteent eacher. Botelrdwth Frnshtsl ' S 5 oqI H5 toats 12.'. per week. Circsulars pes appi-t t Si g s' If P. R. CLEARY, President o "i a H oI s0 BUJRLEIGH & JOLLY 00 1DEALESI\ IN 3TATIDNERY 15"0 TLETI CLODSlAND TDENTS' DIMPLIES. __~~~ Best lse of FOUNT1AIN PENS in' theI city. Ice Creall, Sesdawatesa Cistfetietts,('sltlLetsvles _____________ Cigars and51 'obacc. I0 . OYSTERS, FRtY, STEW Ott PLAIN: 10 Call and seus at 1uIN't'I. ' 26 80T=1- SIXA.W:EJ 8 SI trQ DL. IIOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISIER I _m' 7 e OP - ;A ror Bran-oshen IkIdenat Poople i L'PIff I a t Oelt'ttsvt, Lsslts, Y5'tsth te Athlete rv a id~s. A Stomptlte i laily. *Sndy excepted. gt~sssus,. .'aks up bt i.5 ya i'ur loss o, e, sv, sietifict, S durablel, s'tmpsjebvsiv, chap 0 W.RUGOLNS, It. WLAbESr Isdbly os,ssssshsiits to' 0. P tT. A. Chiago. Ag' tIAl'o5 ye,,, clrgymaen, odit- t he r nowcasl'.g it. Sndfo lei c- -- - __ - 2'au s O. in,stt .sg's ltoch r . Pl D .I ClssLI sowd sifchysical and Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Vssal Cutue,9tatil4 t. Nw York. Michigan Railway. M 1 J J L O R Y 1 Thme Tle gig inoseet, Mnday.Noae. QAI 17 efx L LUsGing Nrtk. ISTATIOS.,Going Ssat' FRENCHI ICE CREAM. FINEST FRENCH i --'. .3.~ COOKING. LOWEST PRICES lFORf I osCe"Ca. tndrdTiets'e BEST MATERIAL. 1SFap. hoprallSadadTme li~ a TI Fort St.. West. - Detroit -_Mi-ch.__ ...1 a et u nL'e Ars , . p.X """""", CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE 1153 0 00 ..-..TOLEO-.. 1 1011tI"" C. I.. YOST, I'aerssT,)ts '' . 4 02 6 4 MSasga 3 net'n 12 25 3t' "" Noe. 13 ant 11 Washnglo t . - Ypsilanti lih ° . 4 ,0 047 ........Otsttdg..... 1d1 22"sa "; Firt-slas"Rilgs atd Stylish Saddle rsfcsa 4131 7 (0 ........iistts........ 11710 0""" for Hire. . 5 7 11 ... Pttgkld..... 11379 5 40'"" 50 74 ..ASS ABsOlIlls 9 10 5 1137 5...... I-eland',.. ii 1 10 ."" r .... b 60 815 ......anslsttg..... ic 568 5.."" 6 2S55I....DIoeasdl...... 1tOO 72. "" ,i (..... 77 3Is9i40 ......Dran...... 94720""IQ05 o"n 0113 /1e_______________G___ .__ . 0+41n110 Chuco-......955611134."" 'ts...Stni011s... 7 1 5 I ®Y Y' E IR 11M.'s 351 45 .....O..hn u .. 23 41' P 1.50.. ..1105 .....Faen ll.. ... 3 Y$ $ .. en yoj)m 2u S, 15"... 2 .Clk 6. . ' ftRR lI41...-...-.. - . " rea. tf t4r ~a~ m : a I~ . 117....o ,....M.aiate.s 7.10 (.47 3Q..... .... .07 .iaa..... 8 7 19...8 Magnihhc t erAmsn achs1ec 154 ..... II401FEanot f nai. S 1 Seas t al atth.P 0 Nes oo. lE.-B. A.LW. LAY f".& °t. <7x byute class elevens. Notices inserted in thiscolsmn at thse cute vyf s10 censper lite, ingle insertan. spec'ial - ----- :rates far langer time aad extra lines fuarnished We aaplttganthis office cr by consaltins IR. We pulishl in another columnn . Dtoughty, Assistant IBusiness Manager.] P Gruher's chocolates and host-heons' a commsunication called out by a are the eiest that can hoeumade, putre camps noe ofa reentissue. ftavors, tie adulteration. Try them. camps noe of5k rcent P. 0. News Roomi. The itemn refet'red to, gave the For futs! we will cut prices on Ban- opinion of the Purdue men, not 300, Guitars,' Maudolitis, Casesatid Strings for the satne, lower thsatt at that of the D)AILY, atnd was pritited any tiusic 110u100ill Mic'higan. This as anitem of nws. n Iiean ll hIthe words imply. A. Wilsey, purely a nie o es n235S. 4th Avenue, City. point of fact, the principal thing Foi.I RNI'.-Suite 1f rooms eleganitly IC 051'pha, whhel stikesa tan urnlishsed andis only a block froti calls in or paywhih sriks amanpus. 44 Soutth Thsayer Street. familiar withl the Easternt gamnes, Try the Toledo Steamn Landry. is the absence of qulick, shlarp, Go to E. B. 11111 for coat. hard lay, I~l is at- Inosect thsefinest litie of Overceoats had lyan tsparentit- illAnntiArbsor. Wagtser & ('o. tendant rougnglsess. Our teamn Stewart Basnjos at Wilsey's. inivdaly adas a whole, ply oilsi. IIvs"'.--Suiltg of teems nicely indivduall, ah~ p~ayfursiishiedl1ndthconvenienstly sitnated a gesitlemnanhy game, free from only a bock from thle campus. 41 S. unnecessary roughness,. although iTayer St. Chleapl. two o t~lt rushrs sole- ths 10e cat P. 0. Barber Shop. one or too usessm- Mell Gillesptie, Teachler of Guitatr, times becotme excited and play Bansjo and Mandotin at Clement's. hard, but with no intetntional hay State and other Guitars, Ban~ljos <