-_ t , _ "' r. .. - _ , i _ VOL. I. No. 35. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. FRIELD DAY SPORTS. trie for the Contests To-mor- The Rugby directors, last even- g, arranged the entries for the eld day sports, to-morrow. En- tes have been received for most of the events advertised. The garnes will commence at 2 o'clock. 8 is always the case with fall 'aes, the contestants are not very numerous, but they include all the best athletics of the college, and the contests promise to be elose and exciting. The events and entries-are: 100-yards dash: Munger, Cow- e,) Ilarvey, Adamson, Wingard, hite, hall, Van Inwagen, Van- evetr. 220-yards dash: Cowen, White, arvey, Saunderson. 140-yards dash: Malley, lar- °ey, Saunderson. One-half-mile run: Saunderson, igard. Fanningihigh jump: Van In- Wagen, Pusch, Fischer. 1junnning broad jump: Pusch, elley, Fischer. 'throwing the hammer: Malley, ) aughton. Ptting the shot: Farrand, Mat- ey, icClurg. Throwing the base-ball: Bab- oek, Leclear, Codd, Crosby, 1oth, Smith. Drop-kick foot-ball: Wisner, aIr Deventer, Stone, R. Three-legged race: Shaw and Wsner, Wilkinson and Abbott. The tug-of-war between '94 Lit. atd'13 Lit. is the feature cif the sPorts. There will be 50 men on side. Dygert will captain and Chadbourne '94. "t.e Q T cVas in Finance will here- ter meet in Room K. Political Science Association. At a iieeting of the Political Sci- ece Association committee, Wed- nesday night, after discussing the question of membership for some time, it was decided to have it somewhat more exclusive than last year. Membership will be open to those belonging to the historical and Political Economy seminaries, and such others as re- ceive the recomendations of the Association's executive commit- tee. Prof. McLaughlin was elect- ed president for this year and was empowered to appoint a commit- tee of three, to present nomina- tions at the next meeting for the other'oflicers, which are, vice-presi- dent, secretary and treasurer, and two members of the executive committee. This committee is to be composed of the two members thus elected and the three officers of the association. The discussions, besides dealing with the standard question of Political Science, will be extended to the more important current questions and promise to be very interesting. No Harvard-Princeton Game. The faculty of Harvard have refused to permit the team .to meet Princeton., having forbidden games outside of New England. Having already refused to allow the team to play Yale, it New York, they did not feel justified, in now granting the privilege for the purpose of playing Prin e- ton. This decision is greatly re- gretted by foot-ball enthusiasts, as such a match would have been the feature of the present foot-ball season. Plans have been drawn for a new gymnasium at Rutgers. Meeting of the Hobart Guild. At the regular meeting of the Hobart Guild last evening Miss Mary C. Bancker was elected re- cording secretary, in place of Miss Walker, who did not return to the University this year. Rev. Henry Tatlock proposed several changes in the constitution and by-laws which will be submitted to Bishop Davies and then adopted by the Guild. One of these is an important one, restricting the membership of the Guild to stu- dents connected with the Episco- pal church. It was decided to institute fort- nightly sociables of an informal character. FUKUSHIMA BACK. He Says He Is No Benedick. Reitaro Tokano and Katsutaro Fukushima, two bright Japanese students who graduated in the Law department last spring, took a jaunt into Detroit last Friday. A member of Ann Arbor's demi monde, who rejoices in the spot- less name of "Blanche," and an Ypsilanti maid named Maude Fuller, disappeared at the- same time. The story was that the two couples had eloped, and Maude's father sent Deptuty Sheriff Peter- son with a warrant to bring back his erring child. The search was unsuccessful. In the meantiruc Fukushima has returned, having left Tokano in Toledo. le admits that ie and his fellow Jap met the two girls at the Wayne Hotel, but de- nies that they all went over to Windsor together or tried to get marriage licenses. He does not know if Tokano has seen the girls in Toledo, bat Wright, Kay & Co. Foreign Buyers, Importers of Gems and Art Goods, Jewelers and Op- ticians, tianufacturers of the Finest Society Badges nade irl the country. Sampessent upon pro- per references, DCtroL Opalc H' Ole Bfk ., 140 WOODWARD AVE., Detroit, - - Miohigan. says the latter will be home to- night. Fukushitna expects to return to Japan very soon. Both the Japs are members of the aristocracy of the Flowery Kingdom. Fuku- shima was asked if lie thought the girls had hopes of an alliance with Japanese nobility. "I dunno," lie said with a smile, "I guess p'raps so." ATHLETIC NOTES. Cornell defeated Amherst Mon- day afternoon, 16-0. Thus far the following compar- ative scores have been made: Yale vs. Crescents, 18-6; Prince- ton vs. Crescents, 12-0; Yale vs. Orange A. C., 14-0; Princeton vs. Orange A. C., 0-0; Yale vs. Le- high, 26-0; Princeton vs. Lehigh, 50-0; Yale vs. Williams, 36-0; Harvard vs. Williams, 38-0; Yale vs. Amherst, 10-0; Harvard vs. Amherst, 54-6; Yale vs. Wes- leyan, 34-0; Harvard vs. Wes- leyan, 51-0. The " Harvard-Yale Freshmen foot-ball match will be played at New Haven this year. It is proposed to ablish the tug-of-war from the championship program of the A. A. U.