THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE__TWO __1SAMS Prince Albert Suits, cutaway Suits, and Fine Dress Suits, ---- JUST ARRIVED See Yonman's Hlat, Knox's Hai, Silverman's Hlats and Caps, AT THE TWO SAMS L 131 ITZ. sT , W~~T Of Old U. of M,, should have a University of Michigan Guitars Prices lowest, Quality hiighiest. Guaranlteed every inch of the roadl. Violin avid Guitar Strings, 10 ets'.; Banjo and Mandolin Str~ings, 5t cts. Everything ia proportion. L. It. Clement, N~l 38 S. Main St. ALLMLNINIUU RJ PIANIO & ORGAN CO. BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORN ER MAIN AND ITURON STREE'TS. LARGEST STOCK OF TOILEr GOOFS AND FINE CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARIETTES IN THE CITY. Aill Ar r T Ill lllilr VOORHEIS & DIETAS, Y~r ~ C BEST WORK IN THE CITY. STATE ST. TAILORS, ad WOI$ OALLEDF OR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. FERGUSON 0~ffice. - 23 South Fourth Ave. SPILLANL E i U22TTR T~~K. F er Sl1 51 detit tAvill s(ve 0 111 1) b buying versity '' tIt ); i l zp e :fliofadqtiartors. We 111ow pooital disc0ollnt. ca11 AW I 01 Al )11 AL l1,)OKS, IKA SAL I;BOOKS, in hu rt, eovor to t cztec 110 1 1 iii 0011 osil t O) 11ttlP'ai13 31 s t .ol ows ttotprices. Il.EA 1 x1 3()O1100 SII.':I l I 'll Ki{ 'Y liars and cuffs, Jackies Pewrrsjin(110Gloves & SLATING, - .25.20' 0 -Om1.. .... ,,,,, :..... .. . s. a. .. 1 1 1 ALL IE IE77EST STY-ILE AE; ISTNGUISHRO VISITOR. IN- I ishop Keane Vis its the Unive.rsity. TI""r'PT fl Int. Rev. John II. Koane, theA tf~ll""""irector oIf the Catthlc University, C FALK1Q~A most brillianlt pielates of the Catli- OFALKND;T olic elilircll, splenit the afternoon J. T. JACOBS & CO.'S, in in~specttig the IT. of M. He expressed limisself as aniazed at 27 AND z9 M1A[N ST. the mnagnitulde of the University,S anid at thie excellence and corn- L. GRUNER. Deale IIIpleteness of the differen~t depart Its 0 South Ala1n Street., lmealts. Ilu was especially iliter Ithp51lrngdone Neatly a1111'romnptly'. estedl in the chemical Iand Scelt-; leIhmonG{ Sfraight Qtt. tific laboratories, wichl depart- No.tI i nents a11e 50011to be added tito the CIGARETTES. Catholic University. f ;y". Cig;arette Smok tes lto leieeae "n"t n iling I t 110a ll 'dlielt hat the Catholic 1111or0 t han 1the110I0t niveoit, th h± (+Urg011 0110th illt). Universty, the Uiversity of '1l11t,11110\110s110110r 111Altielligat, Jolttts Hopkins amid Ct N TI) ltlthtnonll Straigrht Clark were thte only untiversities ost ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mal from thtel t1111 0118ilcbrit'- ttyl* '8< Sdlleotlti v 1000andll iigitrt 0,101in Amnerica, all the tOther educa- 8n I f gro11011in t' gtir- ti. This ll ( A11 id, )111 ut ras l gin 081511 tolusilltt (00'l trllOt~ts tionall inlstitutionls being bttt 111- fthtame as ieioi ztjl 11 IhotoovethtiIthe d ergraduate Schools. T0ALLEN & iIiNTEiitlranch Raj lf t he Ameroican Ttoblcoo '.._ - T- t80tt. - - ItieltnlS Virgintia ----Cilmores Band. WHEN IN YPSILAYTI, (TOO A 1115We give below the prograni of the Gilmnore concert, givenl at the 1 HOTEL pera, ouse to-morro wat 2 p. m. t OlIIUNTJJ VJJJ*This band heas gie a world _ Special Rues to Students--_. wide reputa..tioti, anidpoie toI S 10 TIIANis -Any 0118 desiring in- gtve a very interestinig eiiteriiti- s~trltioill 11 Sliorthtsnd'will please call mfen t. athe office of J. W. Miner, Practical enoORA31.I St8Oncrapher, 39 E. ituron Street. 1. overture-"Tanuisauser". . Wagner0 xeirls reason able. Call anid see ie. Gilmore's Band. 2. Mlorceao do Salont- ~LoinI dli lal" .......................................... .....illet (tilallre's ];arid. 3. Solo for sayocploe-" Tile Image ,Mtr. IE. A. Lefebire. Accompanlied by a qu0a00ette of French Messrn. Westoti, Caso,.Miel, Zilum. 4. Song for basso-"Let All Obey.1' .................................... .......Leach Suing by Mr. Edward O'~aliouy. 5. Flute solo-ILe (Carnaval Stusse." Mr. Vigo Andersen. Cad 61. Fifth symphonly-(Last movement onily)...... ......... eethouven Sherzo, grands march and 1100010linlie. Gilmiore's .Band. 7, Jewel scene from Faust, for so- prano.. ... .... .Gounod Sung by Miss Ida Klein. 8. Rhapsodie Hlongroise-No. 2..Liszt (Gilmore's Band. 9. Duet for E flast clarinet and B lIst clarinet-" Faiitaisie Ilullitar- Iall"'....... .Matmis Messrs. Miattus and Stockigt. 10I. Grand stena and duet from 11 rivatore Miserere "'.... Verdi Nlr. Bhode (cornet), Signor RalTayolo (euphonium) and Gilmore's Band. 11. Duet for soprano and basso-"i La ci dairem " ..........Mozart Miss Ida Klein and Mr. Edlward O'Malmony. 12, Grand poptilar fantaisie-" Rose, Shiamroctk ind 't'hiistle ". IBaetens Gilmore's Band. :Musical director, Mr. P. S. Gilmore. MISCELLANEOUS. Dr. Vaughan will give all stu- dents coiiditioned, or not passed is any of his work, an oppor- tunity to pass the same next Fri- day at 2 p. in., ill lis room in tile llygienical Laboratory. There will be a meetinig of 'the Hobart Guild in the ecsapel of Harris Fll this evening at 8 oclock. Important business '11 hel~Irt tTN 1I,-ilI'tl1 /rlltl~ti0 1!c11,' l flit Slae. A(, ! it~ N1n i1, 111111110I rt nd Eu ;i N Illl'lc :. t't t11, , l 11 e 1\ tr~d rt t I'v S :11 +" 1 I to 111t 'MIll tER STies. Good~peed'3, ThePATENT TeLEATHER Best 8 fOES. LFINFE PHOr"6GR APH8, Millinery and Art Goods.t 30tEst Huron St. MwiYORE & SN Moinuracttirers or Band lnd Orchestra Bald lnd OrcestraI Stc0111 fv or I'amage. .hlfaitl1°Foci. \ (IIIAND RAtIOS, SIICHTGOAN. --t.THE ARGUS,'- AT LOW 1'iocrFS. FINE JOB PRINTING. It11s080ralastoeplease.: atisfaonnCaranted REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE.