'TRE U (VP M. DAILY - ~VB1E, 4 V lT l CLOTIN{II OLJSE, oiBTT L'D0, 71, 173, 175 Woodward Avenue;,Detroit, MicigatI iii1K KH iL f , I L IS OJN \4'-' ChldeIAJJ.LOTH] NGHATS IANDaCF~ C- "Latost Novelties Arrivingl Dao L NEW BOOK STORES, 6 South Maid Streut. 44 South Stat Street U NIXVERSITY 'INT-B3001KS, S TATIOrhT=ON Modical Pooks, Law Books, DI r.ANK louis, LX ii vS, .Alij~ooks Used in City Schools. Students, Rote Books and Padts, Draft- Complete Linie of Sporting Goods. ing Instrumniits. Large Stock of Fountain Peins. A Warranted Fountain Plea (Gold) for $1.50.. i~1A~t ~D f~,the Latest Qraze, IGT TOFTIIT =:D HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES- G. H. WILD, is showiing the Largest Stock of Full D)ress Suitings in the market. All the latest shades and novelties in TLrouserings anid Overcoatings. Fine Vests can he had of No. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. G. H. WILD- I JAMES M. STAFFORD, TAILOR INIFORTERA The heat place to get a 'fI9, S ; + Q AS + I GKADEdTO ORDER LkTESI STYLES MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHI. bpeciaJ Valuep! Gents' Fast Black Hose, Gents' All- Wool Hose, Extra Quality Suspenders, 'Superb Assertment of Ties, All-Linen Initial Handkerchiefs] $0)SPECIAL LEADERS 201, NWHITE S HIRTS E, F, MILLS (& 0O., Popular Dry Goad3s and Carpst Store. 20 South Main. THE LARGEST STOCK, BJUINESSPIRLCIORiZ- GREATEST VARIETY V, LOWEST PRICES 0ivN0~ On LAMPS, in this city. You will save money hy buying of us. Our " IED STAR " OIL has no e charring of wick and gi, Sold at t0 cents per gallon, delivere 444 SOUTH MAIN ST. THE CAMPUS. On account of thie death of Miss Lilly, oldest daughter of Profes- stir Fordh, the Medical laboratories, were closed this afternoon. The (Glee (Clob of Browvn Uni- versity will miake a Southern trip this year. They will also give six concerts ini Boston and Provi dence. O'Neil, Law ';11, has been ill Detroit tis weeic. The Rugby association offers a banner to the chainpiois foot-ball teams. 1. 3qual, urns wtWMutAdoNOLD yes a clear white light. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Id t any part of the city. as MAIN STREET, pEA C , ipecXa1attention paid to repairing Watcels pEAN&i an Jewelry M. W. BLAKE, The New London, Conn., Board F'ICTURE.S, FRAMES, AN1'1: of Trade considers the Yale-li1ar- ART GOODS. is West Huron 51" yard races such a good tiling that FERDON LUMBER YARD,_, Manuacturer od and dealer in it has appointed a comiiittee to SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER confer aithi the utavies and offerI leeo. Foureh andODeot Sts.- thei inducemeiits to contiineJ. HALLER their contests oii the Thlamles, at , 46 SOUT11 iAlO ST. Newv London.lie pairng it specialty. TheChra U ionls now 225 0. M. MARTIN, The btosi I li~llDEALER IN active members. From the audi- Cloth Caskets, .Metallic ence last Saturday evening, it AND COMMON COFFINS. loos a if000tiket hae ben RINSEY & SEABOLT, look asif 2000tickts ave eei lakers and dealers i sold. Groceries, Provisions,Flour aid Feed, 6landS8 E. Washington St. l,. Union College has recently re- JOHN WOTZKE, ceived land valued at $100,000 LADIES' of fineS HO from Thlomas Arnmstrong, of Repairing neatly done. 43s.Main SI. Plattsburgh, N. Y. GRANGER'S The Yale museunm has just re- .. ACADEMY OF DANCING,-~ ceived the skeletoln of a sauriania opst a anssg prehistoric mfonster, of which but ____ two complete skeletons ale 1Pupils will be received at any lime durng5 knowii.the season. The Geological Society holds tts next meetinlg Friday, Nov. r, at wvhicht a paper will be read by Geo. I). Sones, on Gypsumt. The buildings of the niew uti- versity at Tarpon Springs, Florida, will be ready for use in October_ A scheme is oil foot at Yale to next year. Dr. Charles E. Sajoiis., put all the athletic associations of Philadelphia, has been chosen"tinder the mnagement of oiieire- presidesit. There will be courses sponsible person, givinig him full is iuediciiie, theology, law, arts, power to receive and disburse the veterinary stirgery aiud deiitistry. funds of the different organiza- At tlse meeting of tlue Unity tions as his judgmient prompts Club next, Monday evenling, Prof. him. Austint George will road a paper Thle tanageimeist of last sea- on "4American Literature,"and eon's base ball team at Yale has Miss E. B. Pearson will deliver presented the field association an address ons "Student Life at withs $2,500 and has au balance of the Harvard Annex." over $800. Through Vestibuled and Colonist Sleepers Between Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., and Port- land Oregon. The Wisconsin Central and Northl'if Pacific lines run through Pullman VeN tihuled asid Colonist Sleepuers hetweel Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., anal Portland, Oregon. The train knoW5 I as the "Pacific Express" leaves t00 Gimand Central Passenger Station, st the corner of Fifth Avenue and Htarrison Street, at 10:45 P. M. daily. For tickets, berths in Pullman or Cl onist Sleepers, etc., apply to Geo. 0, Tsaoam'soee, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, 205 Clark Street, or to . F. J EDDv, Depot Ticket Agent, Graxd Central Passemaer Station, corn~er Fifth fAvenue andH arrison Street, ChicW" Ill.