THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS, SMOKING JACKETS I TH-E NEW ASCOTT. A Mi Alorp~~1 Lallllry VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST, TAILORS, CORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. tIP5PFCIALORATES TO STUDENOT. t ice 23 South Fourth Ave. -fL - L EELE Of Old U7. of M. should heave a University of Michigan Guitars Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin amd Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 5 cts. Everything iin proportion. g L. MClemet, LiLME1TDIITGER PIAITO U& ORLGN lT L3 . 1 S. Umn, AC. TIRA=JE AT BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORN~ER MAIN AND ITURON STREETS. l LARGEST STOCK OF TOILET GOOlDS AND 'FINE: CIGARcS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES IN 'tHEls;CITY'. j~ig Yobr $ ).Collar$ and Ghffss Neckties and -1 Per rin lila Gloves OF __ FERGUSON & SLATING, WAH'SBOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. eeyStusdent wvill same money by buying Unliversity Text-Books aHr(l all supplie- aGI hadquarters. We allow special discount on L AW BOOKS, MEDIlAL hBOOKS, DENTAL hOOKS, in short.,cevcry Book used in tile 11'et. cr5,00)Blan1k Sook'sit ionest prics. I XB IING B001<:K 'ORIN TH'. IT~Y. 67 tjvrc vaoDetc sc Theilo. st ;ts.oul ierclu 0it Rusi Brnond iS tales Gutrand 0 1 Sew- art an rtt 0 1,jps. Best Stringrs inltile World sent Uhi1511 o'it to lcl~drslllsat015cltst each1 or i n ui uititr 010 3IU snts rachl MILLER I L TEE ITEWIEST STLE MISCELLANEOUS. TA mieeititig of peorsotis itnterested IN in 1110 teaching of Pure and Ap- IN G plied l MslteitiCs will be 1he11 at the residence of Professor Ilar- C L O T H rintgon, on Tihursday evenling, Novemnbor 0, at 7:30, for thle pmr- pose of olrganlizing a Mallesnati- O3F ALL KIN DSIAT cal Soeiety. W. W. BEMAN. J.T. JACOBS & CO.'S, _ 2x AD zqmraar 1r.The Medic Rush. - The freshnen anld juniortmedics - L. GRUNER. 1have, made a compromise, and ac Dele i S .-2TTD SXio =S will play a foot-ball rulsh, thirty N.58 South Main Street. 1S~~gdose Neatly and Promtply. 1m1e1 on a side, nest Satur'day at 9:30. R. T. Farrand, juilor foot- -Y~hcumond Strsight ct ball captaimn will poist a list of tlho C NoARTTS jumnior ruslhers toi-davy011 the bellie- Cigarette Stokteno who tinl hoard. 0111rewil50ngt llma tlittle (ILet 'sll outsiders keel)out of he for rnthe oSt~tni'll ,Otilttmabeaes fradeCigarnettes. will tied1 tie rushSthttmybeaes 'Ititsti tlAus superior to j 1all others. sif strengthl and lskill between tlhe cnt~es-{ +'Aretn tes mde fromthe bright-twoi classes. gol j tdelnotely faoredlnl td highlet cest 44d (1a,itif vnows un igiia .Thisis tie ll'111d OO~~~~~1~l lt~ld111Strigt ttCiganettest, a~ii wu botht '1o out usyiS theu yearISi 555reo 5a1or ltatioml, 111ndtosern hl le THE CAMPUS. Tb.. lw5 t, bI[v l soeBry pckage. titLteNAe GIIE nltobaco o Willianms beut Cornell last Fri- Seh turers. - - Ricnillsd. Virgioia (lay by a score of 1S to S. 'WHEN IN YPSILANTI, There are about 600 stuldents STOP AT THE taking work in history in tile Lit- OCIBENTAL ., ROTELerary department. 1010frtl - S~ecial Rites to Students. Alpha Delta Phli Fraternity was SRt dedicated at Amhlerst oti Saturday st t 10 in Shlortiand will please call last. at the Office of J. W. Miner, Practical Conlhaaspcl iirn 8t Ograplier, asE. Huronl Street. Crelhsaseilcari rDlis reasonable. Call and see me. Psychology. T. E. Wilkinson uill rt a Ia paper befiore thle Etigileers, nlext Friday evening, on '4Distribution of Frictiontiil Steam Engines.' Ha TS]! Ties. i 1 Y fI 1 INext IFridlaytaternloon U . 1. Soney will give the Geologtcal ( o d p e s Society an account of the "cGeo- logical Formations in Michigan. Seats for Stanley inNe Yr - PI T N aebigacindahiha$1. TeThe report of thle tteatsurer of B jLEA TI-/ER dowment of,$6,000,000 and an anL - S- H0E8. nual income of iiearly $600,000. Tickets for the lectuie conrse rof are being sold very rapidly. ItITfl n m 1-R TI looks as if thieAssociation will miake JF~)INE PHOUIO h1RA HS, a larger contribustioni to the gym- Millinery and Art goods. nasitiin funid thiaii was made last 10 East Huron st. year.W1YOK&SN ATHLETIC NOTES. ( ltauuctonersoc, The NorthEnid iFoot-Hll1Club, _.sBaHt nd d OchskI of Preston, Eug., will prtobably .. make a tour oif America inlis 1592WliI*3 playing foot-ball and base-ball. ,- - reitnts KSoff p adadCortell is conlfidetit of beating Orhsr hudaohrgm emusic Willams l~oud alothir gae b .fi1111 fun Ca f (&gue. arranged.Ms1lo its . ot The Williams College Athletic > OIINDIIAPIDs, Associationi has appointed an ad- MICHOIGAN. visory board of seven alumni, to -THE ARGUS.'-- supervise the athlletic interests. filj j 01 JF14 14&. , Japan has a base ball nine AT LOW IaicF8. made up of college men from SHOR HAND A Princetoml, Harvard, Yale, Coluin-SH R AN IT rrWILL PAY YOU. Shortbhnd Snhoolj.New bin, and University of Yiriia. Boridibg, 20 South State StreeL.