THE U. OF M. DAILY. x x_ x. x:K , ;;: IC, of 3?(. .ait~g. ]Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Coree3ear, by THE U. of Mt. INDEPENIENT ASSOCIATION. one that showed neither skill nor originality. We are glad, thought, to niote that thie greater part of the (depredations, around the cam- ps , were siot conmsitted by Usni- versity' students. But ott such a STUDENTS' BOOKS_ 'BUY YOUR COLLEGE TEXTT Bons, LAW ANDP MEDICAL BOODS NOTE BOOKS, AT THE STUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. Secosud-hianud books at low prices. We are agetits of Paul E. Wirt, Scott and Rolland fotuntain penn. Bargains in stationery. mo I Subscriptison price $2,50 per year, invariably Ilight tile best endeavors of every is advance. Single copies 3 cents. Os sale atcosetiu sudn soldb Sbha'anPotflcnessadeeycncetosevening at 0 oselock. Subscription may be directed against these lawless left at the otfiec of the DAILY, Opera House block, at Shecehan's, at Stoftet's, sr with aycts, as they iij tire our reputation, sf the editors. anid getierally result isi pecuniary Cotnsualoationsshobo15 testch the offic by 10 A. M. if they are to appear tetaste day, loss to the Usiiversity. Address all matter intenaded for publiestio to the Managing Editor. All business commun.- ications should be setnt to the Buinaes Man- Alumni Notes. aster. tepsrt all neglect oti thepart of Carriers to hR. Khiuett, '81), is with Geo. the City Circulator, W. H. itNeisi. Morrisoni, the enginees' of the THE U. af M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Nich. large Cairo and Mlemphis bridges. EDITORS. He is Alocated at Chicago. H. B. SHOEMAKER, 'ai. MNAGING EcITOR. L . Sliasikiasi d, '88, is with W. E:G ORIs. atss'r. MNAGInG EnIscR. architects of the World's Fair lit A. H. COVERT,.192. AG&'T. MsuNANEDTR I IT== EESrW SS 2T IU CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. M. S. HAMMOursa. 55 s MNA5 R W. H. O'NEILL. '91, ass', 5Bs. SAssA~nR R. W. DOU5GHT, '92,ass's. Bus. MANAQKR. Herso s's 5ittto, 'It. yF. .TiBataS, '95. R.ft. OJ3ritss . t. H. A1. 11Tts'v 1. It E. 0). 1C>Hcti, t'9c L. . Ott'vttAvo), 'IC'. }{ st1s'ttSr0Nsl, '9'!. .1. C'. THsst1, IQ L.OG. W1Ittcctt.As..'93.;E.h. AliASON.t93. Fromt all reclports, the sttidenits of the U'niverisity will he offereud qulite a treat iii Alt. Powers' lec- tuore snext Satitrday sniglit. Ir. Powers ~islKalazoo 511an, lanid is noted for his refisiemienit anud intellectusality. 'IHe begans his career as ass actor, but soti de- cided to represent alil the charal~c- ters of the presenttation himtself. Mr. Powers is the originsator of this class of work and hiss suc- ceded its acquiring a repustatiosn puite enviable. We are infotrmsed that the sale of seasosi tickets has boon fairly large. The board, uti- doubtedly, deserve the hearty pupport and atppr'oval otf all stus- desits. The sticcess of the aisso- ciatiositMeasus success for the stu- denits tliemsselves, as all susrplis money is applied to the gesieral University steeds, a gymnsasitis and( periodicals fotr the library. D~enunciatiosn of the wvantoni destructiosi of Iproperty, oi Hal- loween, can siot be too stronig. A spirit seesss to pervade a cer- tain class of our studesits, that the only way to have a good timse lHalloweesn is to build a large boss. fire on the casmpus asid destroy property, its ntitlher of which cats there be sisuchi real sport, except to the fiendish. It was a low, meats trick to pour yellow paisnt over patriot "Ben", Chlicago. 'Billy" Ball and Walter Masin, both of '190, are located at Clii- caigo. ' The Usiversity of Michilgasi is siiakitng it hot for eastessi colleges, fotr it has cosifered 10,499 degrees ini fifty years."---Chicago Eventing Yost. Resmesmier' that all cotitribti- tions to (lie Oracle must beheiasid- ed in by Nov. 17. Jas. Titlett, Law '90), is a smesm- ber of the firm of Antrini & Tillett, PeruIsnd., asid enjoys si large practice. BUSINESS LOCALS. [Notices inserted in this column at the rate of 10 censts per ine. single insertiosn. Special ratea foe sanger time and extra lines furnshed tVyapplying at this ofdies or by cosusl tinir K. W. Doughty, Assistant Rusiness Massager.] FoseIRENT.-Suite of rooms elegasitly furnished antd osly a block froni cam- pits. 44 South Thayer Street. 'Try thes Toledo Steam Launstdry. Got to E. B. Hall for coal. Inuspect the fisiest lisle tf Overcoasts iii Asun Arbtor. Wagnuer & Co. IFou REXT.-Sutite of rooms nicely fsursiishuedlansd convesiienitly situatedi otnly a block from the citllltts. 41 S. Thayer St. Cheap. Baths 10c at P. 0. Barber Shop. Melt Gillespie', Teacher of Guitar, Blanjo stud Masudolin at t'fement's. Usiderwear-Wagtier & Ct. Nastcy Vestinsug at Stafford's. At Thle 'Two Sasms, whlite vests, juist optetd. A siew line tf gotdsntvels for Stlli- tay reasdisng at Gruubsr's P. 0. News Roomn. 1,000i differesnt styles in Nobby Trouserisugs at Staffotrd's. We will show sext week the lisuest stock of Guitars ever sects isithis city. Also sosme exceptiontally fiste Basnjos. ou or8c and 10~c strinigs warrusnted ecunal to asty isi tle city ofat y price. Wilsey's, 25 Sosuthi Fourth street, Ants Arbor. At Tlse TwoSanis-Gentlemens wanst- ittl Full Dress Suits can save $25 iai $30 by buying at The Two Sams. LosT.-A Sigma Plit fratersitty ttin, sot in sapphires and onue diamonsd, marked EdwardI).Wickes. $6 reward. AND THE a : a - I: aIS v I5E E a__ss-a ,da. 1 IaGa.5 -'~THE B8EST.*- ____ __ Seventeensteaschers. Bused with Furnished ;4 j :7..C1 1 Rtoom 5$2.:25ster week. Circuarosspon appli- 'o, t P. R. CLEARY, President. e a BURLEIGH & JOLLY, -c~ DU. DEALERS tN aF 55 BLANK BOOKS, 1;4awaCa ATHETIC ROM SAND STUDENTS' SUPPLIES.~ a ' 0 Blest liuie of FON~T'AIN PENS u[ie ah city. lce Cream, Soda Water, K I ConfeetionsCold Lttsueleo, I- (igars asud'Tobaccs.oa OYSTERS, FRY, STEW OR P'LAIN. o"oI Calusand neeus at !I "° ' ' D. L. DOWD'55 HEALTH EXERCISICBI. Fur Bain-Worhero k tehensary Pesple GtlemenI.,oc, ..,,lts, Youths; lte 'tDaly. *Susnday excepted. gtmnsoio.'Takea op but 6in sqare oot onw, scentfc, COWSrCOCGLRS, H.o. H AvES. iduasee,lcopo,r en~sipysoans,lawbhp. o.P. & TA. Cihicago. Ag't Ans Arbor' yesa esgyssc, editors &obesc nowosiog it. Seud fsriludocisca- - '- " L. Dod cetfcPhs'a n Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Vocal Culture,qEasot 14th at., New York. , Miohigan Railway. , s T 0 = =ym91Time Tablesgoisg intoasfiet, Monday, Nov. 255'. QA hZpeq?. ICuing North. STATIONS. Going Sauth. FIRENCH ICE CREAM. FINEST FRENCH l6. 4.'2. 5. 3. ,5' COOKtNGi. LOWEST PRICES FOR } 'an. C1'5eCud. badned Time. H'e Cad. Atan 1tEST BATERIAL. Eap. ESap. Mali Eap. Mail Exp' 71 Fort St.,.West. - Detroit, M Ich. '- 'P.-' A ________ -P'M.P. -., CIYLIVERY AND SLESABE 3 0 .O~LEDO...,...1tout1 5 .... CITY ALESABLE. 4 02 6 4tiu1oroeunl'n 12 25 t Nos.13 nd Y W shito St., -ss. ........ 4.J0 647 ........Oacdee.....12t0i6 5.22 . s~s.lis I W shi snt. ' Ii ......5c 431 705 i........ilMsas .....1 b 3 0 02 Firt-clauto Rig s adStlios Sa dileHorses 4 55 7 11 ...PltthSold... 11 37 9 40. for it ire.I5 4~ANAl00I t _ ......I 5 072 7'40 ..A N A B R1 "; 926.55 7u5 .....tLeland'.... 115 12' 910 .... 530t 8 C6 Whimore Lake 1t 00 855 ... « .... 5 s5 il8 ..15 Hamburg.....10.5 $5E1 . t 2 5 ow ti....10 218027 . 7t'5 9 40 ..Durand...9, st) 7238 .. ... q^Eto ,5 .Cosassa ..9.6.}5'. .,03 i t1020...... .. 5tga 711 sue..... 7f 101 1255 ...M t. Plesian..... 67 25 40..84 NO, 121W. tURON ST. .7 81045 157 ...lare..i..c' 0103 4+,8 1 7i1 2 05 ... scareelI. ..3523 505 , ott0 t 35 ....Casdiiiac..... i 4. 0 0 litCo 520 C.(opem'u. .1. 035 5O2 Ul~~lq 11 4,j.16 2.... kma 7."40l25 ! 1:"1. 7 0.MaBnise. 7 10 2u15 1: .7 .. t' (+5.. . 5on t..... 19 305 Pla Pam., r Pass. Pas r.s- ......., Ass. Ls.] LAr. A .....P 7 :I57...9.. 40.Aas.Ceba..sis.s905 7 0 GILM RE'S 5ANu 5 71..,...7940.Ann..A..or.. I 5 .... 2 GIL47,AI . 14l 07i _....Fushlag.5S430. 8 PRICES _.. 50c..75c. AND $1.00 --4....,1105..Kast~asslaw..810..5io 1 . W. ASHLEY, A I. PAISLEY, Seaits on Sate Monday, 1lls. in., at P. 0. 1 Saserinteudent. Cen. Pas. Aget News Room. GEO. . AZLEWOOD. Loal Agent.