R~ ~ TH 11~V~i , r+ P fit TOTI ---THE' NEW- ___IS SHOWING CLOTHING HOUSE, * DiEN 171, 173, 175 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michiage1?: U P R OR.I) R E Men's, CEL'lIt". iN~liiS _ICUIG Boy'sLTW ~It(~\ Children' O 11I.LGU T(T,;rrt9 ft'\IltdJ T5e/1\IY)qt l1Latest Noveliecs Arriving aLy. Black Underwear. Medlicott Goods, Natural Wool, and Cheaper Grades. NEW BOOK .PTM.R~p q 'LKJ This DirDlav -:Ts : nurassed. Y, 0IN A-P fl IGC, T 0F TI~ 6 South Mainj Street, 44 Souti State Street, UNIVERSITYI TEXT-BOOKS, s T I O T z Medical Books, Law Books, Bi.A - B7onaxs, ALL KiNoS, 4 A All 3ooks nsed in City3 Schools. StdtsNoeoksadPsDf- Is sltossmg the Ei.rgest Stock of Full Dress Sutting s in the market. CmltLieoSprigooStudetNoge Insuant srat-All the latest sli.des ,and novelties in 'irouserings and Comlet Lie o Sprtig Gods i Istrmens.Os cicoating. Fine Vests cais le had of Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A Warr'anted Fountain Pen (Gold) for $1.50. No. 2 E. Washington St.. near Main. G. H. WI'LD- JAMES M. STAFFORD, Thle best place to get a fIfSa +±QJ74s +05131~ ,.MADE TO ORDER LATEST; STYLES MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHI. Special Valuepl! Gents' Fast Black Hose, Gents' All-Wool Hose, Extra Quality Suspenders, Superb Assortment of Ties, W All-Linen Iiiitial handkerchiefs] SPECI AL LEADERS --I M l- c,) WHITE SHIRTS EI A1IILLS & CQIT Popular Dry G=asisal Oarpat Stowe. 20 South Main. THE LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY a LOWEST PR ICES On LAMPS, in this city. You will save money hy buying of us. Our lRED STAR " OIL has no equal, humns without odor, or charring of wick and gives a clear white light. Sold at 10 cemts per gallon, delivered to any part of the city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. DEAN ,& CO. B'JSIITL ]DIRECOTORY. ANN ARRAVNSBANI WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 36 MAIN STREaT, Special attention paid to repairing Watches and Jeweiry. M. W-. BLAKE, THE CAMPUS. tliusiastic over their treatment I PICTURES, FRIZAMES, ANPiD here. They however comiplaimn of Alr GOODS. la west mHuron St. Befoic tile game Saturdasy the the unugentlemansly actions of one FERDON LUMBER YARD, managers of the Purdue elesveiiof our RugebyTteaimiWhothey MAGna tuANG SfaW eDalMBER twanted the Betsy's accounit of the ySGNWGN AE .M1E gamie, to sour! to the Cliicagui and say, did not play foot-ball, bit Cor.PFourti. andi uspal Sis. Inlinaob ~api , utafertiotried to injure their mien wshentever i .- HALLER gani , concluded that no repolrt ol eIbad4anSopportunity. win ~Tutliill, Lit.'1 1, has returned to Ratpirimng a speialty . ~ it was necessary. guelltate 0. M.SMARTIN, Unider Prof. Stanley's directioiin ale,011 "ot-alci aD, lt EALER. IN , Mlle, ur oo-bal aptin ClthCaskets, IMetallic the Detroit Musical Society will wveighs i19S poundits. AND COMMON COFFINS. produce Buck's "4Light of Asia," Over .500 studeitts has-e an- RINSEY & SEABOLT, Goun's GFligt o the1_10YiBkers and desiers in (iouio' "Flghtof te hlypounced their iiitention to accoin-- Groceries, Provision sFour and Feed, Fanmily" and "4The Redemption," pany our team to Detroit. ___ 6 and 8sE. Washington Si. Rheinburger's G4Christophorus," '194 Lit and 192 Law play Wed- 'Maker sicline and several shorter master-works. neda anil '1) Deiit and ';l- Lit,][LAIDIES'and GENTS' SHSOEiS. nsy, atRepairing neatly done. S4i S. Main St. The Oracle Board has awvarded F~ridav. --__________ __ its contract for printing to the J. D. Davis, 'tIP',hIas gone GRANGERaS Corirofic.Home to Lansing to vote. - - ACADEMY OF DANCING, -~ The Purdue team av'erages 165 Be sure to buy a ticket for thie opposite L-a't Building. psounds. Tbe Senior Law election will gpa onl ae upils s-ill be received at any lime during take place Nov. 1.5. The junior class meeting was tiheseason. Tihe Choral Unilon is the seconid , adjourned for onme week, until next Through Vestibuied and Colonist largest society of its kind in theI Saturday nmorning at ten o'clock. Sleepers Between Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., and Port- state. Time attractioni at Unity Club The and Oregon. TeWiscotsinm Central anmd N orthicrn Tile Webster Literary Society is for to-night is a paper on 44"Amner- t'acific lines rums thlroughi Pullman Ves' rciigtile ha' ycooe leonian Literature," byPo.Ati tiblsued aild Colonist Sleepers betws-een reesnTiat ooerto yPo.~sm Chicago amid Taconma, Wash., and of its miembers. Orations emioughm George, of Ypsilanti, (State .Nor- Portlamnd, Oregomi.'Thie traimi known hav ben aceped y Titsmen- nal. Terewil alo b a as the 'Patcific Express" leave thie havebee aceptd b itsmueit-mlml).Ther wil aso e apaper Gi and Central Passeniger Staotion, at bers to fill tbe progranm for three on Student Life at tbe "harvard the corner of Fifth Avenue and Harrison Street, at 10:45 P. M. daily. montms. Annex" by Miss E. B. Pearson. For tickets, berths in Pullman or Col- Thte Purdue team left for homne Miss Pearson is a graduate of the onist Sleepers, etc., apply to Gao. K. TioPO, City Passenger and Ticket Saturday night. Although they "Annex" and will doubtless be Agent, 20,5 Clark Street, or to F. J. EDDY, Depot Ticket Agent, Graid were badly defeated, still they, able to interest all Ann Arbor Central PassengerStation, cornerFifth were n rrsnStet in good spirits, and quite en- students, particularly the co-eds. AvneadIarsnSreChicago i Y