THE U. OF M. DAILY. I ..R , = .a, --THE NEW-- CLOTHING HOUSE, 171, 173, 175 Woodward Avesuo, Detroit, Michigar. ,,M lens C : E lto i Fc'a ''Siisc lren's CLOT 1 NG HTA\TS - AND JRS MYLatest NoveIties Arriving DaiLj., NEW BOOK STORES, 6 South Mair Street. 44 South State Street, UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, SrAr-' IT( E Medical Books, Law Books, BLANK BooKs, ALL KINDs, All Books used in City Schools. Students, Note Books and Pads, Draft- Complete Line of Sporting Goods. ing Instruments. Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A Warranted Fountain Fen (Gold) for $1.50.1 hU1G11 NCDQOL £AID [Ii IVERSITY. Allow us to say that we carry the finest and the most complete assortment of heady-made Clothing and Furnishing Goods in the city. Our Suits and Over- coats are equal to custom tailor work. We have added to our HAT DE PARTMENT the Celebrated WILCOX HAT, which, in addition to the DUNLAP, GUYER and other leading styles, makes it the most complete in Ann Arbor. 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET. A. L. NOJ3LE. G. H. WILD, Is showing the Largest Stock of Full Dress Suitings n the market. All the latest shades and novelties in Trouserings and Overcoattngs. Fine Vests can be had of WILD No. 2 E. Washington St_, near Main. G. H.WID JAMES MSTAFFORD, TAILOR IMP6RER, The best place to get a fIl SG + QLASS + 811; MADE TO ORDER. LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES. 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - - MICH. A PROBLEMII Where and how to buy Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings at the Lowest Prices. Wy ying o Er F. MILLS & 00, THE PoPULAR DRY GOODS AND CAR- PrET sTORE. 20 OUOTH XEAZZ7, SHORTHAND CAK IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand School, New Building, 20 South State Street. --THE ARGUS%- AT LOw PRICES. THE LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICES Ons LAMPS, in this city. You will save money by buying of us. Our RED STAR " OIL has no equal, burns without odor, or charring of wick and gives a clear white light. Sold at 10 cents per gallon, delivered to any part of the city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEA%& CO. THE CAMPUS. P. L. sherman, lit. '91, is studying in Leipsic. A. S. Brown, lit. '91, is study- ing medicine in Chicago. New students are still arriving in large numbers. Up to time of going to press about 350 new literary students have arrived. The electric street railway is progressing nicely. Last night a car ran a short distance and at 2:45 p. us. a car moved nicely along Main street. Harry J. Kennedy, '90, is in town. The law department is booming. The number of juniors enrolled to-day is 293; seniors, 196. Total in department 425. Last year at this date the total enrollment was Millis and McBarney, last year with '92 medics, are attending the Detroit Medical College. E. H. Thornton, medic '92, is attending the Portland, Ore., Medical College this year. . Italy has ordered the study of English to be added to her curric- ulum. W. H. Turnbull gill return at the beginning of the second seme- ster to graduate with his class. The Baldwin lectures will be delivered this year by Rt. Rev. Alexander Charles Garrett. D. D., L. L. D., bishop of Northern Texas. Bishop Garrett is a grad- uate of the University of Dublin, and is said to possess all the pro. verbial eloquence of the sons of Erin. The first lecture will be delivered sometime in No- vember, and the entire course will be completed before the holi- day recess. The subjects have not yet been announced. Miss Franc Arnold, '90, is in town. The U. of M. was represented at Mr. Moody's summer school at Northfield by 8 students, Messrs Nichols, Amndo, Reid, Warriner and H. Brown, Misses Hurd, Wood and Mahan. Medics, subscribe for this paper. Remember that our editors are not mere correspondents, but stand on an equal footing with all the other, editors. BUSINELSS DIRECTORYT. WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, N3 MAIN STREET, S )eis1 "tt"tio paid to repsiriog watches M. W. BLAKE, FICTiURES, FRAMES, A ND ART GOODS. 10 west HuronS t. FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manucacturer of and dealer in SAGINAWGANG SAWED LUM BER Cor. Fourth and DepotSts. J. HALLER 46 soTH MAIN S. Repairing a specialty. RINSEY &SEABOLT, Bakers and deaiers in Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, 6 and 8 E. Washington St. JOHN WOTZKE, Maker of line L.ADIES' and GENTS' SHOES. Repairing neatly done. 43 S.MainS St. HENRY I MILBURN, DALtU U IN PHYS~ICIANS' AND Orthop'dical Appliances, Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Sup- porters and every article required in the prac- tice of Medi- cine. 81 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT. Through Vestibuled andflColonist Sleepers Between Chioag~o and Tacoma, Wash., and Port- and Oregon. The Wisconsin (centralanml Northern Pacific lines runtii through Pullman.. Ves- tibuled and Colomist Sleepers between Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., and Portland, Oregon. The train knowO as the "Pacific Express" leaves the Giand Central Passenger Station, it the corner of Fifth Avenue and Harrison Street, at 10:45 P. M. daily- For tickets, berths in Pullman or Col- onist Sleepers, etc., apply to GEo. b" THompsoN, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, 205 Clark Street, or to F. J- EDDY, Depot Ticket Agent, Grand Central PassengerStation, cornerFiftl Avenue and Harrison Street, Chicago Ill.