_ E ,; , ,/ -i 7 _= 4-r . p '" ' 1 _ _-. s'._.-.- .- - y a VOL. I. No. 31. ~oc I.No.31. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1890. PIE3CNS PRICE 3 CENTS. U. OF M., 34; PURDUE. 6. gets it. Grosb thon redeemns 'ePurdue Boys Disapponted in himlself by a long run to 20 yd. the Result of the Gains. line aided by good interference. TIhe knowledge of Purdaes leeott advanices bull to 5 II line. csecore with the Chicazo Tim- (irosis finds a bole between Chad- 4ersity Club led many of the goodly llumber present on Satur- daly to expect a very close gamne, Wtb Possible defeat for tile U. of But by genleral good play 001 eleven msanaged to pile op are Vlectable score, an~d except for a Illestiouable decision of thle uli- Pire would Ihave kept Purdue fret0 scoring at all. ''rdue played a very stronlg game chasracterized by hlard tack- ling and Stndebaker's fine kicking, hstt failed to Ioid our rushI line. 61s lmprovemlenlt in tealm play aul tmanifest, yet many glaring sait were mlade evident whlichl must be corrected before we mneet Cornell Tile rulshers do not fob- hew1 ball on a kick, are weak zs interfering and especially ill tackling while tise backs drop the hail altogether too oftens, are nlot at all sure on a catclh, an(T fail to t tileisole in rusih line, and as arole play too near tile linle whlen the other side ihas tile ball. boffy played a good game, but 4 "eNed need of steady practice dulring tilelnext two weeks very Clearly. Tile game-Play beginls at 3:10 by Pusrdue dribbling tile ball to 1eog1iam, wlho runs 20 yds. be- hind tle V. Short rusihes carry the ball to our 20 yd. line, wilere 101 a bad pass to Studebaker, 11. Serrnan gets tile ball, Jewett rusahes the ball to centre, wisere it "outside. On the pass in it 1s dropped, but Dygert falls on it. %"'11e takes his turn at running 51d dropping the ball, but Pearson bourne ansd S. Shermsats and( gets over tile line. Try a~t goal fails, but S. Shlerrnan gets it anld reacihes 5 yd line, whlere G rosil agaitn gets tihrougih. Jewett kicks goal, but 1H. Silermn is off side and tile second trial fails, S points. Studebaker kicks frotn 25 yd. line, and Dygert is downed at centre, Finnley gets bal011 a fum- ble, Studebaker's kick is blocked and lise falls 011 it at 20 N-d. litse. Aftes a slighst gainl Studebaker kicks ons 4 downs; Mixeots blocks and gets tile ball at 25 yd. linse. Malley mlakes 5 yds., tihenl Jewett runs to 1 yd lisse and tihenl aroutsd astd across tile litse. Goal. 14-0. Thlompson starts tile ball withl a 10 yd. gaits but Malley gets iin. Lackey then makes a lonlg run arouttd and to 10 yd. line, whlence the ball is rushsed to our 1 yd. line. A touclidown seemss immsni- nent, but H. Shlernman gets tihrougih and gets tile ball, Malley and Jewett make shlort gains, but Jewett's leg begins to trouble hsim and Duff= takes Isis place. Groshl beintd V makes 10 yds., Duffy 10 yds. and loses the. ball. Pur- due gains 15 yds. onl short rusises thsroughs our centre, thlen weakenls anld loses tise ball on 4 downs. llaksis in two successive runs Groes 25 yds. and Malley 5 m~ore. Hillis hsurts Isis finger sligihtly and McCarty takes isis place. (Irosis rtus to beyonsd centre, tihen Dttffy takes it a sihort distance, tile ball is quickly put in play, umpire stops to warn a man for offside play, giving tise imapression that time had been called, when Finney grabs the ball and runs down thse field untackled, putting tile ball Isetween'tlse posts. Titsse is called just asfter Stssdebasker kicks goal. Score 14-fl. Secotsdhilif: -Our ball. Tise V rushl tsakes 13 yds., tlhetsn yds.; thlen Malley rtsts to 10 yd. line whsere Studebaker tackles im~ in inagnificenst style. Thlree sitort rushtes take Grosli over tise linse. No goal. Studebaker kicks way down tile field but Grosis runs to 40 yd. line, then Walley gains 15 yds. tuore. Grosil takes it to 10 yd. mne by tile tackle pl ty an~d )Duy akes it over. Goal. 24--6. Lackey starts tile ball from censtre utsd gains 10 yds. thsen Purdsse loses it 0o1 4 dowtss. Sh~ort rushses take tlse ball well its- to Pssrdue territory. Tsse hsalf- backs msake 5 yds. ech, Pearson 3 vds., tlhen Malley lulls to 3 yd. linse whsere 116 is splensdidly tackled by Moore. GIoshs gets over tlse linse. No goal, 28-6. Studebaker kicks beyonsd cenltre whlence. we advanlce it by shlost rusises, aided by Dully's l.- *s d. ruts to 20 yd. lisse whsere offside play gives Purdue thse ball; HbI- dets's good tackling pxevents Pur- due fromo advancing tise bat so tihat Studebaker is compelled to kick. Ball goes outside near centre, is passd to Malley who after tlhe best run of tile game is well tackled by Studebaker at 3 yd. line. On tile next play MalleyI makes touchdown from wiiel Duffv kicks goal. Time is called before ansy furtiser play is made. Score, 11. of M. 34, Pulrdue 6l. Thse teatms were: TT, of M. Pooitions. Purdue. Chsadbousrne..Center..Steph~ensonl S. Shlermlan..It. Gi..eeters Traitser....L. 'G..Little Matlley ... .R.T.....IHillis c~Catrty Pearsonl....L. T...Finnsey McKeon ..... E ..hlerkless R. Shlermatl. _.L. E..... .Moore Hoelden .. ssQ'r hack.ll.Iougham Jewett Lackey (gaoshs ... Half backs Puffy (Thtompson )yeert.....Back ...Studebaker Referee, Abbott, 191; Umpire, TDorsey, (Purdue '90,) U. of M. '91. Wright, Kay & ()o. Foreign Buyers.Importes o an es and At Goods, Jewers artd Op- ticians. anufactorers ofthte Fnest Society Badges rrtods i the couqtru, Sampes sent upan pro- per references, Dwiro^C1 V JImmi Her'Ol BfkG.J. . 146 WOODWARD AVE., Detroit, - - chigan. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Afternoon Only, 2 P. 1M., Friday, November 7 OWe Deli llhtfiorrol by Giiore theieesI (of rall brand- Smaste?-s anud the s t pe~ptu;;an ceeuuossfsul (f alylt lear;s, uand his FAMOUS BAND! .Evrywhect~re coceadelo1 be btle finest cos;;- ee;~r;; ;t aido-Y tbund;ill the world, IDA KIJEIN7 Jlooltc rc u; pe;;a e~.EDWARtD Iris-Asac,-ica Basso Prices, 50, '76, and $1 .00 Seats o ems alensay at10 55 tkt the~~tb Postoffice News bloom.