T IF fr A.M DA I7 I J. 8L WAN77...E1E1. . Z .4 It - CLTHIN:G HOUSE,, 7 715'~owr vneDtot i l 0 0UDE,, 7,[3 te\cowr AeaD j '11& 1O{ cpIIRhN' I1 nys CLOT HRING HTEA E 0F v Latest Noveltes ArrvmL 2DaLJ.-mi NEW BOOK STORES, ICLU DI G- Wriglht's Health Underwear. Blacki Under-Near. Medlicott Goods Natural WXool, and Chbeaprer Grades. This --Display --is --Unsurpassed. 6 Sout Mal Street 44 South State Street, UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, T T OT Medical Books, Lavw Books, Bea.tNie BOOKjs, Am, KINDS, AIlJ3ooks ulsed ill City Schlools. St idents, Note Books anidlPadsd, Draft- Cotnplete Line of Sporting floods. ing; Instruments. Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A Warranted F'ountain lien (Cold) for $1.15). G. H. WILD, I shiowing the I ogest tock of Fuol l ii 55 sSuitiniin iithel. O(-t. 11l1 the latest shaohs'iiiilnov elticsin I I oosr 1iiigsiiid 05 rua ting- iner \ests cen hr lid of H.No. 2 E.Washington St.,near Main.G. "H. WILD i 1 JAMES M. STAFFORD, L AILfJR IP6RIERD Theiebhet place to get a ,MADE TO ORDER LATESTI STYLES MODERATE PRICES. 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANNI ARBOR, - - - MICAl. Special Valuepl! Glents' Fast Black Boses, Gents' AIl-W~ool Hose, Extra {duality Suependera, Superb Assortment of Ties, All-Linen Inuitial handkerchiefs1 410,SPECIAL LEADERS M.) WHITE SHIRTS E, P..MILLS &00., Popular Dry Goads and Carpet S teret 20 South Main. THE LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY V, LOWEST PRICES 'i On LA1MPS, inl this city. You will save money by buying of nts. Our 'IRED) STAR" OIL has no equal, burns without odor, or charring of wick and gives a clear white light. Sold at 111 cents per gallon, delivereud to any part of the city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. p)EAN & c o. LIJSIITESS DIRECTOR. ANN MCI AVINGS BANI WM. ARNOLD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 3MAIN STIELEf Special ittention laid to repairing Watlies and Jotveiry. _________ N. W. BLAKE. THE CAMPUS. At the tenlnis tournamient yes- I IICTruRES, FRAM1ES, A ND Prof. Cooloy wont to Kialarna- telday, Shiaw beat E. Al. South, ART GOODS. 10 NetliironSt. zoo, Onl export work, last evening. 6-3,13ti-2, antIShiaw -andl Brown FERDON LUMBER YARD, Ho iltretro ~lllli bet Svdai aici1)ogc i, I SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM BER To te Winslow receiitly coldlidedl A few chaengeshavoe been made I t a iii Fouth inot siy witli a bicy-cle, seriot[isijiuring in tili inter-class fool-ball gamies. J HALLER its face tliereby. '94 Lit will play '92 Law next The Uniiversity Of Cenibridgo Wednesday istead of Alondey, Reiiniispecilly reell onerdadegreeoilanda'9t2 Doot will lae 92 Lesw 0.D.EARIN, Hlenry Mt. Standey. Frridlay insteadt of Wednuesday. Cloth Caskets, Metallic The list of books addeid to tie 1R0v. J. Ml. Gelstonl will speakI. _ A NI) COMMON COFFINS. Lirayduig ctbr uayIoi00 "The Second Day of Creation," RINSEY & SEABOLT, L~bIai~ tlu'lzg Ocobe' iny b liakers and deaiers is found 011 the bulletin board. to-m~orrow evenilug at the P'resby- Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, iall chrch._ 6ando8 . Wauhingtsn St. Abou~t 25 personis gatlhered inl teria luel JOHN WOTZKE, Roomn A, for college songs, tbis Prof. Scott will begin huis Bible Maker ofIfune L ADIES' and GENTrS' SHOES. morning. Let all come out next lectures at St. Andrew's chlurch Repairing natly done. 43 S. Slain SC. Saturday to 1R0011 24. to-mnorrow.GRNE' A very pleasant social wvas E. E. Taylor, Lit '"u3, has gone n ACADEM FDNIG givenl by the Young People's So- to Owosso to vote. EM OF ANIG-- ciety of tlhe Baptist church to the Class politics are getting lively Opsposite I~aw Building . S. C. A.. at which a novel feature, amng the Senior Laws. Trans- Pui~is ewilili eeiled at any line during in the shape of a card, witb tbt Mississippi faction hield a caucus tlieseiisii. bearers Inanme on, was pro- yesterday. Tbey appointed a- - Through Vestibuled and Colonist seated to eacbh0110 as lie enteredl campaign committee consisting of Sleepe~urs Betwehen Chicago and tlue parlors. Messrs. Stilwell, Butler, Tyler, Th land Oregon. Th Wisconisinl Central anid Northern 11. B. Camnon, Law '92, lhas Low anld Nye. Pacific lin~es ruin through Pullman Yes- gon hoe t voe. he 93 ent shuldbe om-tiliuled an d Cololnist Sleepers betweenl gon 11111 t voe. he'93Dens soud b con-Chicago andl Tacoma, Wash., sail A. M. Craftonl,'90 Law, is iln mended for having 01n0 of the Portlanld, Oregon. The train knownl llas the "Pacific Express" leaves theO townI. best organized Rugby teamslna Gland Central Piassenger Station, at Miss Barker, prohetess of 189, college. Tbey labor unider a dis- the corner of Fifth Avenue and Harrison Street, at 110:45 P. M. daily. is in town, advantage in not heaving any For tickets, berths in Pullman or Col- W. E Godar, Lt 10, s i heay mn, ut heymak upforonist Sleepers, etc., apply to Gaco. K. W.E odrLt 9,i nhay mn u hy mk p frTaneaureose, City Passenger and Ticket town. tis by tbeir skillful playing. Agent, "21)5 Clark Street, or t F. J. EDDY, Depot Ticket Agent, Gravid Geo. Hefferon, Law '91, went Win. Blair, formerly '92 Lit, ie Central PassengerStation, coroerpift home or afew ays.Avenue and Harrison Street, Chicago hoe o afe ay.in the Medical Department. Ill. r