,, -_- - \ r = Y = jl 7....__ 'S _- . .- . - :1. VOL. I. No. 30. JNtIV THE NEW HOSPITAL. The Facts Regarding the Action of the Regents. A few days since a vituperative Detroit organ censured the Re- gents of the University for ex- eeeding their authority in letting the contracts for the new hospital St P at7V8,000. Upon investigation the facts 8iow that the Regents pursued the only available -course. The neW buildings must accommodate both the Homeopathic and Allo- Ptithic schools; to do this a com- uhodious building is necessary. Tor many months the Regents lave tried' to get places that Would fall within the amount spe eilled by the legislature; but after eatting down and rejecting "'aly plans it was found that either the scheme must be given ip or it would cost more than the speeitied amount. bov. Luce was consulted time Sad again, but noway was seen to stisfy the needs of so great an institution but to accept more ex- ensive plans. This, by no keans, indicates that any author- ity has been exceeded. The Re- geuts cannot, possibly, spend kore of the state's money than is appropriated by the legislature, 4114 if their contracts call for ore money than is appropriated, 1le obligation will be met in a eg tiOlate way. As a matter of act the Regents intend to ask the tate for more money and expect eget it. This request, undoubt- edly has the sanction of Gov. uee; and is, withal, the only day out of the difficulty if the aPFrpriation is to be used at all. c'ault was also found with ac- lit'11g plans made by parties side the state. But this was 1ERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1890. PRIoE 3 CENTS. done fr good reasons. The Re- gents% went to Parties that have had large experience in dlesi eniag the noit approved hospitals. HALLOW'E'EN. A Motley Crowd Gather on the Campus for Fun. Wright, Kay & Co. Foreign Buers, Importers of Gems and At Goods, Jewelers atd Op- 'lner wietr1e1 stonesuchit nthis Last night a crowd of Freshmen t cans. anUfacturers of the state,-a good reason for going entered the rink in a boisterous Finest Society Badges nade in the elsewhere. manner; after staying a short country, Sampleo:sent upon pro- time they started for the campus. per references, Republican Club. On the way up Washington street The meeting of the republican they were watched by some Dctreit0 rt() H-)s BI , club last evening was composed "cops." The boys were yelling of a small but enthusiastic body. and having a good time. This 140 WOODWAUD AVE., The committee on program re- aroused the ire of a large "cop" ported and advised the establish- to such a degree that lie took one Detroit, - - MichL n. ment of a permanent organiza- of the boys down to the jail; but - tion. The program for the wi1 fortunately lie was soon released. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ter's work is to consist of several After standing around the jail for Afternoon Only, 2 P. M., lectures given by prominent men, some time, the boys started for Friday November on the ''Growth of the Republican the campus agaim. ___________ ntParty from the Time of Wash- Here '93 and '94 rushed till 0 , Deluightl Conc t by ington to the Present." cleven o'clock. The Freshmen Mr. Jewell was elected treas- showed considerable skill in rush- ore urer to fill vacancy caused by the ing, and the Sophs present were death of last treasurer. In addi- well satisfied that there would be tion to the report a committee of no class rush. But, at last, '94 the gritt illsiiesf fifteen members is to be named to got enough rushing and went popuiar and succesyftd canvass the University for mem- home. Things were quiet again of at lleadcrs, and his hers to the club. until the boys caine up from the FA [OUS BAND ! Mr. Henry dealt with the silver show. Then a good sized bon- E-rmychere concedd to be the finest con- question in a manner deserving fire was built by bringing in gates, cent ia d iniitii band in i// world, assited by of admiration. lie started the posts, fences, and even useful discussion of the question as far household articles. But fortun- II back as 178 , then led up to the ately these depredations were panics caused by the discovery of mostly committed by High School silver in New Mexico and later of and town boys. Some of the stu- inpmeiw fromtte gold in California, finishing the dents did try to destroy some Metropolitan Opera question by discussing the silver property around the engine house, loase, New rYor. issue as a party issue. but after they had overpowered a tipsy young fellow who had as- Teams as They Play. sumed the duties of watchman, EDWARD U. of M. Positions. Ptwdute. they completed their pranks by Chadbourne.... Center-....Stepiensosi giving Ben. Franklin a new coat Pearson.........R. G......Teters Trainer-.........L. G .....Little of yellow,-a Hallow'e'en present Malley.......... T. is from "the boys.' Prettyman - -. -L. T......Finney T.e Oeiebred R. Shiernian.....I. E......herkless McKeon........L . E.....Moore The newly refitted reading room Iiisl-A ica Holden......Qu'r back.....Hougham at Yale is lighted by electricity Basso, Jewett . al backs Lackey and receives regularly G7 news- Prices 50, 775, and $1.00 Grosh ......backsThompson assos s oday at li o'cioei~atte IDy ert-.....Back...Studebaker Papers and 54 magazines. PesoeneseM.na t1 eoka h