THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SA MS, SMOKING JACKET-S BET H E S OTrORK NamLglllfly, VOORHEIS & DIETAS. BES WRKINTHE CITY.! STATE ST. TAILORS, CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. W.{ SPECIAI RATES TO STUDENTS. 1 ! _!S E , ' -23 South Fourth Ave. ,-jsL AN iSE Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigjan Guitar. Prices lowest, quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of thre road. Violint amd Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 5cts. Everything in proportion. L.5ll.ClMnt, ALLMENDIIT 1 I.O& RG O 8t3 SI.MalemetLEIA~ LGI O TRA.E .T .BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORNER MAIN AXND IURON STREETS. LARGEST STOCKiOF TOtrEr GOODS ANDO FINE (IGARS, TOBACCOS AND CIoAsirE~aS IN THE CITY. FERGUSON & SLATING-, Geyts' Fhiriishers aijcl $atters Carry a full litre of HATS, CAPS, NECKWEIAlR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, Etc. The Ilatest styles and an entiie nesv stock to select front. 22 SOTTEI ST-i2'= T., - l ~T ~ Ol WV1AHR'S 00OK STORE, OWN TOWN. eeyStutdent will sv oe by buying Ctiiversity Text-R3ooks arid all supplies it"I lh-adquarters. We allow special idiscomifit ont I.AW BOOKS, M1EDIICAL 1101)1(5. DENTAtLBOOKS, in short, ev ery IBook used in the( Z(tliverwity. .),000Illank Books at lowsset ploces.y _ LF.IDI I X 3t 0 BOOKSTORE IN rTIlE'CITY. - ALL THlE ITEWEST S'TYLES CLOTH ING OF ALL KIN DSIAT " " T. JA COBS & CO.'S, 27 JAND 29 MAIN STr. L. GRUN ER. Deal~r In I~l aa Si A.N - = -sN.8uth Main treet. tiilnedoe Neatry and Promptly. ftzhrnond Straight Qcit. Ne. 1 CIGARETTES. Cigarette Smoksiers Wire yare wilinitg tsr say a littieri mere than the price 1 iharged tire the orriia+T - trade Cigarettes,,eiii Sand 't Ins lBRrANDisuperior to alilrothers. SitlnS The Richmotrd Straight rn1titta grettes seeuraite crnmthe bright- Goid1st eiieateiy tlavered atrd igirest eost hd prFafifewn in Virginia. Thit is the (lid asdwnarlBrand o Straight Cat Cigarettes, 11trese esaghit ort by us in tire year 1873. lartW re oimtbiitain, anrd observe that tire Tht AL 4abeiOte is an every paekagre. 'EN& LI NTERiBrrach kehatu the Amneriera ToacceesCs.. aRaet.--lichmnrdri,Virginia. tl..a equaruegons liave re- ~"u enough applications for 111C 4ersliip to insnre the succoss °fteclnb for the year. The chare agis Zina P. I119 have been dismissed on ac- e°1o"t of a flaw in the papers. MISCELLANEOUS, will run 101) vds. witi two Thu first annual fall garaes of weeks, and tliat the record cons- the Normial Athletic Association msittee of tlio A. A. U. will ho in- will ho held onthes Ypsilanti Fair vited to wiittiess lire performnice. Grounds;, Nov. 1, at 2 p. m. W. P. BowEN, Pros. Inter-Class Championship. Tie Wotnan's League of the U. of M. will moot in the chapel, The recent games in tho class Titnrsday, at 7:30 p. tn. championship series resulted ins a Philological Society mieets in victory of '94 Lit. over '92 Dent. Room E, Thursday night, at 7:15 It was generally expected that.'94 slses:p. Paper by Professor would win, but the Dents made a Hempl. NOTICE :-A reception will be plucky fight in spite of the loss of given to Dr. artd Mrs. Rust at the their captain, Dloti h M. E. church, Thursday evening early part of tue gamte. The Oct. 30, to which all are very score was 42 to 0, 18 of which cordially invited. COMMITTEE. points were made itt the first half. TnE W. C. T. U. will hold a Shiermtant contributed 24 points, county coniverntiont at tire Congre- Shaw 12, Ward 4, and one safety, gationial chturcht, on Thursday and 2. she teams were: Friday of this week. All are in- ~ Lt uhr ad vitd. -~---+-- - Crowtn, Matson, Cliadbournie Sprinter Carey. (centre), Rathibone, Drew and It will be remoemabered that the MeGurren;. quarter-back - Ilan- board of managers of the Amateur rioet; Hialf-backs - Sherman and Athletic Uniort' rejected the record Shaw; ful-back-Jatnes. claimed forCry f9?scns '9 Dent: Rushers - Ball, for 100 yards. Marty of Carey's Moor,. Stone, C. P., Diack friends are dissatisfied witht this (centre) Proctor, Howson, Chtilds; quarter - back - Watrous; half- decision, anid claium that the per-bak-iwriatdSwsn fornriance credited to Careyasas ttback-DiloehandSasn true one. Mr. C. C. Hughes, Thebck llem secreary f th Maulatte TAtl next game of the series is secrtar oftheManattn Ali-scheduled for Friday, between '92 letic cltub, asserts that every fair- mintded man believes that CareyDetad1,3Dn. made the distance in the tirme Rain again prevented tihe pro- claimetd.Ile says that Care gress of the tennis tournament. I NG' SS IC 110S1E! t7 M/onroe P c , Detroittooh. The LasrgrstMilerhaedirsieHnuse its bhe Stair. Agetltfir Martirn. 'iirtiurt, Brunotsandiitt trllGuiitars.irndiDli=-n.,Stew- arrtid Vclit-ry tirjis. tPtst 5-rirs in tire Wreldt st k iltIt an y 15 ddieri iii:13c(rrits eafriit it~t~rirsrrslrr~dG itarind10stenti eatci MIYLLER - IIAT8SITies. Good ped's, TePA TENT BestLETR FINE FHOTOGRAPHS) MIi lnery and Art Gloods. :10 East Hron5S. x ,wt YORE & Sox,~ ft Manutacturers of } a Band lnd Ochestra / - PUBLIStRS OPa51 . Band lnd IOlchestra MUv Silo ,Sr 0 fire Cratague. MiriielFree. GRtAND RAPIDtS, MEICIGAN. --THE ARGUSs- AT LOW IS EitS. ISl lO x03Lh1SOddO i301330 lii SiD0il pmaavnmnu S ' oaiass anemiva noaI a11 OtsII.NI~d Sor 21N1I