1V . VoL. I. No. 30. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1890. PRICE 3CENTS. BASE-BALL. Remarks on the=Individual Playersj of Last Year and the Present Outlook. Yesterday the DAuIY published the official averages of the base- ball team of last year. In con- nection with this a few remarks on the merits of the individual play- ers may not be out of place. Very much of the club's success is due to George Codd's work, in the box and as captain. Every game that lie pitched against am- ateur clubs resulted in a victory for the U. of A. and with him in that position, the club always played with a confidence and steadiness that it failed to show on o1e or two other occasions. Ifis batting was not heav-y, but his base running was great, a cer- tain steal of his home at Colgate being one of the star performances of the year, perhaps the star per- formance- There was no one rnan that the team could have so ill afforded to lose as Captain "G. P." Ile was ably seconded behind the bat by Booth, who caught six Years without an error, and after Booth's departure, by Abbott. Both the catchers were heavy hit- ters, Abbott's style of batting be- ing especially admirable and wor- thy of imitation. He uses a sIort, light stick, stands well forward in the box to catch drops before they drop and is satisffed, like "Old tan Anson," if lie can make a single. He also leads the team, in the number of bases stolen, al- though he played in only six games. First base was held down in truly professional style by Rich, Who accepted over 90 chances with only two errors. I (=ray's batting aid fieldillg Welere steady adl reliable, aid] )is stops t balls thrown fron the plate to catch men stealing second base were such as to inspire n- usual confidence in the inau be- lind the bat. Bauer covered short and Todd third in good shape, and though neither of them was regarded as heavy hitters, they both proved great run getters, Bauer standing first and Todd secondin the number of runs scored. Neither of them made big fielding records, but their style of play told. They tookl all the chances that came. The out-field was filled with an eye to the battiug as nIuel Ias to the fielding dualities of the men placed there. Both Wilkin- son and Marker proved terrors to opposin batsmen throughout the season, and had Booth remained to catch, Abbott, after lie proved lis ability with the stick, would have played permanently in right field. Of the other players Lewis and Bannon proved themselves valu- able, the former for his fine field lug in right and the latter for his batting and base running. Angell also did good service as short and second on two occasions, and may be a good man for next spring's team. The prospects for the team in the spriugare very encouraging, in fact. The battery will undoubted- ly be Codd and Walsh, who caught for the champion D. A. C. team. Rich and Bauer, of last year's in-field are both back, Angell could cover second, and we understand that there is some very promising material for third base in the entering class. With Wilkinson in left, Booth in center and Abbott in right the team ought to equal, if not surpass its record of last spring. Prizes for Tariff Essays. The American Protective Tariff' League offers to the undergraduate students of Senior classes of col- leges and universities in the United States a series of prizes for approved essays on "Tlhe Effect of Protection on the Pur- -chasing Power of Wages in the United States." Competing es- says, not to exceed eight thousand words, must be signed by some o her than the writer's name and selt to the office of the League, No. 23 Wrest Twenty-third street, New York City, on or before March 1st, 1801, accompanied by the name and address of the writer and certificate of standing, signed by some officer of the col- lege to which he belongs, in a separate sealed envelope (not to be opened until the successful essays have been determined), Iarked by a word or symbol cor- responding with the signature to the essay. It is desired that the manuscript be type-written. The awards will be made as follows, June 1, 1891: For the best essay, one hundred and fifty dollars. For the second best essay, one hundred dollars. For the third best essay, fifty dollars. And for other essays deemed especially meritorious, the silver medal of the league will be awarded with honorable mention of the authors in a.public notice of the awards. The essay receiv- ing the first prize will be printed among the annual publications of the league.-Yale News. John Ford, of Cornell, won the first prize last year. In '88 the second prize was awarded to Jas. N. McBride, U. of M., Litj'88. Wright, Kay & Co. Foreion ousers, Importers, of Gems and Art Goods, Jewelers arld Op- ticiarot oManufacturers of the Finest Society Badges njde ir the couitry. Samp'essent upon pro- per references, DctloitOpera iosso so BIfT, 140 WOODWARD AVE., Oetroit - - Michan. Aus der Ohe. In the Century of March, 1858, [Vol. 1:3, there is an article en- titled, ''Some Pupils of Liszt". In this article is given a delight- ful sketch of Miss Aus der Ohe. She was a prime favorite with the old master. It is greatly to be wished that everyone might read this sketch before listening to her playing in University Hall next Saturday evening. It does not seem to be thorough- ly understood that there are sure to be given four such concerts in the Choral Union series, with a strong probability that there will be given nearly twice that num- ber, yet such is the case. Re- member too that it will cost as much to hear one concert as to hear the entire series. Season tickets should be secured not later than Friday of this week. The programme of the first con- cert will appear in to-morrows issue. The number of American stu- dents reported as in attendance at the University of Berlin for the last semester is 185, representing seventy-one of our colleges and twenty-nine states.