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October 29, 1890 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-29

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.- of ~ ing, beginning promptly at eig~lt STUDENTS' BOOKS_
So'clock, and the doors will be BUY YOUR COLLEGE
Published Daily (Sundays ece-cped) during cloow at th begining o theifrst TE T Bon . tL( D05t.1.LJ T' BOS, T H..I...J 11J
Aret Event. lt
______Seoud-hiand books at low prices. We are agents of Posiut E. Wirt, Sctta
sbsription prire 2,55 per year, invriably io0 Tu'esda evenng Nv. Ii Holland fostinnpens. Brgains ill stationery.
n dvance. Single rupies cens. (nOn t . 7
shoehn s and Po~t Oiierne s tnd every clianolleevAt. De Pow will preent ZI I lZ iA 'C()
evening at h o'clock. Soinveipion mamybe __________________________________________
citt uthe,.vifie 01the huntY Oplces ue Beni-..M. Stanliey to the most 'yy
bkat heclrs, ttei slts, oiblagc anICHIMAN GENT Al
bofk the es tSolily a ydistinguishei assmba es-ver a
Cormmunicat ionsv shuld reneh the offic by gathierrd under le roof of tleo The Niagara Fals Rue."
15 A. nifithey ri to appeare the snoein yi Mtrop itiO er hos. T s
Add ---lui-i-in--------li-siotsCENTRAL STANDARD TME.
the Maaging'Ediser. All busninens common.- will be tlho first and oniy appear-____ ____
catlonanshouldbe scnt tInthe ninn sMan- .r.Stanle- in-New Yor
ag girntnte ofpa 5 )city, te n 1115 York u AND TE a. a F I
R oal ne liiith /rtofCurries15 ite ia d lie will ten deliverIlsfl qfR~ t'n{fi nh 1*r - j-?u
IS' Cily Cieeiul or. 0W. . G'eni. LR jh"l~~111 ~tE
THE U. of X. DAILY, 1ecsroetted TeReceo!~~I:
AnArbor, Mich. Eniii,' in aitl of tlo Sulmlit Con- -SvTA ~ ,Sixca -c --m
EDITORS. valescolt Home." -1-5 - 5 yr oI E5
H. B. SHOEMAKER, "o, A Ba- voa. "Over tell aphlications for + c:a (-'I a-
W. E. GRIFFIN, '91.A.-'s.M...-E.a Tro-.1-E BE ST a - - H- _-M
A. . anan,'0. an-. aa-a or.,every seat in the Iimeense Opera ' " 1 ___ - aa
M. B. HAMMON. '01. Bt. MaNauca. Seel~~ onrcivdad 5veneen teocher. Board ,wth Furnaned AC U a-
SHou.eOhave 'ben.receBaveMnaand.in.Rosa-y125 per wek. Ciroulars upon allii o« Nc--1 a'a
R.W. DOnUHTYe92'aan Bu . MNa.,.Oler to bo perfectly fair seats etisn. IP -mw 2a(m
HUnSsON5H1 r Qsn51 F. B .TnlIuA~, '91. will be Blictionied of t'No.h" P. R. CLEARY, President a H a io^a
HI . . wLost . . II . iut vt.'91. . ________1i u.I M EW
1F 0 O a.a . . R I \I 2 . 5ornusvs'. lv_ elo.- . __-ar--s-a-'" , n FB (,a? ,"
Orosi., N. 1 r J 'P YTI).Tnal 'heCio i ID the Opera House BUR Gz&aOLL nm cc' Lw no~
1.. - willrui 5 21. uts v. pbe is most brillant one, as iDEALERS IN -z
____________________ov______,___0__gentlemeniell eveninig -a------- - n- I n,\-a- a
di s lilllhveIsetsLontheisage (-
We thiiik that one nt-ry great de s-l aeselsO h tg BLANK BOOKS,.
1 sa ntelee antI thleentire andienice is reqtestdlADLTI ODAN TDNT' ;,damLitmD 0 - .r
to appear il fsll dress.''-N. V _____________
sttlil, saosod h fiEvsLeninig Telegranm. Best line of FOUNTAIN PENS illtthis
ogtto be elected ini the wminter, citytice Creani Soda Wte,. t
"+ g-t- C Uofetiollold Lllulclie
at the saimle the as theo manaiger, (OitingefrNvllbl ~ials ias011Totacco.a
in order thalt the sprinlgniolithis OYSTERS, FRY, STEW ORPLI
maaesthzdfrloil n article by Walter amp on cull and see us at a° p
Football Studies for Captain and 26 soT lTIH STAG'Euf 4a-5
material, arranlging finances and D. L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISERI;. _ Aat
Ilaii(lrpsil lll o h oat-h. For rai-Wkeru S Ideatary PNple, aep .O° s'
aakngal osil la sfo he( tlcniar, Lals ou tsi; tliar
fotbllsaono heflowlgAhleie or loalid. A snapleir Iaiy. -Suday rxrlted.
fo-alsaooftefloig BUSINESS LOCLS. ona-nnaulna-.Taken p hul 6 in.
fall_ queaan Caomne, siifaic,
fl.duir, oprhsis, chap. O. W. IUGGLES IH. W. HAR S-
Y [Nte- erteed iIhis columnataltlb rate ldoed by nu ha isiiaou~dim,iai- G. P. & T. A. Ciag. A't Ala,'ATO,
Thle election of new olhcers ill of 1 cent'in per linels igleiserltl-in. lSeial Yera-a l ynin eAur disa& ethrsi
atsncor-longerim ndexra railesfarnihed n -iw ilg . 5nd orii'd crica-j-
October ats at present, bIeaks the by applyig at ti office oliy erssaliaw 1. 2aTe ar T-aso cosg; ncarsg r. ea. .
at atisght, Aoinlni uolnosMaagrr~ Vuol ul~-en~ RIc4b PhysNical ~ad Tol8eoAnn Arbor and North
unlity of the manalgemenB~t a .yrnal mnetS oieloT Michigan Railway.
critical tim~e, throws sudden cc- Examnle Staffords stock of Trouser- Zv ,S. ' TimTabl oigioafaectan, SMnday Er. 4
sponsibiity ,upomn green men and lgs$5.1)amisnd upwards.
plillty the ambitridge Boa-'Wagmer QA, EPlin Ging oth asA-naxsaGonig Souh,-
thus seriously emidamgers the suce- & Co. FRENCHI ICE CREAM. FINEST FREC
chp ess of thhe teamn, (_S BO to E.at bI ll o of utar COOKIEG. eLOWESTI'ICES FORI P"6. 4- 2 S~adrd Tie. Cie i
1sil I3cat P.ll0.r BabTecer.Sho 71 Fort tSt., West,-Detroit, Mch. 5S4. a. ai-ap-Mi
Thlose wsho imtemnd to purchase Banjo amd Mamdolin at (lement's. CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. """"3S i615.._t.TLEDO ..'I6 it 1m---
v '...vYOS', PROIO- R.v... 42 6t40; Monoesonit' 12 25 10 SO-
seasonh tickts to the Choral Unioni Fanlcy estlilgsat Staiords. Fls. 1 ad 1 Waabltglct it, - YpiatiuiSck. ..JJ 4 5, di....undee......: 1651 25
series of concerts will findv it to Cc. foerIlle. ... 4 5y 727 iii..ttield it.1137 941
thieir adsvtntagce to procure them RhloideIhs the best anle lanest coal. 5 z 5 - .... Ll ad sl ' 16 5--
,,Yar'd, . tilcoi Stret m ielr c od. v ~ 5S taoa Lk.1
o. ....... 5 55g8 4 ....D weud-... 0 '721-'
-bfr ixtStrabe nete 1. I.Box Ovecoats.Wigmer &WUg7 uo...7.3.
sinlehoadmiission ticets canl bs' aneswlite of goodh noels for Son-..,. 55as...COrusan.1 e555-
Sdly readliin it (rlbr's . . News OI 20 ...Or san 5 F 51
bostght itlSno10other day, anti theyylboom., 7 13 . ..tlu 'A1
EHO itA F"95505.Loa's 72b -5-
will be sold at only tw lcs n RH ND - n n eiig i.V ®i :a.9s1 . ....la as45
NO. 12W. IITRON S'. 7 ai10 .31. e5 ... M. Pleaanto...~.B5 5 1
Now, if you wait unltil Satucday I at-ttthIithitreII t7I 3810a 1555 0.I- iS..-45IO 2W .U.N I 25 SSO 15.ttPr . 3 4.414 l
tieofice oSftJ. W. Minie-, IPactil-' -S-0 -Ia2sh 1
and try to get themh both at .the StenhograhpheSr, 31 E. Huhronh Strset. = - 9 51.2( 1 ....33 Cadillac . is
ItCl,. 0..(ne ih.....8'Termis reasonamlble. Call ansd see is. /+C '40....1. 5 2 ---( ta a...... n i
altic time you oill be coml led 1estll5105-llxtace.theli t7 no , -ix iai....Maiteer7,... i
storkof Glttteverseenin tis cf 'r '12.......iu5...............7 19 6
to wat a ltng timte in line, and at ttc 5fuiaserseminhscly.I 11 ...Ka5... Fanot _ 6i
Also omes exceptiontally fie Banjis. -'____________________
the same time keep otlters waitinlg. Ouic 8c amd t0c strinhgs warr-antesl eual n, A s44 iaw DivI~ion.
25outh Fourth street, Aln Arbor.
be busy and you will facilitate Fabertmaati'i al o hehed TaroRuy Evening, 8 6
OuliRomirs taltuemtfthedetta-Ocor30 a a 6l - 5 ___Psaa
matters by securing your season fuddfrtadls pnteJdsOtbrS, Pe ue
ticket atobeoe. fti satneSarmca aieRmat ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ .~~ad 51
atuda tisthreatenedLa'tomme iusast a~lond iomlaable 7 5 07bQfl I 1 ....1.5 inm .Duranbs:i 9aswogdhsad e 11 aegra tog i upr a - 4 45.Eaaga.5i b3.
no delay. Remember the first unusually111 good. There was not a weak H W.AHLEY. A.1 PAISLEY. a
figure ili the cast-Quincy Daily PRICE-- 35 50 AND 75 CENTS. 5oaarnrhtadnt. G. Pal Ao
concert comes next Saturday even- jourmal. Srate on slr at P. o.Neaw Roam, EO. . AZLEWOOD. Lcal Aa-t

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