THE U. OF M. DAILY. Patlsi,id Daily (Sunas exepted) duingo the Colee ars, by THE U1, of M. INDEPENDENT ASOCIATiON. Subsciption price $250 pe year, invaraly Is advance. single epies :s cents. On aeat Shee hans and Pst O0fccrom angnd every evening at d o'loclk. sabscriptin maybha cint at the ofice o1' the DA iY, tpera Houe boelk, at Sheehan ', at Stalttt's, or aith any ot the edititrs. ' ommsit)macatins shauld reach the offtea y 10iA. N. tisthey iiie as appear the siesay. Address all matter inteded fr pulcatin ta the NanasgingtEditr. All bsiess cesin-a Iatislshuld be sit ts the tusiness Maii- ager. Reprt all seglet on te art at Caiers Is the City Cirsihtr, W.I. i'Nil. THE U. of . DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mtich. EDITORS. H. B. SHOEMlAE.,'.Mn~pNnn.nIeON. A. H. COVER, '92. OASS. MNA9Nn4 Emi M. B. HaMNnOt. '9,St. S AN0N w. B. O'NEILL. 'n, are. sas. Mn-~.. R. W. DOGHTY '92. AST. Bs..M-9R W. hI.. (itINei. 'a. '9 I i. I. TinisL, 'a. E. 0. It))) ,.Ni, '2. I.. S at'ii tivi,'O. L,.{}. Wi'HItEAic~s, '. . L.. AONa, 93. C. . SAN,St Do O Osar itS A INGLEIS 7lEiiIt, B11011 St'iSCRII5ENWi. lTI"DAIL" tS ONiY $2,511 tEilYEAtR, PAYALEI IN ADV AN(.".. lEAVE YOttR NAMfEB Ar bltsiiAN'S, T'1R11ST-5s''O FtICI NEtWSaROOXD, 010 W11T11ANY SiEMIIIti It 11015beiet)found tlata COl- p1ete list of the enteritg stdents int 'te Litetrary Departttent cattot yet ho obtaitied. Molay have slight coditions whiIcI they will be able to work oil thils week. Thse wottid ave to be omitted frotmoatiy lst pttblished at this hoot, whereas miost of tlenm will utdotbt- edly be adtmitted to tie Freshmni class. In rdr to do no itjstie we have dcided to postpone te publiation of the nameos of '4 unltil later intheo week. A cot- plate list f tle Jutior Law class will ho fountd in thle DAL to- Customtas 115ordaited that 111ew college piaper shall give a reasonl for its bitg. The "Daily" is its 00111excuIse. Hoiwever, itt a day ir two, whlena tore of tie uper- classmtetn ave returned, we will htave somlething to say about our- selves. Witla thefirt few issues our cireulation will be largely among tile new nembers of the University, and we have begun early in order to be of as much service as possible to them in the way of announcements and gen- eral information, and also to show them what we shall endeavor to do ill the line of college journal- ism. Students of the entering classes! We have comle tuponthie stage at tile satte titte with yau, and we trust yoau will fol tat close sym~pathly for ts wichl 11en hlave who were horn on the satae day"}. We are going to itelp you all we can. We will tot, iow- ever, start outttby ofeig several paragraphs of sage advice desigt- ed more to display otr own wit atid wisdomtanlalto ho of any practical service to you.,Xyou are weel1 able toa tare for yourselves. But get ill toucit with University life aIs soon as possible, and the only way to do tat in attitstit- tiotn of thils size is through tie aid of a college jourtnal. Its i1- fluence ot college affairs anid its'. value in relectng college life canntot he overestimated. You iaut know wiat is going on. BUSINESS LOCALS. [Ntics iserted iii this eltmn at the rite at' 10 cents per lte, singl inertion. Slawelal raes fr longer time and eaten lines trnished y aptlyitg at thiofftie or by esnsltiac I. f. Donughty Asistan Bisineno Maiager.] Gos to E. B. Hill for coal. Leek at The Two Sams' ad. Buay your tas' ossis of Cllaghan.s s& Co., 5S0 S. State st. Try Toleido Steaom Laundary. Baoths Dic at P. . Borber Slop. All the tew tisitgs in neckwer at Wagner & Co.'s, 20 S. Mai. Orser Iayler's cntdies t Grbers. Douible-breased overcoats at Wag- ters.. Full stsck of slitigs at Stofford's. Buly cigars, cntdsy, statonery, etc., at Gruer's P. . News Room All thie newest styles itt clotig tat osl kitds st,). T. Jocobs & Co.'s, 27 and1) 29 Maitt st. Baorg~ais itt tn'ase-btrter oost stoves at Eberboachi Hardwoare Co.'s. Buny your college text-books, tw ottd secsoan sid, at thoeStutets' Bosok Store, Stote st. Examiniie Stoffard's stock of trotser- itngs itnd faicy vestitg. Fsr the largest lite of newas' a tl - ishi hsatsottidlcoas ta be fotnit thess city, go to J. T. Jacots & Co., 27 otid 2!1 Baits St- Seconatd-hanld books, blankl books, adi statoery ceaop at Seeatt & Co.'s hook Store. 'ITse'1'17. of M. FoutointPe"' oly $2.00 at Gruber's P. t. Store. Wild's a. will pay loikiigot. A large lite of Trunks, Satcel sad lland-bags at reasotable prices, at J. T. Jacobs & Co.'s, 27 & 29 Mai street. - Sheehtan & Co. are agets for Wirt, Htolland & Scott fountain pels. Bay State Guitars, all sizes, in rose' wood, maple and mahogany. Fully warranted. Foteal Prics. Best guitar and violin strings;10Sc. Pliias aie, 3 for lo. Banjo strings, 8.; Lowest prices guaranteed. 21) South Fourth avenue. Alvin Wilsey. All the novelties in Neckwear, Kid Gloves, Canes, Umbrellas, etc., etc., at J. T. Jacobs & Co.'s, 27 and 29 Main t. STUDENTS' BOOKS- 1U107 OUtRCOLLtEGE~ SET xiBooTs.Lzu AND hMEDICAL BOOKFs NOTE B'OOKS, AT 'TE STUDENTS' BOOK: STORE, STATE STREET. Seconsd-latsd books at low prices. We Htollattd foutttain pens. I's TTM AND THE~ ""'T HEBEST -!a"- S'vnteea teachsers. IBsnrdswit Furnishedl Roomta 4.25 tae weeh. Circulars upaon appli- eatissi. P. R. CLEARY, President. 'BURLEIGI- &JOLLY, DEALRINt F: T1- 1F jI NIHZZDV' are agets of P'aul E. Wirt, Scott 1aud Bargains in stationery. The Niagara Falls Baoute." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. M I .' f YJCr C + - .71 ____1 t '4: Oa:4^ c~azh sP- sea a3 G 'Sri!a F 'S ___ to O ^ t~t C', 55ty z..5 52 fri f H an. 'g 44ssa , S C_ " G_____ aasO s Q ^ a nn+-. , a . ' t t' V N S al . . N BLANK BOOKS, 5 s 1 ATHIDLETIC GOS FAND' STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. ^no 04 cc.i4. title of FOUNTAIN 11%NS ia the city. Ice Creatt,,Sodat Water, 5 Cenf'etio nsCold Lunch es, Cigoses anidTobacco. _______ OYISTERIS, FRY, STEW ORt 1LAIN. Caland see us at ~ I D. L. I OWDS HEALTH EXERCISER ~ t175 ~ dR Ftll Ba:-WTihitt4 5 tidaryPetals' . v2 M v (; tlO.'iae, ,Lads,, 1SMl.. :th I " s7 "i-"I', a Alllesor Insail(. A scoaa 100. 111)ss'sssss. t'nt's+Dail0y. *Sunsday esfepted. lssdased y-( '.1 osI,} ,) sa,, se 0, vt4= t"(' tES. 11 A. If AvES. (!s lso-m~.ed iss' b tlc'.. G. P. &TI..1,A.1Clienosts tA a Aisis hear )Ssaeash'sfst. 5s.ssslinProll. - 1-sd~bsr. 1>% Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Vot'altsslrs, 9 Kas) s i 1;1 .,. ss' 'sse. Michigan Railway. r21~E~ .7 1 Z~ j fITima Table goiag into affect, Manday. Nae. 26s "._" b V h Cing Notach.ISATIONSt.I oing 5Sotht. 1('N I: hfCREAM. FINEST FtIP (J'H 6. 4. "21.3 coofii1a. 1LowEit':P '1pot'1ic () Ma. C'rCad.i5stmndTime. Cl ce ad. 1x51 DE5 'rATEIATll. at Exp. SExp. Mall fop. Mail ]Onp- 71 Fort St., West. - Detroit, Mich. ' ,..'l l~oa 31112 5 5 n0......T'OLEtiO.......1 11 1 1, is .. CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE., i aeoJsl 22 ao C. .. 05 ', sso'ssa~ass 5....4. 1756 d7 ........hlDunidee,...... 2510 lb Notn. 13 tad 01 Walbin~tonIt lt 4i 35. .... a 17 05, ......Milssn .... 12 t51'5J L5 . 'ir-t-a.'ssa tiga nsd Sty li It adlie Hossa 4.. 53a 7 122 .Pitteheld ...11 0. 9 34 1c'a'e Hire. ...5 007 7,33 .ANN ARttOltI153u5922 5 8. ot:"70s5 ....Le~land's....l1 59O . 540 8fC5Whitmore nLkeit 285 j .... 553.810tcmr......... 57 0. { 5 5.... Duand...... 93 15 .." 7 5i at0e..tCouias..... 9 16 640 .... 8s0a1010 ....0 ?o sas....9106.. 9( 110345 ...Ithanca...... 76032 ?T7) Z 99 2~~~5211"2 2( 8.....S..Almaus ..... 728 5131 am. so as 1;42...tPleamint.... 64. 4le . NO0. 12W). IhUROt(N ST. 5 110 45 1520....Ctlare,..... 6 154 0 8t4 5143.....t.43..Farewll.......... 3 50iS 'neg The DrasmettoEvent of the Seasn. 85 I51...... 4a4aa_.. Cprih..:....: it0t4 a 10 40 .,...a.. __onkamn ' , 5g 3S40 Ca- R d3 ND C7 E -?3- G7'v a , 110Z. .......6OS Mai.Hnisee...., 7 152101 TUSDY.SPT13th, ..... 5B!z...Beaessia..... 8a16 30'1 TUESDY' SPPT.3th., 11 00..... 51411...Frankflot.......o.ass7105 Elmer E. Vance'a Great Realiatic Comedy --___ _______ Drama, Sagimaw Ivt1iomt. The Lim ited M aily eoing Earth nSTAIONS. Going Sth, The moot notable ad renaticetage --- ,_____ - production aver ~itneased in 8B 5B thisaceuntry. Pas FPn..Pas,. a1 Q.!'Two entire carloands of magnallen saeecPi-.. . i.Li.] tAr. A. MK.n......r.95 ad wonderful mechnial effects. Fall of 0 7 .I..1788Ann Arhor.. 11 30 . -... Sensantional Features, crowded with Musical 7 00 ........ 9 8.a.Dusrand...... 9 008""" 15 e emn, averlowing with Wonaderful Surpasses 56S 9..565....Flushing..... 8 48 ......,5S and an full of fun, pure un-adulterated fun, ans 551-7155 ".Erit Saginaw.. 7 to6...5 the toothsome Shad Is of Bloaes. PRICES, 35.560 and 75 CENT. . IL . ASHLEY. A. J. PAISLEY. h Superistendsent ORB. Pass. ASBBB Seats now on sale at Post Office News Rooam -GEO.H. HAZLEWOOD. Local Agent.