t3 nFI C F) ATI.Y CLTHING HOUSESJBON{tID1[TN I/, 74? do drCJJvAyAeue DE O PIE ' 7sierl's, C Y ""flll u-Ni'-tcht }NGCAA-. C, 1~ CLOTH] IGHAT ND ( Lts oet~c W I:Iiesk ' ~ L. Xl-irtts Health Underwear. Black Underwear. Medlicott Goods, Natural Wooicl, and Cheaper Grades. NEWBOK SORS, This-- Display is-: Unsurpassed. oNX ISut 2I7XSL Street, ~ ~G. H. WILD, : d L 'o L .,5 )o«iLANK Bm,,Ai.KINDS, _ - AtII io ok; s(root.initi C tiniils stiviIeInt. ' niote 111(1 a oid I m , ift- I soingii hti(I ile-d t tc Id ill Ilb., Suitii t ninne it ret. ('miiiptcte lie0at Sporting (nods. ting'Iinstriiiients. X1 l t t a i des iid noveltoes n Tri i.-, ad tOvei ingil i lli.,tests Cii r ilmdio Lare tint{ofFontain lens. A Warranted FoninuiiPen (Gold) toe $1.31) No. a E.Washington St..near Main. . FH. WILD. _ ............. JAMES M1STAFFORD, T11he iest 1ptace to get a -MADE TO ORDER~ LATEST STYL ES MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN .ARB.OR, - - - MICHI. Special Valuep! Gents' Fast Bllack I ose, Gents'.All- Wool I-ose, /p Extra Quality Suspenders, ~j~ Superb Assortment of Ties, EV _All-Linen _I ittiallandkercltiefs) SPECIAL LEADERS 0c,) WHITE SHIRTS EvF IL Poplar Dry Goods and Carpet! Store. 20 South Main. THE LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY LOWEST PRICES On iLA MPS, int this city. You wilt save mtoney by lbayitig of its. Our 111TDB STAll " OIL has rio eiqial, bumn without odor, lie eciarritig of wick antd gives at clear white tight. Sold at 10i cents lie gallon, delivered to atiy part of the city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & co. I3IJSZII SS DPRECIOLT. ANN WEQ SAVINGS BAS'S WM. ARNOLD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, W, MAIN S~TREEtT, S pecial aiiein paid to repairisg Watches a.I e ____________ THE CAMPUS. Field ilay- otites Nov. S. Itepresetitatives frointhle ciii- toui1lstadl ciJ the ipuibliatiosof Ailterst. J )atoul wi:acidNWillilats (cii legen loye Mtenaged Ito hold ti banotit tig~Sp 2 ltoielt thidav- live editors will be prtesetnt. Prof. Bryce, AM.1P., is itikitig a tottr of Antericaticoeoigcs. Motn- day lite visitod Joltns IHopins. Atis and lDonellv, of P'ritnce- ton's eleveni last year, aroestow playingk witli tie Chicago Uttiver-' sity toatm. 11. BI. Downywasitnit townt yea- tetrday. The teninis tonrnatietit, post- psoned Snaturday, ott accountt of rain, wil boeIhel, part each day,, thila week. Eltinor Mains, formierly of ')1, now chemist for thte Detroit Steol Spritng Works. wais itt townt over Sutnday. There seetms to he a cotnsider- aide " kick" itt Detroit against al- lowing L. 13. Carey's record of:9,. Cornell has an endowment of six millions atid atn annnal inconme Of over half a milliotn. The medical class of 'bihas elected the following officers: .'ree., J. Rt. Arneill; Vice-Pres., - ____________________ i. W. BLAKE, Mliss AlcDattiel; Secy, "F. (G. Eon- I 1rICTURES, FRAUZES, A TN D terday; Treas., Mliss Allet. Ali AIr GOODS. 1 tnellroa St. execuitive ctommtiitteei aitd a coti-i FERDON LUMBER YARD, tiitIteoi ototttttitS~iCtil-SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM BER polifehl and ilti rteeito report I or. Ionrth andi iepo i, text Satitrdaty, it 1):.a0.l. iJ.HALLER JProf. Sttanley htain imieti charge '- ---or (Itthe leadershtj ip fthde 1)E ti (it iii ii 11 a1speilty.i MiciatliSociety. The society h11,1 O.tM..MARTIN, 1030 tiembters tand initendes to give Cloth Caskets, Metallic a series of conteerts t his wititer. AND DCOMMON tCio'tN \S. The Choral Unionit Itais225 RINSEY & SEABO}LT, titetiters. G Bcerees, and desiers in membrs. roceiesProvisions,Flour and Feed, Santuel Colemtatn, ai Harvar-d - 6 and 8E. Washintoln St. JOHN WOTZKE, stunt froti Chicago, together Maker at'fiue witht two others, wore attetmpting IADE cdv~S1S4 S wRtepiing nelty done. 43S. Main Si. to "~paitit" Catmbridge "ired" last GRANGER'S Tutesday tniglht, but1 a policemtatn, D ACADEMY OF DANCING,-- who accidently lhappened to he ott 0$a duty, took lhimt to the station, Opposite I.aw Building. where lie spetit the niglit, payinig ip1111h cwilb eevdttaytm trn tetn dollars nsext tuornintg for htis thueseasons. teretr i ln r lodging. Calhtoutnhit has beetn re-eleet- Through Vestibuled and Colonist ? r Sleepers Between Chicago and ecaptainofte alni. Tacoma, Wash., and Port- eli f t~ Yal ItiiC.land Oregon. Theeleen gaist 33 The Wisconisin Cettntatid Kortherti Th lvnplayed aans 8Pacific tittes runtihlrough Pullmans Ves- tmentiti Friday's practice. tihuled anld Colotnist Steeliers betweil Theclas o '11,at obat Cl-Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., anil The las of'91 atHobrt ol-Portland, Oregon. Tile traiti knowtn as the "Pacific Express" leaives the lege, an Episcopal itnstitutiotn at Gtand Censtral Passeetger Station, at Geneva, iN. Y., has presented a the cortier of Fifth Avenue antI Hlarrison Street, at 10:45 P. M. daily. challenge cup to be competed for For tiekete, berths in Pullmant or Cot- annullyin vrios evnts incud-oniet Sleepers, etc., apply to Gao. K. annullyin vrios evnts incu-TtuOMrSON, City Passenger and Ticket ing a catne rush, tug-of-war, base- Agent, 205 Clark Street, or to F. J. EDDY, Depot Ticket .Agent, Grand ball, 100-yards dashl, and wrest- Central P7asenger Statlon,-corer Fifths lin Avenue and Harrison Street, Chicago lg' I. t