THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS, SMOKING JACKETS~ THE NEW ASCOTT. Anl Arlor Stoufi Ell~dfY. VOORHEIS & ETS BEST WORK IN THE. CITY!T STATE ST, TAILORS, WORR CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. . I rPECIt A -.TES rTDNnTS. Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. CAtLL ANLUJU3EE US, ' EV7!T1Y S ==T Of Old U. of M. should have a Univer~ity of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guarauteod every inchi of the road. Violint aind Guitar Strings, 1t0 ets.; Ila1ujo and Mandolin Strings, 5 ets. Evrything in proportio. L. If. ( letn t, . L NITGLL ?I A.I T 07OGAlN Co. : s MinsTBR A .D E A .2' BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORNERt MAJN AND HURON STREETS. LARGST' STOCK Or TottsMr Goon)S AND FiNE (CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND CIGAiRTTS IN rTECrTY. FERGUSON & SLATING, Genjts' Furnishers anjd $aters Carry a full line of IIATS, CAPS, NIXKAV EAR, IHOSIERIY, GLOVBES, UNDERWEAR., Etc. The latest styles and au entire new stocktto select from. S22. 20YTI T..T -T - .c-R.~ 2 -.WAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOW ,... I verY Stodeit xwill stave meoney by huying University Text-Books aud all supplie i :i'Ileadqnarters. We allowt special discount on J'AiV BOOKS, MEDSICAL BOOKS, DEN AL BOOKS, in shorit, cvcry Book used in the SUiversity. .5,000 Blank Books at lowest pricer. LEADING BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. L LI iEES TYLES FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. I ___I__' After the :30th of October, no IN more applicatiotis for advanced CL OT H IN G credits will ho received, ft is do- sirablo that such advan ced credits bsecured before the end of this CLO TIEII setmester, so tihattliey may appear OF ALL KINDSIAT in the Calendar. J. T. JACOBS & CO.'S, ._ ---#., THE CAMPUS. 27 AND 29 WAIN STI. "--='=--The first of the inter-class L. CRUNER.'9Lavs'9 Denier in gamies, 19Da s.'3Lent, will tncrig5NS St Z DnStO 's be played to-day. The effect of It~iigoeNeatly and Promptlr. these class teams iti getting out I players is already evident. The Everybody is invited to go to teams will be crude this fall, be- the skating rink to-night, to wit- cause miost of the men have yet to 'less the exhlibition in lightning learn the game, hut very touch Painiting. Books sold at auction. jgoo~d will be done in arousing in- terest in the game and developing nosy material for next year's 1i hmond Straight Q'cit eleven. Na. 1 CIGARETTES. The .Senior Law class electioti yC~anttie snokera nha is . tnoun~ced to be held Saturday, T _ r r ilng to a y a lttle mor aethan the iericcov. 8. E Rugby Directors' Meeting. The directors decided to setid the teamt on a wreek's tril) through Indiana, playitig the colleges of the Itidiania Leaigiie provided sat- isfactory arrangenits cats be ttade as to expetises, and Faculty consetnt can be obtaitted. Man- ager Codd was also authtorized to change date with Cornell f rom thte 15th to the 27th, VTanksgiving~ .Day, if possible. Vise directors discussed the project of givittg t foot-ball hop, atid decided to circulate a subscription list to do- termnie whether the sttsden'ts will give it sufficient support. The tickets will be $5, and the only date spokets of is Nov. 14. Nov. 8 was set apart for Field Day. The evetits will be the reg- ular ititercollegiate contests. The entries will be openk to Utilversity athletes tonly, -atid cats be matde at atiy titte, to atiy ttetiber of the boatd of directors. It was the setitii-ietit of the board that a foot- ball coach be etnployed, bitt fittalj actiotnwits not taken. Toe secretary of the board was instructed to inquire concerning the cost of a banner for the foot- ball chatmpionshsip. The directors will tneet to-tnorrow to cotmplete arrangetnents for thto field day and decide upon thte hop. Thke I :,,(-' Itisl::-,, tc hand Se oein tke Statc.t% rt: 3- 3cfortMartin. tWashburn, iirunao anidt3(aryG(itiacs, tand Dosn, Stew- art andti enary IBanjos. Best Strings in Ohe World scat b 5toay adrdess nat 15 cents eaeli tar iit ita ::.Guiar aird 10ccts ecc !MILLER' I-A T8]. 6'S G 8od~peed'S, TeIPATENT Best LET R FINE PO118PH, :30 tLast Itarat, St. JAV. YORE S&SON, 3') M,,nnatarersof - Bind and Orchetshr Ban~d and Olnhetln S07ti far Catalogune. - Maileci Fcet. GRIAND RAPIDS, AtICIIIGAN. "- THE A RCGUS,=- AT LOW 1 55(55. SHORTHAD CURE T WILL PAY 1 Ot. Sbtc)tHrd Sr+ljINew Building, 20 Snuth 5tatk Street. ettiargeti tar tie actimtrs tttttctCigtarettes, wilind 'eMS ttstANasaerior ta 7 y2 a:ll otetrs. 1n asCigarettes lare tttade Itroitthe righn- neod L~eat grown in Vrginia.n Tkis ins te Old an rgittal Brand afS traight Cat Cigarettes, was brought ant bi usan itthe rear tnt). e imiite$r ALLa ase is an eovery th ALE & INTERI trancht Ofa Othe Amtericatt 'Tobacao Ca.. tanuaturers,,- R ictttndt, Virginia. VThe annual ineeting of the Anierican Oriental Society was held last week, at Princeton. Toe class of Graduate Laws will tteet and elect class oflicers Tesday, Nov. 4. Prof. Stanley's organ tecital at Utity Club ltas been postponed till Friday evetintg, Oct. 31. Vlie Orange and Crescettt A. C. teamos will meet for the first titne this year on November 8, at Orange.