THE U. OF M. DAILY. Ci. of -1 .Tart$yi(. Pubished Dilty (Sunay excepted) duritn the Cllee ar, by THE U. of M. INDEPENENT ALSOCIATION. tuiptionprice $ :fi er yar, nvarabl in advanice. Sngecc~opies 3cnt.,Oi sale a Sheeitait' antittiOil~iic ne t tant-tver eveninig at 6 o'cock. Subcritiniayb cet it Htheloffce of cite Ot., oeruseH block oiaticiotti ' att stoitit's ortiith ay of thte edtos. Comuncationsciold reah 'thei'ofic by 'Ill A. . itheyttareHCtHopper thce anc day. Atdres Hit motter intedted teripubiction t the Mnging Idtor. All bHsie comuun icatiostitoit d bc tint t to c Bhebuines Moo- Rtepotta etttgect:on the.poftOCrrirto i the City Ciculatotr, W. B. O'Nel. THE U of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mich. EDITORS. H. B. SHOEMAKER 'it, M-0-4OE1E5-e1.. W. E.GRIFF~I, '1.A.-. eMi..'m..agaOrn. A. H. COVERT0.A."MA..-M10. W. B. O'NEiLL. '1. A.. -MANo R. W. 0 OGT e '92. A--.8-, A..CN W. F. (tIticr. 't. -It. TiniiiS, '91. H.0n. 1). V1,o'. "I. iH. M. itcn oci '. itAtro SONEti, 'Q, .. 3IT Uiii'ii: , 'HA E. L. Mtoo, 93. {(. L. S-AtN, 'd. The result of the mlecting of te Rugby AsociatioilSo t utrdty hst, 'was tot calculatedito ilcrease the enthutsiasmt for foot-bal amtong the general body of Uniivesitv students. By many it was sup- posed that Rugby poceedigs were to take a diferent tutu ii respect to mnagentent to wati they, had heretofore. A very large numiber at heart iterested in athletics at the University, btt who had become lukewarm on the subject through a knowledge of the selfish spirit underlying ath- letic managemient, decided to make another attempt to rouse iterest in the subject, amd to give the associtatiotn a financial backig. With this purpose ini view, miore mneiy was subscribed for the Rugby Association than for tmay yeasrs previous, antiStiturday found a cowd fromti tll depart- ments tind tll ptolitictal factions of the the University awatiting itt Roomi A thte openiting of the miet- ing called for the purptse of adoptiniga constitution tamdtielctitg officers for the ensuinig year. But it did mnot ttke ive minuittes to dis cover that the old clique that has been puttimng out Rugby teans for a ntumber of yearo ptit under the name of (0ierity elevens, were determined to receive no support in way of managementtad choice from the great body of students who are being made tl.e subject of sneer" front every petty college for their inability to pitt forth strong college teams. Wheti tfter patiently seeing the abote cliquietrut ill four miten ast te officers of thtetasoiattiont,ttllttt- telit WetP' itIde tt elect two iteit, distingttiseelniotoily in thte itIi- veisit buit thtroittyBouit Southletrt TEll Secuct-ltti STUDENTS' BOOKS-. itUY YOURt COLLEGtE Bons, LAW ANTD MEDICAL 3LOOKS NOTE OOOES ,AT THiE STUDENT'S' BOOK STORE, STATLE STRIIET. nd books it tow prieso. We are agets of Ptaul E. Wirt, Scott amid Hoelland omeitain prints. Btargatinis ini stationery. TSTIE NI'T & CO_, - R ST7 - -li.'ligtufotrthir i'knotwledge' of .G N~. foot-beill, bitt whlo do itot htavittte"1Toe Niagara Falls Roots." Ion, ' (If belontgintg to the clique,- they were Voted down, wiht the CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. cool deterinationi prevalent tANH;E =: I I ':uN thtioughiout the mteetintg, of allot- It n oinefrnei h ig J1 [HS 1 1B i-tle of the Rugby Associatioti. H The athletic entthtusiast of LC , -HaC; 1\icligttit Univer'sity, the gms'eit " ~ . iii somte respects anid the .stielli of---5 T H E B E ST .- - . w " i others, of aty imstitition inoIthe Seeteenicht ettttrs. ioart iitt uistentolteit~ land, callt How sit on the fenice cioin. 91c ' co Ccoitsittt ltiit"o. Hs aruii ~efirg~tl oiciig P. R. CLEARY, President. I' U H ' . F.s Alichtigtiu ltbor fir Ilong hours tlt j t2ThOa~nc W+iflTT wrest victory fromi Albion,ituntk, iDUI\LE1 fl & JOLLY "DELRS]I'ut1bictoo, tir sitlie oilier vilitige C A -:t m ^no T I tetamt f'omttthe recesses of Way- 3 ",j'7D "'E '/ Ci iOH.c bac-k, while the smuall college-s of BLANK BOOKS. - 2 lmndhtaa, Btlet',Prde am ATHELET!Q GHODS AND STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. ntc ~ __________an a c ____,_ nzxsozd Wtabashiareiti inimg Cratwfordi timd Best lite itf FOUNTAIN itE'NS inuthtte '"Snatke- Autiesms coaclies, imith cit\'. Ice Creamt, Stia Wtater, a -c ? 221 one ease (Putrdue) scorimig six Comeetiotist olt Lunmchtes, ________ pottstis emiby te teiia hich Cigars amid Tobaicco.- poitst~gtel, y he ea whchOYSTERIS, FEY, STEW ORt iLAIN. defeatedits ttChiicagti last year;o C:adseu t --- t0 20t tot)0timd the yeair before 24 to 26 SOCTY 'NH S AT'I7 SWI io o H _ H . *)Esentrip, n etr .L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXEECISER. 51tc Ie,;4 a tiip, miot wamnted at B~uftalo or For~ratn-Wmtseraitmdemiary Popte: 'x I Cihictigo. N otljimig to do but twait I ~z AthlterIcinvatidi. A compte +Dainoty. *Sunday excepted. utmtil the just imndignaotionu of 1,80o)quarttlo oomtCnew, scnifiic,- V durtble, comprtelhsive cheap. O.W. RUGGLES. H. W. lOAvES. nglce stdns rsalie amid I..toed hi,000eoo hvicionsittoto1 0. P. & T. A. Chiicago. Ag't Aoii Arbo a . cl nergymten, c itto & HthersI wipes omit rorev-er the preseit Sys-nousnitSedfrl'cc-I____ irae titi u - ae~iocng'H; noachar e. Proit.iD.- tern of athletics amid starts them it . Dowd, Scienaific Phsical:and Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Cam a mnetwbasis. t'ocal Cuturter sto14th so., Newor ~k. Michigan Railway. C L. r Time Tahie going intooeffect, Monday. Rae. 25 BUSINESS LOCALS.______ _______ GoBing North. o TATIoONS. Going South. [Nt~ictes iunertet initihitetlumaniat the rat.FEC C REM ETFit M 6 .'2 .3 - of0 ii cenmt perotine, single iseton. Special Ct ~'L)VSTiSCOFR -' . 2icCd oondTm. ieCd 0 catcH f'r lgr 1tu nI'utettndextra linestaurohh,'d JCMT a d. S ailE ity aput ing at tisi'.fHiter or hy costi mrR.B STMAE a xp it EP Wt. DtoutghtyAtssistanatBinl~ess Manager.t 71 Fort St.. West. - Detroit, Mich. ! _.--_- - '' P. M . A .'.'ni teArer P , . . yrital iacSOteo'CITY LIVERY AND SALE ST ABLE. 40tO ......TOEDO...... 12 i5 mU .is See the itititiemuse limie of Overoctits C. I.. 'tOi',T 'uuutctIcso 04 Man-tnnnitil oi N o 3 adt 1 Ws in oauniSt.,i Ypilant.ti 4 , 6 7j.......itundeed ..... 216-tih w S 37 5- dii 1 R..... ian ..11V 1 2 Exaittimie Sttaftorid's stock of Trouser-0tortHere, in. 05 ,27. ANN tOO ii .. 1 7 9 0 ... tu s: 51I a uth pwatrds. 5 t2.f'5....... ind ii...i1i129t1 Btuy thte Camidge Boiwi. Wagner .39 8 (6;t 10Whitmon'. take i1i0Ht8 55. 4 Co. ...r. 5 o 8 1 ....Ha burg..:: ff1 5, 8 Goto t E. It. Halt for coat. 359040 .. Duand.... 9 4 7 {ti Dligit Class turittiiigs tat T'e/Ic'ntoI .... 8 :(1102 ..wss.... 5 63.... SitTui. 3 I ftif ... 9l? it t ithui. a...... . " I+50. ...iS A..Bts1cat 1P. O.Barbaer SofpNOwqw it5oN1. timd-' l ou..,,2i 45aP hItiunjo anidMaundtilin it C('tentt's. _________________________ 70. iOen . H0 Exr Sb.0ittoi's t.. H..2S5 .....diFael...." 3 28 Mell illepie, eachr ofGuita' NO 12it HURN ST.7.8810 4 3 o Zia {y "' titit -r-ca r. XXttgmi-r S 72Hi... s . ..C a d-- illactte,. .... i u in Co. 2'. tiN . 0 .... BenzB(HHH1H. ...t.7 1930H Rhotidet'has the besttintcleainiest cal e a ' a It()0 5615 -... Fraon r~t ...-...... '& 55 TardIti'. tumroit:strict, mietr ratilroad.Saginaw DiviSion. - t'mtdtrwear at Thie'T'o Samius. I). It. Box Overcoats. Wagnier &t Co r Going Nortkh eaTioNS. Goig Southt. A DeOw tml inof gooid novets for Sit_______ itay 1'inumgit Gritter's J. 0. Newshndy Vning, ass. Pa6. 5 a- ttoiiii. October 30 j-o- -- We twitl show mnext week the hfiest I07II 7..4.0 .,Annt Anr. it...... 92 stock of Giuitars ever seeii in thus city.Ta * I~n1 !I 7 ... ... 7...Durindng.5. e Also someO excepitiomunlly ine Baiijos.s4,5.. ii1105 .Rant Saginaw.. 8510..'.. 6 Otir Sc and io/c strinigs warranited etquatl___ to any int the city tn iy priec. Wititeys. ~ E--3.5AND 7 CENTS.I H. W. ASHLEY, A. T.PAISLEY, 2-5 South Fourtht street, Ann Arbor. PRCEuperi" OltntetndensL lien. Pnan.Ag" oni Seats onnhate at P.O0. News Noon. GEO. It. AILEWOOD. Local Agent.