K- t 4 - 111 _ h y\ 'I V V k F y \ / r 1f ,yy,_ 70L.I. No. 25. UNIVERSITY OF MICItGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1590. PRCE 3 CENTS. EXTRA, F THE RETURN GAME AT AL- BION. of M. WINS.---SCORE 16-0. The Game Characterized by Hard Play and Much Slugging. tspeecialto the Air ."] ALBIoN, MiWr., OCT. 25, 1890. The game was called at 3:30, this afternoon, with Allen as um- Pire- About 300 were present. The teams lined up as follows: b of M oitions Alion. 0adbourne....Center.....Schultz Matl.(1. G...Roberts her ......L. (;..arr alley... ....R. T.......laruieter earsoll .........T....Wootoll eCule. t. E=. Maywood -l erman.....L. E......Newell ewen ....Qu'r back.....Burnlam ewett hafI acs(Landoni rosh j....Ialf backs jAnderson YEert ........Back ......Snell Grosh made the first touchdown for U. of M. No goal. le fol- lowing it up shortly with another, from which a goal was kicked. Albion was three times at our Ve-yard line, but failed to score. The play was hard on both sides. Good plays were made by Lan- d00, Anderson, Burnham, Grosh, and R~.Sherman. Parneter was isqualifled for slugging, and H. Warren substituted. Score, first half-...... of M., 10; Albion, 0. In the second half Jewett made a touchdown after a fine run. a1.Albion again failed to acore. R. Sherman, Sutherland, 4Id Chadbourne were put off for sluging, their places being taken S. Sherman. Mi.Morran, al RUGBY MEETING. W right, Kay & Co. i Gurren. Time was called by the ThNwContitution Adopted. Mipire when, (ladbourne siluged'. 1 urnhai took the opportunity to make a touchdown for Albion, which, after a dispute of twenty minutes, was disallowed. The rail, which had been threatening throughout the after- noon, now began to fall and the game was called. Score-U. of M.,1h6; Albion, 0. The Wesleyan Guild. The trustees of Wesleyan Guild have purchased on the corner of Washington and State streets two lots upon which they propose to begin at once the erection of a large and commodious Guild esti- mated to cost forty-five thousand dollars. The object of the Guild, as set forth by Prof. Winchell in a neat little pamphlet to the Methodists of the State and Union, is the religious and denomina- tional care of students entering the University from Methodist families and families under Metho- dist influence. The Guild is to provide a theological library, and to establish courses of lectures. It will also provide such other means of instruction, amusement and social enjoyment as may be deemed appropriate. As some one has estimated that fully one- fourth of the students are of Methodist affiliations, the building of such a Guild must needs be a very important step in Univer- sity life. Prof. Carliart has gone to Chi- cago. He will return Monday. The Webster and Jeffersonian societies are to unite in giving an entertainment for the purpose of raising funds to refurnish their halls. The Rugby Association met atIK r ursIrnpc stof Gem. and Art Goods, ueewelers and Op- 11 o'clock this iioring. The new constitution was adopted taas anufactuers of the without any material alterations Finest Sacety Badsmadeqnthe from the outline in yesterday's country, Samples sent upon pro- D1AII.. The only extended dis- per references, cession was upon the provision . resting the whole responsibility of -V the choice of team upon the cap- tain and not upon the board of di- 140 WOODWARD AVE., rectors. It was finally decided that the captain should choose Detroit, - - Mchi a. the teaii. The captain will be--- elected the first week in May, and last few years the Association has by those memibers of the team who been working without any formal have played in at least one-half of organization. The comniiittee is the games of the year. The elec- to adopt a constitution and to de- tion of officers, with the exception ide upon certain questions that of captain and treasurer, will be have been discussed. Among held not later than the Last Mon- the most important of these are day in October. the conditions of membership and A warm discussion as to the ad- the fee to be required. visability of permitting members The Association is to encourage of the association to vote by proxy research in questions connected followed the adoption of the coil- with Political Science and to form stitution. It was the enanimous a boid of union aiong the per- sons pursuing that class of sentiment of the eeting Chat (lie studies. In the past the Univer- custom be hereafter prohibited, as sity has possessed men of national being detrimental to the best in- fame in these branches, and at terests of athletics at the 'Varsity. present there is no class of stu- The election of officers resulted dents that show more interest in as follows:.President, hugh.Van- their work than those studying Constitutional History and Politi- Deventer; Vice-President, G. M. cal Economy. This Associaton Wisner; Secretary, R. M. Shaw; ought to have a prosperous exist- Treasurer, R. C. Thayer; Direct- ence. ors, Ralph Stone and Marshall. AthleicFe Political Science Association. -j A committee of three men from. the seminary in Constitutional History and the seminary in Po- litical Economy has been ap- pointed to reorganize the Political Science Association. This com- mittee consists of Messrs. Robin- son, Warner and Griffin. For the The University has been offered three plots for an athletic field. One of these is part of the old fair ground and the other forms a portion of an orchard situated north of the new fair ground. The third plot is owned by Law- rence and is on State street. The final decision in the matter will be made some time next week.