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VOL. I. No. 25.
-HaPiness Reigns Supreme in
Adamless Eden.
Last evening about 350 ladies
from the different departments of
the University assembled at
Nickels' hall. The occasion was
the fourteenth annual Freshman
spread. The entertainment is
given to the Freshman girls by
their Sophomore sisters. Formerly
only the members of these two
classes were invited ; but after-
ward the invitation was extended
to all members of the Literary de-
partment, and now it includes all
Co-eds in the University.
As is well known the distinctive
feature of the occasion is the
enforced absence of all gentlemen.
The wives of the members of the
faculty attended and acted as
chaperons. For refreshments, ice
cream, lady fingers, macaroons,
cake and lemonade were served.
The assemblyawas a scene of gayety
and brilliancy seldom surpassed
li' Ann Arbor. Dancing was
moderately indulged in, and one
who was there says that it was a
perfect success. All seemed to
think that the absence of black
coats was aii improvement, at
least from an esthetic point of
view. The assembly continued
Citil about midnight. Then,
after singing "The Yellow and
13lue" and "Tis a Way we have
in Ann Arbor", the meeting broke
up, and the Freshmen girls under
the escort of the upper classmen
returned to their respective homes.
Prof. Trueblood's Readings.
The annual entertainment of
the chapter of the Epworth Lea-
gee was given last night in the
chapel of the M. E. church. The
entertaininent consisted of read-
ings by T. C. Trueblood, professor
of elocution at the University of
Michigan. Prof. Trueblood is
well known in this city, and a
large number of people turned
out, completely filling the chapel.
Selections were read from "Julius
Cesar," the "Pickwick Papers,"
and that Southern sketch, "Ben
and Judas," by Maurice Thomp-
son. The professor excels in this
class of dialect reading, and filled
his audience with delight by the
manner in which lie rendered the
quaint expressions.-Detroit Trib-
The Wesleyan Guild.
The trustees of Wesleyan Guild
have purchased on the corner of
Washington and State streets two
lots upon which they propose to
begin at once the erection of a
large and commodious Guild esti-
mated to cost forty-five thousand
dollars. The object of the Guild,
as set forth by Prof. Winchell in
a neat little pamphlet to the
Methodists of the State and Union,
is the religious and denomina-
tional care of students entering
the University from Methodist
families and families under Metho-
dist influence. The Guild is to
provide a theological library, and
to establish courses of lectures.
It will also. provide such other
means of instruction, amusement
and social enjoyment as may be
deemed appropriate. As some
one has estimated that fully one-
fourth of the students are of
Methodist affiliations, the building
of such a Guild must needs be a
very important step in Univer-
sity life.
The New Constitution Adopted.
The Rugby Association met at
11 o'clock this morning. The
new constitution was adopted
without any -material alterations
from the outline in yesterday's
DAILY. The only extended dis-
cussion was upon the provision
resting the whole responsibility of
the choice of team upon the cap-
tain and not upon the board of di-
rectors. It was finally decided
that the captain should choose
the teai. The captain will be
.elected the first week in May, and
by those membersof the team who
have played in at leastvone-lialf of
the games of the year. The elec-
tion of officers, with the exception
of captain and treasurer, will be
held not later than the last Mon-
day in October.
A warm discussion as to the ad-
visability of permitting members
of the association to vote by proxy
followed the adoption of the con-
stitution. It was the unanimous
sentiment of the meeting that the
custom be hereafter prohibited, as
being detrimental to the best in-
terests of athletics at the 'Varsity.
The election of officers resulted
as follows: President, Hugh Van-
Deventer; Vice-President, G. M.
Wisner; Secretary, R. M. Shaw;
Treasurer, R. C. Thayer; Direct-
ors, Ralph Stone and Marshall.
Political Science Association.
A committee of three men from
the seminary in Constitutional
History and the seminary in Po-
litical Economy has been ap-
pointed to reorganize the Political
Science Association. This com-
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last few years the Association has
been wor ing without any formal
organization. The committee is
to adopt a constitution and to de-
cide upon certain questions that
have been discussed. Among
the most important of these are
the conditions of membership and
the fee to be required.
The Association is to encourage
research in questions connected
with Political Science and to form
a bond of union among the per-
sons pursuing that class of
studies. In the past the Univer-
sity has possessed men of national
fame in these branches, and at
present there is no class of stu-
dents that show more interest in
their work than those studying
Constitutional History and Politi-
cal Economy. This Associaton
ought to have a prosperous exist-
Athletic Field,
The University has been offered
three plots for an athletic field.
One of these is part of the old
fair ground and the other forms a
portion of an orchard situated
north of the new fair ground.
The third plot is owned by Law-
rence and is on State street. The
Prof. Carhart has gone to Chi- mittee consists :of Messrs. Robin final decision in the matter will be
cago. He will return Monday. son, Warner and Griffin. For the made some time next week.