TH .AT THE TWO SAMS, SMOKING JACKETS THE NEW ASCOTT. OF M. DAILY Of Old U. of M. should have at University of Michigan Guitar. Price lowest, Qduality highest. Giuarantee'd every inch of the road. Violin aind CGuitar Strings, 10) ets .; Bajo and Alandoliii Strings, 5i cts. LEverythiiing iniproplortion). i I ('f(} L. I ('leinent,i. QGI 35S. Mai LTTTTNTIGLR . TAIpp tU & GO 11 7 ~lNU. BROWN'S DRUG STORE COIN Elf MAI AND ITURON STREETS. LARGEST wr'cGCE 0 TOILEr Goons AND FINE CIGARS, TOBA'CCOS AND CIGARETTES IN THE CITY. FERGUSON & SLATING, (Gellts" Ftirijishers aid $atters Carry a full line of HTIS, CAPS, NECKWEAIT.lOSIEIIY, GLOVES, U-NDEIIWEAI, Etc. The 1atest styles ad an enitie ucw stock to select from. ^2 SOTYWSI ST 'A&W 2SW, - A N R 7R All Arior 8touI1 Ellllfy, VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, 'WOK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. M-SECIALI I S T 'S TUDnENITS. office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. -SbILL ANDi SEE US,. zzWAHR'S BOOK STORE, DO TOWN.- -Every Stuldent wrill save m11o1ey hr huyinlg Ciiersily Texi-Ilooks alil all supplie- tlleadqiarlcrs. We allow Spelcial discoit011 L.AW llOOfKS, MEDIICAL IBOOKS,.IDENTAL BIOOKS. ill short. ee ry BIlooled 11in the 1 iiiveriiv. :](HOla Inik Books at loweist Iplice.. LEADhINsG LOOK STOVE, IN II V 'CITY. L S 1 1 1 I YL S1FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. Soi'ii-OiRov 3IEI)I(,S. -Thi'en- 1 iE 1 rWill be ai iieetiilg of the SopliG- IN- A~~~1fter tlie 30th of O)ctober, 11inueMdisoi110lwrIetr IZ 11101'0 a~~ppications 1(o1 advane omrdt ilb eevd t isidelroom, Salttirdi>,at )1 a. i. N G cedis wll o reeivd. t i doCO.MMITT EE. CLOTHINGsirable that such advanced credits. be sociirod before theli o 1f this ATHLETIC NOTES_ CLO ~~~i~iI ~semester, so that they niay appear11gymite OF ALL KINOSIAT inteClna."Aleaiaini1yiatc T. J.ACOBS & CO.'rS, Aiiswers to all requests senlt to nuder-graduates before a degree is 27 ~the IFaculty lhive to lie soulght of coniferred. 27AND :29 MAIN SzT. time Registralr. Every Tuesday Fo-ali ann riida .oorning a list of the persons otbl1 L.iDealriniR whose requests have beeii granted Colgate. Every iiighmt sees tlhe 3T S' l:) re Posted on the Presiet door., ieii practicing oGlithe campus)11, l No. 5 Souithi-Main ,street. Ilaeig ian Sou aii 'llleli. . i. R ONr. and the eleveii will sooni be 6(11/0 / , t 'rI .05/001 NlltnitlII:14 1' i~t i t ee loueii in the watt(,. A,:,,'11, lfir M i ii ; h 1110 iech f r0111 in i !(l 01 1,01,1 iil, i I - iii l 1-ell,, is MILLER HA TS.]r Ties. Everybody is invited to go to' the skatinlg rink t o-nighit, to) wit- 'less the exhibition ill lightniiig Pidil1ting. Books sold at auciltion.lI 9hehmonG- Straight Qclt. r No. I CIGARETTES. C 'igileeoi ,Smoekeswho r Sl1r 110 tIlll ilto :yali ttle0 cillurgld 011 lie aelilol' t t loCiglietcR'S, il ll;11 -, '11110 liensupaerlior til (=t4 N l ll Iiellelnd Straight sOirlsde l~eliaeliavreand 11hig hest 01101 5115 01'ee 01111 11 inVirgillil. Thisis teldlii at waU, it oal bStraigt in (Se r ear Se1S 1naSn r li(nation, and obsaere thait(lie The ALLEN & IaleNTcEBrnypaekage. (li te Americean Toacca Ca.. a 1etrrd, - .IRichlmond rginia. . IL. Miller, 190, has an offer to -Write an article on the U. of MI. for the "'Century." MISCELLANEOUS. Efforts aro binig nade to get SENIORi MEDICS. - The aniiial Lehigh aidmtittedl to the foot-ball mieeting fir electioii of officers assoito, cnann ae will be1101(1Satirday at