ci.of 1 T? a Ii4(v. Publisheditfaly (% nays exepted) durittg te C(shceary car, by TILE U. OFt11,INDEPEN[FNT ASOCIATION. Sabsriptin pre 02.50 ypeyea, ita outli- itladvatnce- Singcies 3sscets.On sae at Sheehan's and Poto fienes stand eey evening at 6 o'clok. Sbsription nay e let at the offietat the tDt it, Opea Hotter blo, at Sheetan's, at Stettet's, o i any to the etitors. Commnunittcattons tholdtreth te oieeby 311 A. m. if they are tonapear the sate day. Address all matter intended forpabicaton to the Managng Edttar. Althuiesomontt- ietionnshold tb te set to ttt laeB ttinessMan- ager. Report alt neget~oo theat ofCttrriesttt the City Crcaator, W. IL. 1defi. THE U. of X. DAILY Ann Arbor, Mi. EDITORS W. ID. GitM iert.'li. . I TuataL, 'it. i. D. JEwoet°.. l. I -nt. %Ft. 1~ 191, li. D. . iitt ti. ,'32. .. SttWTIrnAYPt'112. RtAbT;PI1STN,%'.l. L t. V;WoerEte ut.'t E. L. MASON, YI. 1. L. SPAIN, '. The gatie with Albioti is at- tractinig cotsideraible attentiotinit Detroit ftr the easothttat the Al- biotnatid the ).. . tetitts till AlbionitWill be 1o3l thei r ownl groustt and Nil Wtiorigly pitt tllt a strongtertgaethan the otto here. The DILetY ill issuetiait extrt to-ttorrowv giving a full and1cor~t- tect accotitt of the gamie. The tiitig of all others itosts nietded hero is a little bit of Uni- versity spirit. 'We are tll proud in a half hearted sort of Way of our high1 standard, atd large at- tenidatnce, btt whent the tnecessitv arises for making somte Ipersonal sactrifice theti the individuatlistic spirit domtintes, andt the Utivet- sity' may suffer, for tl Becte. A stikinig itstatice of this tn- mianly spirit ws seeti last week whtetitw'tt (f th l d illfotttball players', -tiiettwho httie platyed ott the tltiveli for twit yetrs ltast, -refutsedlli tot ititue playing be-- catise thte trainitig rules, etforced this year fr the first timie, itter- feretd with sottie of their let vices. 'We nteed iot sty that such a display of babyismn is cotdetmited by the . whole college, atd that Captaitn Malley's action itt en- forcing the rtles despite the loss of two old players is as heartily commended. There are but few American colleges where men could do as these men have done THE U. OF M. DAILY. and not be ostracised itt college( STUDENTS' BOOKS- circles. BUY YOUtR COLLEGE We like tot consisher ot college Trxi1. Boors. LAW AN MEDICAL E005_ the tival of Hiarvardt and Yale NT OKA H bitt the faict is we shall never be STUDIENTS' BOOK S'TRE, STATE STREET. thteir- eqtal froi ti ay stantdpinit werotthittl hunbks at lowt prices. We are tigetnts of Paul E. Wirt, Scott atid bitt ftse intelleetuial unttil w'e learnHllandtttt fountain pens. Bargtits itt stationery. tost 1 attttet'stiponi a U( suva'ady .. == A co_, - tbisis aut]udeleop thatt loyalty atid lose for Almia Mater svhichi tiake -_________________________ ai college disaster a perisonal tnis- B ==mMfICHIGAN GENTR fortunte, atndl college good fortune The Niagara Faills Route." becotmes a iatter" for wiihl we CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. are all persotnally responsible. AND THlE '" I ATHLETIC NOTES. (1 IUjt' 11 : Ii~u B _ DDIALM uuttm 1 1! The lat'gest score yet mtade this seasoun is titat of Williants with tlte Laureate elevetn of Trot, 142-0. The Aiidov'er elevetn is puttintg up a str-ong gtame. It has de- feated Tufts, 4-0, Technology, 11-4 4,and was beateti by Dart- niottl by the smitll score of 10-5. Tacomia, Wash., has a foot-ball tetatmtcompollsedt of old sollege players. Gaties will be plttyedl Iwithi Seattle, Spokante Fllis, -Vii- tot-itt and Vtancoutvers. Perhaps some15 say the wtave of etitlisisiasit will teach Annt Arbor. H1arvard Itas five excellent can- didates for the httlf back posithis, atmong whltot it is almiost imtpossi- to choisose. BUSINESS LOCALS. [Nittiees itisesteditnt this colunt at the rideo of t0 cenitostperline, stiglinstertiont. Spestat rates for longer tiotanada extra tines titrnisheit byi aeplyig at tis atlleotrittcosaltinv it. W . Dtanghty, Asistatus aitnessMattager. Launditry.-Telepthotne 73. Yountg Alewts Overeotats. Wagtner & to E xtitte Stafftord's stock itt Trouser- itis, Siltt atndl upwvar'ds. G o to E. B3. 11a11fir rstal. Bhls tile at P. 0. Barbter Sitop. Spilendtidl vailutes ilWtarmn duer- stetr. Prictes retasomiable. Wtigmir's. M~ell(Gillespie, Tettchr'osit ititr, tFtitiss- estitigs it Sttitf'r's. Grniger s& IBaxter's Stutr Launodry. Just noitii'liost .Atnn, sotiFouthlist. Rthodte htithelii-bssttiindscleuiest ecoil. Yoald, AV. liaot street, tnear raihlsoat. Bity'cnal atit wood of Judssoti, State street. Ad~vaniledllas55ilil Dintg Bwill lie- gin Satuirdlay it 7::30. - Grmanger's Arcatellip of Dlatnsittg. A tiue assourtmnt of every-ting in lrlttdware at Eberb'hltrlHIardxvare Co.'s. Special stale oifIU. of M. Fttunttaitn tfenis file one wteekly17, tat $1.4'). Get ote wvhile you have a cttattce; they are the best fotuntaitn pett Imade and wiii give yosa ttisfacrtiont. Call at Grutbetr's P.O0. store. Fots RvENT.-A desirable sunite of rooms at 47 S. Division street. Steant iteat, witht hatht. Hot and cold water itt rooms. LOsT.-A lady's Fold watcht antd citain. Thte finder will be liberally re- warded by returning the same to Mrs, W. G. Dieterle, 38 S. Fourth street. mTHE BEST .*-- Setoeti ti-teachtersi. Boiart i ith Furniseei Faoot.ti ii) petretk.Circearsi o tn appi- P. R. CLEARY, President. t t t i E f_ is S" j« < _ d a u ' iY al G __ nO . 7 . c;ercp i Je ^ ;Is Or- ;at BURLEIGH & JOLLY, ?7 ' =° ; ; l5EN1,ERlt5IN p . C2 STA'TIDNER -" BLANK BOOKS,,- A HELTIjCGCOD3 lPS AT[ ETDENTH' EUPPLIES. Best hile of FOt'NTIAIN ' PENS il te cityt. Ire Creamt, Sodta Water, Coifertittns,ColLtimeis, n. Cigttrs and Tobacco. '''' ____ OYSTERS, FRY, STEW ORt PLAIN.- Caland see usat °cjN: 26 SOULT='1HI SrrArLJ SE2 I a o D. L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER I 2 l a. tot Btain-Withers0 tieetaty Pol: 1 t i .$ 1 52 Getit"tit. t..adies, 'aoutaiit Athlete orItnvaltid. A comiplte Daily. aSauay excepted. ____ gy'mntiaim.'Takes n tti6in. duratble, comprehnsie, sheap. o.xv.tUGE,t H5I. xv. fHAYES, indrsd by 2o~ooiithyscians Ia-- G. P. ElT A. Chicago. Ag't Antt her'~r yers, clergymenueditos & oher Sendsisigi. rie iti r- cu.. - ITd 11 .tl I n g'e- no lhtsgc. IProit.It. 1 L.DwScientific siclad-Tld Ann Arbor and North O ot lteBas in, Michigan Railway. .,,G.:,., .1 T ) = Z Tims Tabte going inoaefttct, iMtndtay, Rae. 25- Going Noeth. neSATIOtto. GDoiegSaout. tiuENC'II tiE CtREAM. FINF;ST FitENCHt t()ilIIwiT. LOV1tEOT I ttAOt " - 1, 3. 5 tIIIST 'r I'rLtt.L. a. ie Cad. Stadad TimeCI'ee ai. l. so1 71 Fort St.. Went. - netroit, M I atI'1' Mll aIn. IMail EaP- CITY LVRYAD SALE STABLE. t... t s25 600 7LFt)a....tT1'ltt il15.. t ..vYosi', rFttE-itt. all.7h6 iWtinro Jasct'n 2 27o 2 Nots. 13 ant 15 Wathiugiun at. - 4 17 6 47h a Idi......tlisdoee...... 11 111.,10 Furst-siuass titgs tandlStytliot Sadilte H rss1 .... t3; 05........Miltnt.......I 12 04 it 5 ....- 5 i7 i ;3 ABE ARBlOR11t3ll95221 -- ~~5 e n'H1 ,90 . 115 4 8C hitmare taisIt 0li 855.i.... 6I5iN it10 ...t.iamiaeg..... 10117 8111j.-.. 1I.... 6 S 8452 -... oell ....t1 il2 58:71.....-' 7 n 9 5...tDurtanid...... 935 1 7 ...l . 743 0 0.......tttiaea......9 1e1i6S4it.... 8 o1) 0V ...... waai...... i9 t I t - 4 7r3 9 0711 It . ..CaIthca...... . 0,5t it t Ott 11~2 r 0CsitSA ..( .N:L 3'21 38...t.oie,tt... 7(otSi 1S5 t~ I... 0 .. Aeehama, .... S'1 .t.t tilt -0i4 i 20....Catlre... 6.15. 4Oo 8 4 mats......i1 43......Faseweil........a..u3 826 7 11... S ..Peadihfne......... ts t3 - Os J, !Saginaw DivilSion. * aOnng Ranth noasuana. GOnintg nait. ONEWEEK, BEGIN- 8 6 5 Ia tan 'ams. __ A. po XIN G OCT. zo, - '--____ - - ____ .7ar- . a. L.] A tAr A. n -.... ' P nd ..-71 88.AuD har.. l9 80 . n91 7 6 .. t6 ,. ...u.a 8 48 . .. 6 71 8 5t.. tO1055..EastSagiaw-an 7 4:::': PRICES- 15. 25 AND 35 CENTS. ^HtW.ASHLoEY' . 1o. P.AEa Seats on SaleatP,0..Nawo Room, GEO. SHAZLEOWOOD. Lacal Agent.