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October 24, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-24

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5* l
VOL. I. No. 24.
ZINA P. KING. No one can buy single admission parts. There is surely enough
The ti(kets except the holders of meni- material in the University to fill
SEx-Treasurer of the Alumni
Association Arrested for ber.liip tickets. The single these positions, and everyone who
Embezzlement. tickets wdil .be on sale olle day has any amateur experience, is re-
only, viz.. the day of the concert. quested to see Prof. de Pont as
On Monday last. Wi. C. Wells, On the evening of November 1, soon as possible. The club will
president of the University AlumI- will be given the first concert produce the "Rough Diamond,"
"'Society, made a complaint of the series, by Miss Adele, Aus and several other short plays in
before Justice Pond, charging der Ohe. In order that the char- January, and Moliere's "Le Bour-
Zina P. King with embezzlement. acter of the series may be seen, it geois Gentilbomme," at the end
As many of our readers may re- may be stated that the second con- of the year. The club will meet
er o e cert will be given by the New
theaer, Mr. Fing was formerly York Philiarmonics, and that the every Wednesday evening during
th treasurer of, the society, and Boston Symphony Orchestra has the year. It is earnestly requested
the fact of the shortage was dis- been engaged for one date and that all persons who are compe-
covered a year ago last summer, has given us the refusal of a tent to take these heavier parts,
but the imany friends of Mr. King second. The second date may be apply at once to Prof. de Pont.
succeeded in staying proceedings. taken if the efforts of the Choral If this is done the University
ie is nowproceedings.Union meet with the hearty re-
hagd with the em-spouse that was given last year. will have a dramatic club, never
hezzlement of $17,679.05. Mr. If this is done, Michigan will be before equaled in the history of
King appeared before Justice far ahead, musically, as she is the University.
Pond and his examination was set now in many other ways. No one --- +-----
for next Tuesday. He gave bonds who has once heard the Boston Rugby ConstitutIon.
for $1,000 to appear. Symphony Orchestra will miss a The Michigan Unversity Rugby
second opportunity and it costs .
just as much to hear one concert Association was incorporated im
Choral Union. as it does to hear the entire series. May, '86, under the Act of the
A - sa f The canvassing committee is not Legislature of 1861. The consti-
tctive work in the sale of yet completed. In next Monday's tution to be considered to-morrow
tickets for the season of 1890-'91 issue will appear the complete is in accordance with the constitn-
1ow beginning. Mr. E. H. list. E. H. Smith, Lit. '91, chair- tion
reith, Lit. '91, has general charge man. Lit. 91: H. B. McGraw, provides that an member of the
of the sale among tie students . nger, R. C. Tlayer. Lit. any emberuofnth
and conmittees in '92: S. Travellick, W. C. Quarles, U. of M. can become a member
has appoP. W. Ross, W. H. Dorrance, W. of the Rugby Association upon
the various departments as given C. Tichenor. Lit. 94: E. N. payment of $1. T1h, Board of
ow. The series of concerts Bullock. .Dent: O. F. Ingalls. Directors shall consist of seven
which will be given this season, Pliarmic: R. S. Tidrick. members, of whom tie president,
lender the auspices of the Choralt .ice-president, secretary and treas-
Uniionl, has never been equaled in Dramatic Club. vic-rsdnsceayadtes
the ,sa - urer are ex-offici members. They
e State of Michigan. The plan The Dramatic Club has re-or- shall ieid office for one year.
the same that worked so sue- ganized for the year, under the The manager is to be chosen
ssfully last year, but its scope directorship of Prof. de Pont. by(the-Board. in February, and
Cosceen enlarged. Four excellent The club intends to bring out sev- sall-iold one year. All directors
thcerts are sure to be given, and eral plays, even superior to those except manager are to be chosen
hey may be six. Anyone can last year. The plays this year at the regular meeting of Asso-
an associate membership will be of the highest standard. eiation. The captain is to be
ticket for two dollars. This ticket The club has twenty-three mem- ciosen by tie team of tie previ-
Wi admit its owner to the entire bers more than enough to take the ous year, and is to have entire
"ies of concerts, and also gives minor and some of the more im- .
him the . control in choosing players.
e privilege of buying one portant roles, yet it is found that _ _ __
$1ngle admission ticket to any of three ladies and three gentlemen Princeton is having a series of
the series that he, may choose. are still needed to take the heavier class lacrosse games.
Wright, Kay & Co.
Foreian Buyers, Importers, of Gems
and Art Goods, Jewelers ard Op-
ticiatls, Manufacturers of the
Firest Soc ety Badges rade in the
Country, Samples sent upon pro-
per references,
Detr it,
M oh-an.
Tennis Tournament.
The players will be classed as
follows and the order of the sets
is given.
1 Bye-11. J. Effinger. 2 Bye
-eo. J. Prentiss. 3 Bye-M.
Wade. 4 Bye-C. M. Church.
5. W. C. Tichenor. 6. H. W.
Suydam. 7. H. J. Hatch. S.
F. W. Colgrove. 9 Bye-E. W.
Dow. 10 Bye-D. Cheever.
S. Sherman plays winner of
first match. 2. W. F. Slocum vs.
3. T. B. Cooley. 4. Ralph
Stone vs. 5. Geo. F. Codd. 6.
E. M. Smith vs. 7. W. Shaw.
8. A. S. Brown vs. 9. B. E.
Codd and Cooley play Page
and Slocum. Effinger and Col-
grove play Van Inwagen and
Burns. Shaw and Brown play
Sherman and Dow.
Prizes offered are as follows:
First Prize, Tate Special Racket.
Second Prize, Tennis Shoes.
First Prize, Slocum Racket.
Second Prize, Tennis Shirt.
First Prize, Cane.
Second Prize, Choice of Cane,
Pipe or Gold Pen.

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