THE U. OF M. DAILY. ---'TI;E NF. CLOTHING 11,HOUSEt odar veu, "Nles CLOTI NG- ;iE J1I;# \tIi} -THE NEW COLLAR- Th is is e-ctel - intgly p6 ular with Avell-dress- ed -(rentleiiin- Wve carry a full line of the justly cel ebruated Crown Collars andl Cuffs and Monarch Shirts. ': L_._tsL KoVoiIL3 A EDcavj ~ . .,,v INEW BOOK STORES, 6 South Masiq Strut. 44 S rq State Street S(Z)T 1= f UNIVEr :ztTzY TEXT:z- 130tKS TKlTTO T r rG. H. WILD, Medical-Books, Law CB Is, BLANKcBOOKtS, ALLt. tt-,I.! 4 -.NV.. All iooiks teed it(lSoin . i tt(lCtlNote IBooks iatitiPads. Draft- Is 'diow illote -a s tiekofI' 111Ul"S ;oitl-s ,~il tie motiL o.£IItit ELle ttof Sipot,liiYG oods. in'..Intelri tti . All tie IdlSt Shatdes to itot ttte('s il i't I 'lts t i ntti LatrgeStock of Fot otaittPeits. A WVarratdd otitittlii en Gld) for $1.:a0. No. 2 E. Washington St , near Main. Q. H. \ /ILD JAMES M.STAFFORD, TAILOR 1HI6R1R lThe 1 eat place to get a -MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - MICH. Special Valuep! Gients' Fast Black itose, Gents',All-Wool Bose, (p Extra Quality Suspenders, 25 Superb Assortment of Ties, All-Linen Initial Handkerchiefs $100) SPECIAL LEADERS 50.--IN-- cet WHITE SHIRTS PI F, MILLSG Co., Popular Dry Goo" ad Carpet Sture. 20 South Main. THE LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY a LOWEST PRICES On LAXMPS, inthiis cit. Yot ill si ave montey bjy butyitg tof tts. Our RED) STA-1 7 OIL lies no eqtutl, bitrns without otdor, or chiarrinig otf wick antd gives a cleair awhite ligltt. Sol at 1t) centts pter gailoit, deliveredl to anty part of tlte cite. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & GO. THE CAMPUS. Prof. Trueoblooid wiil give a re- cital before thto Epwortlt League of the Methodist clitrcht ini le- Prof. ICI. iFE. Coletsp ~enit yso- tertlav inlDetrtt. Prof. Spaulidinig wiil deliver ite Stundayt addtrossichtapel. Mcccss K . I.Moore, 5. 13. Gruibbs, J. W. Dulrfee, W. C. Co- nant, F. Jeoromttaitd W.' Platt loft for Chicago yesterday to attend the Delta U. conventioni. There will be a meeting of -thie Chemical Society, Oct. 2-1, in room A of the Chenmical Labora- tory. Thiere- are no papers edited by the students of the colleges of England. The fintest college building in America is at Syracuse University. It was (lie gift of John Cronse and cost $700,0)00. Six Siamese students have beent sent by the governmient of Slamn to be educated in this country. They go to Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa. Hereafter the University of the City of New York will admit women to the, classes in the law course on the same conditions as men. Mr. Campbell, who wvas recemit-I ly appoinitedl Instructor iii Cherm- istry, has not beent able to itteel his classes, ovitig to sirltiess. lHe is at preset at taieItomte inC .Detroit. The Tale cinptlus is ttolieI adorned withi a bromize statue of ex- Presidetnt Woolsec-, at a cost of .;15,10 0t. 1Rev. A. d. {Covell, Lit. '85, was recently ordainied pastor cof the Conigregatiomial church at Flint. In the record of the tennis chamrpionshiip, published yester- day, Harvard should have had 5 singles Slid 4 doubles, and Yale 3 singles and 3 doubles. This makes Harvard the chamulion int- stead of Yale. At the Yale fall regatta held last Saturday, '93 beat '92; and lie Sheffield Scientific School Freshmen beat lie Academic Freshmen for the first time in 13 years. All Republican students of the University are requested to meet in the Law building at 7' o'clock sharp, Friday evening, Oct. 24, to march in line to the rink, to bear Hon. J. C. Burrows. Seats will be reserved for students in line ouly. L3VIJS1ESS PIPSIQICLY7. ANN A~RR AS'NM BANK= WM. ARNOLD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, l3i MAIN SREET, S retiaattenititontpteaid is reptairig Watcties a(.a«"try M. W. BLAKE, IPICTURE+S, ERIAIRES, A N D ART GOODS. 10 West HurenStA. FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manifactreritif attittiiertin SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM BER C(itFouthaniducet Sts. kJ. HALLER 46 SOTHti it AINST. 0. M.MIARTiN, DElALER iIN Cloth Caskets, Metallic ANtDCOMtMON COFFINS. RINSEY & SEABOLT, linkers addtetaiers in Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, 6____ anti 5 F. tasitgin St. JOHN WOTZKE, Makeraof ine L.ADIES3' anid GENTrwS' SOES. Mepntrin'neatiy done. 4.3tS. Main St. GRANGER'S 4ACADEMY OF DANCING,3 Opposite L~aw Buildingx. Pup~ils silt be received ni nnr tine daring the sasonn. Through Vestibuled and Colonist Sleepers Between Chicago and Tacoma, Wash.. and Port- land Oregon. The Wisconsin Cenitral and Nor-thern Pacific lines run through Pullman Yes- tibuled and Colontist Sleepers between Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., and Portland, Oregon. The traini knob i as (lie"Ptacific Express" leaves lie GI and Cenitral Passenger Station, at the corner of F'iftlh Avenue and Harrison Street, at 10:45 P. M. daily. For tickets, berths in Pullman or Col- onist Sleepers, etc., apply to Gxo. K. TnompsoN, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, 2015 Clark Street, or to F. J. EDDY, Depot Ticket Agent, Grand Central Passenger Station, corner Fifthi Avenue and Harrison Street, Chicago Ill.