THE U. OF M DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS, SMOKIG JAKETS . M K N J C ESTH E N E W A SC O TT . ARll Arbor S1till1Lgllif1y, VOOIRHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, -WORK OALLED FOR and DELIVEREDI. FIRST CLASS WORK. dfftce, 23 South Fourth Ave. -/L N J E S Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inchl of the road. Violin wind Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, .5 cts. Everything in proportion. L. II. Clement, 15 s. Main Si.. ALLMLINUGEL PIAITO & ORGAN C O. BROWN'S DRUG STO RE CORNER MAIN AM) HURON STREETS. LARESTr STOCK oOF TOILET Goons AND FINE (IGASs, TOBIACCOS AND CIGRETE xINsrTHE CITY. FERGUSON & SLATING, G s~s' Ftiri ishers ail $Ratters (rty a full line of 1LATS, CAPS, NECKWtEAII, h1tSIEIROY, GLJOVES, U'NDERWE.-R, Etc. The latest styles sand an entire newslock to select from. m. rO'JWSI STionn SW.,rm- asn ,,,ey Studeniit Nvill save )ioneN bytisyinv lUiersit'Text-Btooks snd all supplies :it icadtclla~ttrs. rWec allow spacial liscoiisionLA01IV W hoOKS, .IsIC A1' a1OOKN'S, I1ENTAI, BOOKS, ill short, cevcry Book 1used iillith Is ziis l'sits . .,,loo Ill ink Hooks it lowerst pis. L E T EWEST ST-YLES FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. li L L A ft rr Iieth of O ctober, 1to I more applications for advanced CLOTHNG credits wxill be received. ft is do- snirble thast snob advanced credits be secured before (toe end of this OF ALL KINDSIAT in the Calendar. ~J- T. J.ACOBS & CO.'S, Answers to tall requests outt 10 A tbe Faculty have to be sought of 2atf 7 AND 29 MiAIN sr. the Itegistrr. i Every Tuesday coe out to Practice on the fol- lt)W4i1Lt day s, Oct. 941 and Ot't. 2, at 3:30 1'In RlOGER cSHERMAN, Captain '94 Lit. SENIOE MEDICS. -Tile annual meeting for election of officers will be bold Saturday' at 9:130 a. mu. in lower Lectiure Rooni. E. S. S TEOUr. Choral Union. mnorning a list of thue pe'rsons The treasurer of the Choral L. CRUNER.whsben .aI'iolPo.L1)Wies il Dleinwoserequests have bengranteu in rf .D iewl 13.ZTZ7SIOES tire hos teoHtile President's door. be at Calkins' dreg store, on State d 1l e5 othMlioml. P. 1t. lDE PN. Street, StraNov. 1, frolsi 10 - -4 to 12 in (be forenoon anid fromn 2 Evryod s nvte o o o MISCELLANEOUS, to 6 ill the afternoonl for the plur- Thle Tennis Tournatment will pose of sellinig sillgle aldmlissionI tekaig rink to ni. i- ei aud tickets for the first conlcert tnih, 5itbeiSttrty atilne a. I. 'less the exhlibitionl in lighltning Those who expect to ta~ke par i of tile CilorllUnionl series painfting. ooks sold at auction. Ii hudmk hi entrees as fo this year. Any person11 iood- soonl ts possible. The colurts will ing all tctive orl associate mem-~ - -- 'ehl o h ecuieueo bership ticket can~ purchase one Ra~I2hmond Straighit Qtit. contestants frolil fourl'to5 siN SIlle dms'o ticket to tis N.I o'clock tis week..Iconcert for fifty censts up~on pre10 CIGARETTES. . A. JAMESON, Pros. senltationl of his Ileluberllip CigaetteScoiere lse Tlie'e xiii e a of ticlket tat tiie tildie and place above aer'ihllig t too yalittler' le ng ined. Associate lrlemborsilip meth lan the'pricei University Prohibitionl Club, Fri- chargedlfor the risllosy d c.2 ttickets Illay be 1proculred of intl tcrade Cigarettes, will tell Iy, Ot. 21 iat7:0p . InIatt tany 'timle. Tile first conlcert C,5 all ethers. tl ~x etr 101.Sil ThCuctsed raNh' tle xiii be given 01n Saturday even- o t c Igrettcs are ThemaertnRihmonthe bright'-pOclstbraightes f ilb oel st iitelleately Slavored andl higheat coatis roeitse nthe flIrg, Nov. 1 , by Miss Adele Aurs an grw in irginia. This is the 111EeyOlditrse l ie aidrOi. A.1.Io'css ClbmgaBadStight ocy CulatheCigarettes, camupaignl, whether proihibition 01' rOie .I. O IS and h'a broghtout y u in he ear 87aSecretary. Sr~eO aea as, Ra~t ios, a.adobserve that* the 110t initeI oated The LN l INEBanchrypackage. W vI itdtcIattLld.cigPe. 4nu oacoc ihod 0INEE Virginia .11.At 1) Henry W. Sage has added,~emrceEcsoVrii._ RFRScsustgs.-Tlesschedule of $200,0 ohspeiu ito " i.Miler, '90, has an offer (lie ciassfo-allaue must be 000t sspeiu ito carried out. In order to do so it $50,000 for the establishment of to W4rite an article on the U. of M. is absolutely necessary that every- a department of piliosophy at for the "Cenitury." one who can possibly play should Cornell University. u/k'k -7 - the StIio.A" ' -i. i o, 5obo II s- in d ci i o (;tIt= m siid 1)o 1'') '~ art colnd ,,, i : -t'. II i il te aw %Vorldl ewstl- 11::1, I 111uv v.l,!,, ti . ) 0 c, cli si f x i, dl,sl :1 t;itilc- Id 11, ("i:- i ,;<<11cl foe Ilcijur. MIL LER HAT.Ties. Good~peed's, The IPATENT Best1 Millinery antI Art Gas :la FocsT Huresn SI. -5v- Iw, Yg&OREIO, -i ~ Ic cMnufcturerofg .: Band lid Orchhslra Bitd ltd Orchelor MtU SIO GRIANDiRAPIDS, MICHIGAN. --eT HE A R GUS,'-- AT LOW P'RICES. SHORTHAN D TA T WILL PAY YOU. Sh ortiaad IcbllIew Buff Irg.20lSouth State Street.