THE U. OF M. DAILY. Publislied Daily (Sundays excepted) (luring the Cllege 3ear, by THE Ui. OF M. INDEPENIENT ASOCIA'TION. Subscriptiotn price X250 per year, invuriably innadvance. Single copies lcent. (In salenat Sheehan's nd Putt Otice ntes tand eery evening at 6 oclock. Subscription many be left at the ofice of te DAILY, Opera Houste block, at Slteehan, at Stottlet's, oe wthanty of the editort. Cutttnautttiono should recch the office by 101A. M. if they are In appear the tame day. Addreso all mailer intended for publication to the Managing Editor. All businestcommn- ications should be sent to the Buoineso Man- ager. Rteport talteglect ;ont (etotet of Carriero to thte City Circulator, W0. 13. (INei1. THE U. of X. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Nicta. EDITORS. W0. 1E. Gt1IFcmc. '111. 1F. I.'1 tnnAL, 1. 1.5. 1 Jonosr.'S1. 11i. It. iooc,,'1. tRAL~tt STONE', ' .'0.2 . 1. W1. ttocilitt,'03 that they thought the referee's score inicorrect, though they dotibted if the trite score ran quite as high as 563 poitits. Admittedly then the score as printted by Al- bioti is wronig, atid there is no fquetsttnbitt that the aecouft a givetnill the DAILY extra, score 56-10 is correct, for every play by which poitits were made was too fully described to atliit of dispute. Probably tio such trouble would occur againl evetisliotild Mdr. Alleti referee the coining gatte, still this episode shows the imtpor- tanuce of having experienced 11101 for utmpire atid referee. SUBJECTS FOR ESSAYS. STUDENTS' BOOKS_ BUY YOURt COLLEGE TEX"T Bons. LAWAlTD MEDICAL BOOKS NOTE ttOOBS, AT TIHE STUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. Secotd-hatiid books at low prices. We are agetits of Patti E. Wirt, Scott aund Rolland fotittain petts. Bargaitis ill stationery. SSt)Txlt mTHE B.EST. Sevetei en tseacr. Boned awithlI'ueoitnloci Rtootm'b' S p(c r wek. Circulauon appli11- catio. . . . . A1U&.1ANGENIR "TeNiagara Fall: Route. CENTEAL STANDARD TIME. Inn t- II noc c 5r- N.ION, 03. C.'. teStAiN. 10 I b "KIIo'153I THE mAGUEmPUBLISHINGnHOinE. A book of referenices to re'alliti inastter til each subject has hbeti The returni (f seveniteeti of d t mpldanhe b osutda '00 laws for' the '1I aster'0sit ec ctedii ricd aol iii t e lilied at cleatlFintdiati's that tli emercs -0. llnoil of this tlepartoictit alipieciaicte h e '-. Wo1ii'iti Soff0130 '-in 'CaiI11 . advamnagsco oicivd by this addi- 2111. Tlie Next Poet Lauireat-. tiot tothe ass01)1100 Lao vur 20. Praclicl '(alue1 of a Liberal Ed- wals the fist titie a M(Iater'sdo- 21111). Ilfik thottei. grec was conferred ill this depart- 2117. Th-elPosttmaster-Gentiral as Putt- Itett two mem~tbers of the ilass tic UCtisor. o£f 'at)being the first to receive Xow. Esoficif aima:1T1r'11111- this degree. We believe that if ilia. anyotnetnecds a broatd, sYsieiiatic 2111. Exainati~liionis i Schools. edtucatiun it is lie who ititenids to follow the professioti of lass-. Thle At Wellesle, danlcinig is tughit student whio cuts shiort his pt-epa- as a branch of gytmna~stics. ratioti for law, atid Hurriedly corn- -*"} pletes his work ill the departitntt BUSINESS LOCALS. itself, it isl eager desire to enter [Notices ((serted in this colum((n a1 the cafe upon thelpratctice of his prof essionots, 0 CINOt I('T'(tie, itw~ieretion. S3tcjji l l atesfoe tingetinte an((extra liaco f'urtishfed comuil1ts 11 Imistake ofitwh~ich lie' itplinigiOat hist otice tieby otnsitititiit. himutself sill be cIogizant otily Lamidiiry.-t'elephlone 73. after it is too late ill be retietdietl. Yoo eisOeco~O at This advantage oft a thototigh Exaniie Staffoitis stock of Trouser- preparatioti is comsing to be more iks, $01111 antiupusanis. GO to E. B. Hail for coal. genettally recogizled, as is sliowtn Bathist1lc at P. 0. Barber Shop. by the itnctreased ntitibet- (f sttt- Spetidid values iii Warti Uttdt- dents int th law deparhlttecnt who wear. Prices reasotiable. Wagners. Mcii tIilliespie, Teatchier of Guitar, hisv-ctaken antiaccaidetnic odegreo.IBaitjot and(1Matidolin stt (lemotnts. 'We trust thit the tnutibet of lawss Fanlur(estitugs st Staffod's. (ratiger & Baxter's Star Lautolr,. takittg the Ma3stet's degree tiext Julst tnortii of 'Anntitil1 Fouirthlst. yeuar will be at iaterial iticrease Illiotie ias the best attd cleatiest coal. - Yard, 1'4. Ilturout street, nea~r railroad. eveti over the psresenlt etcoutraginlg Buy coaul andtiwood~ of Judsnt, State outlook. The practice of lasw is a street. nloble callitng worthy (f at toble Aldvatleel Class in D~ancitngswill be- y giSaturdtty at 7:30. - Granigers edtucationi. Acatieiiy of Dancing. ---+" - ---A ine assorttbenit of esverything its It i a atte ofreget tat he iardware at Eberbacht Hardware Co.'s. It is matte of reret tht cthe l sale of 'IT. of M. Foutntaimn referee of thie Albion game (an tetns for otto week ommy, at $1.49. Get Albion man) became so mtuchi in- one swhile you itave a chatnce; they are time beat fottntain pen made and will terested in thte play as to forget to five you satisfaction. Call at Grubel's keepthe cor. Hoeve, a Q'store. keep tha scre. Howver ~ FoE RENT-A desirable suite of number of thte Ahbion players rooms at 47 S. Division street. Steam heat, with batht. Hot and cold water themselves stated after the game in rooms. P'. R. CLEARY, P-resident.'- -BURLEIGH & JOLLY, ST TIDNE'R I Y BLANK BOOKS. MTELEEICGOADS3AND STUEINK ' UPPLES. Rest litie of FOUNTAIN tPENS it' the city. Ie Creat, Soda tW'ater, .o n . ConfeeftiotCid Lttohles, :r Cigars alt ToIbact-ot. OYSTERSFliT, STEW Olit PLAIN. LO Caltandtsea usat t'021 .02 26 SOU' =EK Sr'.&rJ= S12 o; D. L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER. I~0~ hn FtoBraiu-'Wotrmem kiSedentaryPeotpie: { 0 5 00 C C Athlete or tuvalid. A complti'e OI- ily. *Sunday1'exceptedt. gatoonno. Taketipixut 01in. duaitle, comptrebensive, cheap. 0. 5W. SUGGLPO H . .HAvYES. Intdorsed bito ot'00 hyticianosi-- 0. F. & T. A.Lhio.n Ag't Ann .kebor' yctn, tlt'ts-met, ditorn . otters nowating it. Sencotaill'd ciecut-t __I __ Prte .f rk 0 ,0 ttn'sno charge. tProt. D"1 Voca Culure 9 'Estt1th tok. Tld, Ann Arbor and North '" , Michigan Railway. I ,0 - -4 Time Table goiag intoleftnttMonday, Nov. 25" b b" Going Nnrtb. ;eStTATN. Doing South. yitENCII 1tIE-CRE.AM. I(NEST F011011 COoti1tNt;. LOW1EST PICES FOil ' 6. 4. '2. 31 1 a. ItEST MATER'IiAL. # Stun. 01cc Co'd. Stndard Time. C'tead.',?«n 71 Fort St.. Went. - Detroit, Mich.'Ex. 1.3 - ___ ap,_- ai -. CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. ....3 25 1110...T LEt)(t..I 1i1It1 t5.. C~.L. FOTtet,tin. ' dil Odi'640Monsoe inet'I27toh28 ... N~o. 13 atd 15 Wamhngti t. - Ipaitanti, Micth 4 17 0 47_.. Dunodees....31;2 20 15 .." First-lassu iigos ittidiStylishb Satdtle tHorses( .... 4 3i 1 051...Milana ...15 01 9 S5.5.5 for Hire. 453 722 ....Pitsfid. li..e11 42 4.... A tit . 5 Leands....lIh1 90 5 40 8 C5Whitmore Lakte1110 855I .... 5 5:3810 ... Hamburg... 1 5 85o .. 1..y 53 W. ....Dounad. .'91 7 .. 92:103..S1. Lnuis. 7 3"510S P. HURONi(AV A.M. 10 15 12 '1, ...Mt. nPeumnt..., .764 54.15 P. ' 0. 12W. RNS. 5 3010 4. 120... u.t....154 0:41 543 ...1 43 ...... yareo ~..... 3 508S2 7 34A3. 0 i. ... Cadillc..... 1 1 85Z..... 4 40...I'tpcmio . 9 05 4( w '0 -. .a10 4i..... . 5 2 ----O . m.'. ' 0 4 -1115.062510.ast~tee... 71 10 1£.518...ttteottia .(810 )316 I"a 11 0f, 540 ..Frankfort. t. 750 2t Saginaw D I ]SIon,. Going Nrth STAINaS. GoinggSoath- -ONE WEEK, B]EGINK. 8 6 5 7' Ptasn Pua.IPass. Pan' ING OCT. 2o, ---- ---_ Pain- .. A. La.] tAr. A. .9 7P05lnd 711-5.5986....Duand.-. 7 1 Ida V6__ __ _ _ _ _ p53 6 lsig.. 8 6 f 5....10155_EastSginnw.. 746:::: PRICES--IS5. 25 AND 35 CENTS. H, . WLSLEY. A. en.PaIoE 0.Pie.Agents Seats an SaeatyNO News Seam, (1E0. H. HAZLEWOOD, Local Agent.,