THE ICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS I P+ 0 !4.+ 4+. I _ Thle Most GonvIuGlin that we coxild do that would tendl to STEIN-BLOCH CU( would be to introduce you to a msain We cannot conmrand the language with good these ctotbes are. Tthe iakers a neath tthecoat collar ot their coats, and their reputation, that not tthe siigtstestd fabrics or tailorisg, is permitted to) en troduction. V'ou doist know hlo, chea STEIN-BLOCH OL( sre, until you saxeaworn thsenm.x lixda qusantity ofl in tful i iike hniscoli LIND[NSGIIMIIT R +++ °Z ^"4+++3..444...444...4++3 i+a4aT' ..I~ 4.4 + i ~DEITIESA 4. J +T induce you ts buzysm you MoneU ± i OTHES ± I INSTIRUMENTS and SUPPLIES sihio has worn theri. -l'-yn tao+n~ It ~ which to tell you how +o oiLartryCussn they are so prowloni + l xi.. i ii nTo LS)GY, and 'Ailll10l-i,)Y ierc either of style, + ix. ! lxxxi Nin }ltrei xo iiiePt tix x 'l 4.j ter any part ot their ,li-T its i .r o-xxxraoa iis-xinx4 t ixz? i'it t1...x 4. it- y'urni on itionaso anr tiliAt O 4 TH+ +" TI" I:5 ii 26 SihS siai-Sens. l vwthESh tn nwnw + j 'H EBERBACH SON, a lxxi the realitlixi - . 4 "yy{j . 1 qfor ta'rasoi aanLatis .n IR.hSs PAUL, TL20 W.Washington St. Y ou wiill find a nice line of At IduMaii asnd quality of Clothing College- i 6 G@n6S of -tood easte are wearing Good Butter and Fresh Eggs al- ways on hand, at reasonable prices.Gilve me a trial and be They insist upon having it. convinced. Remenmber the Piace. EX:' LUSIVE PAT[LRNS tho i0,5. 125AV. Ws hingtS}x ALL NEW SUITS TUTTLE'S Iod only by T~L EWSllkx LUNCHROO i r THEFORK" Sack Suit MIj CMx_1 Staebler & Wuerth [GAP KNOTES. -lxi. E1,, l ';1x- i. it i. x . a- I xxx x- -xx i 't. l~: 338 S. State .St. C)" - 5isixisr inm gias W'hE'imyou- !: ilI "t lx Ix xx i S } S ? ' iy 1 { , if S * xx x f .I~i 111 R wes City Laundry, Work neix tiy t l taixl rix t x rl It1 -isl i xxxi i:h() tw 5 . - - Ill) i x . x -l";.x. +. FOR STYLE 4 +. AND) SERVICE... 4+ 4. STU[DENTIS4.4 .,ALWNAYS Z I ~ P riAONIZ E . SHOLMES' + 4 LIVERY * Liberty St. 4.+++ +i+ ++ !.l oMONEY LOANED ,0 et sito i tiin. i caicoiii icr.ll ui . j5 11: Ci a Psxx rsy . iid at -oixi ric, xtio J ~..OSEPH C. WATTS E1.RIC niesNITOE andMARBOLE WORKS A.II xle. tiroi. Mxxixotxxxr indide- x r ai ofi ARITISTiC .'iElORIiALS. svse niadi- iC a oiandoxi sx-cox iouingxioiSpai- Derot-anon ioo ix i ixaxex rainSt ~M. MARTIN.,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 011555daxce cll. I :=I IT ' . ix ll NI xx x-- l--xx x I x x ix i xi^I ; ;+ . t> l il i x1' x l- t xxEi .x' t i t I Il t' t - ' 1'llt Il 'x-.,r xx' .x -IE x'x x xx .":it i'. I.,~ it.ll i I xx .1 *x N St..ttxi'xlt 55I xxiil l ii 0Ii 31,iixi. xiit. u xi -I.l"'o: xI. S S . xrtairixx:ii 4.y Sli (e1iixxxia ii a-w 1. xxiii ii. liii- -tixaix- a.xsx"~tl~ ANN ARBOR GASOLINE LAMPS. u ursuen a p Isxxt. xxx)ioiill'I By or tdetlap tiI iixxix- I,:tillsls- ttoxxx nsI iiat fIlarkham 's, xxii I I i maut i liat is f , lain st. The Superior Mf'g. Co'-s :; )S.Main, Niar i llOim St. . . ' SCHUH, xii x itl tlc 2xt t©5oo- ni . i le ann. iexti~iie prtt~si eiiixxx t iixiid , xiii;xx- SF\NITFR'Y PLUMBING tt i ax- x-mxidx lci ti i Ntoi'a.stisoia isit SI ot Wager Ietri-. -ic- ,lu(i xix - 'til1As:T WASHINGTON aIit.1- . IF YOU'LL JUSI' DROP IN... xx lien xiii xxxixstru - tie I nl xx t ili.tilslliil we awill tell poil ix 50 in ,Suits Prie i - - - - 25c 'Trnisrs - - - i~c FULLER 4& O'CONN~OR, TAILORS. rilSI-I. Wilinini St. First store West if zState street. Bicycles Repaired, WIM . WENGER, DANCING. ;I x.c a; :c- r 'v. ct. {). ix; xli1 S x ,.a4 - axxi xi hal n trt io P'rxof. F I- n. Instructor. Bailey 6: Edmtunds, adihngTackle i xxj i.Liberty St. pslrigOfal toot Baell hixirsi try ;xIiiu e oIi ieai Pe os ltx,- e ii 'I b u H'- $tiAO,,[ it I atlix hi Al it. i l i xx i-ol i a ii i iixi + A. iG. SP.Ai'xoINi S f3- ose. 4 ' .u , Ii t -iiy 'sk:, iis-C ampii SLEATE CAPS, GOWNS rand thOODS. reouseof CAPS i~ilGOWNS, OLLEC AG UA'iS end W.C. KIRKN&CO. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.