THlE MICIIIGAN DAILYA-\EwS I . + WheMost 6woi~n~oIhing that we s-oslit to that would tend to induce yoti to h'iy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES woutd be to introdu e iyou to a man who has worn themn. We cannot cormma.nd the language with which to tel coo how goodl these clothes are. Tlhe makers attachth teir la! et be- neath the coat collar ofthttei r coats, and they arceiso lsroiitl of their reputation, t hat sot the siigthtest dlefect esther ofi style, fabrics or tailoring, is permitted to ester anis sari of tlair production. Vo'stion't knowihow 'ctheap... STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES arc-, until voss have ivorin there. \v lsIsly swithth uknw slnantity o1fiii l-t t iiake slien v i a i s i e ra ti~' LINEWSGMIIT & PMtL ++J+ ++ .3,4 i I3 ++ 3,+++++++ +++4-q-++43 +"84-++++3+++++++++ 's'T i"i 'i"i'7 SdVG You Momo 3INSTRUMENTS and SUPPLIES tor YourcLaboiratoirytCouiirss in t>At 'Tl3tttfIOY. BIOLOGY, ricer :sS i-isisn-ase ois is ts,,f0 to 23 I'nit trL T iisorr ',-il sta~ isour tine'. Sir in isissur aiustisio rso FirsBIRANCHI EBERBAGH & SON, 1mp1tersand aatr~ i 511 21 ii-" ~t i b I 'N-IMNI'TS I7' PLIES -4. V+++++-H-4-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.I-++++4 -3.-++- 3+++ +.-I*++4412 ++4. + +.EYPIA .3. .3, I b +3+ a o- .. r 1 r } II r THE YOR . Lek Suit. ICHII This is R. S. PAUL, T HI ~'.~LE You will find a nice line of and dunality of Clothing- Colleg-e Mein EOG FI6S " of good taste are +vearing (iood Butter and Fresh Eggs al- ways on hand, at reasonable prices. (Give me a trial and be 'hey insist upon having it. convinced. Remember the Place. E- XCLU Si\ 13EPATTERNS Io ii. 120 AV:WWshinigtson i ALL NEW SUITS TUTLE'S Sold only by L N H R O ' 338 S. State 5t. Staere & Wueribl~' its so cihi pr GAN NOTES. DANCING Joi , ily i t' ssss t whn ts ii 'i 'ii~~iBiccles Repaired, its- ; issis lil1t is'v iii.#' cic cis sisosirir' ,ris '"' tli I i ii It(,i' 's'isis'Si isr i ir 1' S. v'C x' , tic 'le riy g and KVY5 isk ii ;{ L , a ilit- i i -i t iii lt:sil. : d ii sss . I s'. 1t ' 5 i( C i l{" . "^. 11 t !' 5' '5 -' I \s i '11 :11 1 1 N 1c lt I s( ' ii (i ' W , 1(1, : (( ilt hi \ 0 A &A. ilk, 1011111 '1 '', i 4 1 1: 1" .1, W . ll (''< ' u i : , I t{ ;i l \-(-- iI f 1 11' 1'w r~ir k, :ti( \''A r :1:1 j( k ii \\50 5 -5 s'is; 1 0 1 l .\ :t 11 ' i ' \ - It' 5 ;i li ss11Ii 5 i isi1. it\'J1 :'1 1: I I i i'is1li111'sii is! .5'; I''ii'is' s S is 'isis sis,, siss_'.. 1 ' is i l t i i . 1 :'! ' . T O Y Il f l('i Py ., r w ~ .Ill i 111(} 1 11 i101 it Ii S', i iIto 14"Si1t ;2'5555' t' 1! i s st;11 r1 fs 5555'''' is iii i i 4;1" '' Its44( ii i is ' lii ( 4f i i '' ' tc1 1 71\"'tI (.:isis1s' tt' T~( i - :Il's' 1"i ii' IIstil ti' \' tsi s 4'. How's City Laundry, Vsrk seatty and ptrrompitly done, l''1 5l~f 57. - - to i0er 5 tt FOR STYLE + +AND) SERVICE... + + ~STUDEN'TS . +3 ALWAYS + .3, PATRO)NIZE+ HOLMES' +; LIVERY +3 Liberty' St.j o, MONEY LOANED M5 cs, Diaro onss wos,, t,,, Per- "11 Petys- fifi c ~ e sit risitst:'s, Ei ., in. ' JOSEPH C'. WAITS kL icTc GRIANITEI end MARBLE WORKS i ry fAlRTISTIC MEIOIIIALS. Si's' iii(e- FUNERAL DIRECTOR ttt.ict, 15209 V i. tsA-,c. '' ut1 .l+ fS dF~n~ :30 S..t v . Thn :11. k bttn to 511 5 5itt ;ttii c°t il e W M. J. WENGER, DANCING. ('5 IIs is s 5U i'' i tt ro- Niii 1w I'll( it [? itlac.t},Ott- 5. 4is i 101~ 111. Lliss ' ,t, ".( I - ii - Ii rtis s' tils?', 1)s. us. i-s;sil at Iii'sieisctisl I + A, i is tr n t risi s o-Is aws. Prof. F. W. Scott, Instructor. Bailey & EUnunds, Iltratlcs irs (jiuns, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle- ks-s Isiig suit (c3C etxisnesI ltvpsirirse. 121 Ei. Liberty St. SsPALIINUS' 1'5oo-rBALL (50005 + ovesasnd Wittsupporte- 1+ 1In c+ rt carte.Iri sBl .B~~sA i 1 o h tlisIrt'nis byG ae )itis .3 SasS r ig t r i' r l Ihand. t ;ss t Bali'MtaFntiBiliBltsShi A isIt: ilBa~. :a111 s it s isri 1114Wint's- Chicagn Spsis tfre stt tryad ss.t De er k + COLLEGIATE CAPS. GOWNS end uHOODa. . CAPS islod GOWNS. t ASPECIALTY. CLASS CtBES. 0 OLLECE FLAGS CLASS raid SlATS saes W. C. RERN &UN, iiscriii fr tireSDalty-Ni-ws. ANN ARBOR GASOLINE LAMPS, EXCHIANGIE 11 The Superior If'g. Co's. 0 s Miin.N ,l is i llS 'AGENTS WANTED Buy your student lamps at Ilarkham',s, rain st. 3. ff. SCH-UH, iIN is, Sli siisM i i t siiia lG,,, ti''lii ost ru ctsios-s anis sri iii SArNITARPY PLUMBING "7P z' IF YOU'LL JUS T DROP IN... witt iill rst rlestit r t a escI 'ststest itt'wislitt ltilt lio iw~ Sits I r-ss s-st - - - - 25c 'Trosesrs is- - i FULLER & O'CONNOR, 'TAILORS. il! E. WilrasitSrL. First Store West itfstate Sirs-ei. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.