'[THIS MICIIIGANDAILY--NEWS ,,,_-..- 41l O 0, 43 4 -' z L4. 0 Wi W± (I The U,1 f11.44 DAILY, 1 11'4 tr The 'VARSITY EWS, 1, Fea. M44ANAGING 0 141 [4r, Is1 441) 0 \lW.MAI .A BUSINES1 ' 4ANAOI'5 )11(4 ii.I AS Mis L..K.4'BINE 111; 44444C4C4444: sI. R(I4I44. '444 4.4N' 4,:44' 4 4 At41 ' ::1, n N. 4.44 W. 4,44444 444,4 til 4414x 4144.4 4 e:I.. '1'11 ' 4 '44'' Nt w 4444 444 4444,44444444 14, ' 444 14.,sIil 4414 4Isi'' 4 14 4*4'' 4 44)it i f t : cc 44 4.444444 '44414 '44141444444,, t1 4'w .44444It 4444s 44444 '414 It c11 4444444 1)41111444 I44 I41/4'41444 c4 "441' t 444~ hch(111t 141144411'4'4444441 44444444.4,444 ;144 4 ,V 44 411 'il 1' 4 r ila ; 'l 111144 1 of,4444 i'~444 44 41 4,I it14 ' l''' ' i 444 44 4 :4 4441 4 44'I 44I ' l'f c(ttt l l 44 :, ' c' ', 1' 44 4 4''3"'l' t} tl'S .I4 !lA ll4I:[!1(t~diltl . I ,'a i- Ilii Visitingl(t1i( l~ r(lt "'t 5 ! ('44' 4 lI~~lti". v 1 6i siw.Ill tv~r1 te w)"ll(4444l 14144 Our Engraving is the 44~~i} of4 444 44444444 l :I 44441444444444" product of one of the 44 l . 4444l\':1, til 4~' 44.444:Ind '4l'44444444444 so't 4444 4' ) « tll 4 m 4t( 4 ,( iuu 4 best metropolitan en- 4' 4'4'4'44~'4' 44444 444 114.44,4,llloler 44 414444. gravers. W e issure 44441444444 4414 44 444 1 444v,4444 :In4441 you ithe new est styles :1r, lnlil hlt ii~i(II) erropoll 4 and prompt service. t( 111 llll llIl1't~tl~rLlltilll. 00 CARDS AND PLA rE 4i44\ 44, 44loo to 4' cte.1 444 ,op 4444 Scr'ipt, 10 Styles.. . . .$125 uoi (11(1 Ii1t o 111. c>,ct }tll11 %N Ronan solid esit S styles. $2.25 4444,. l14'' f d i~, ( e fo~v' F'C , shasded . . . . .$3.50 ,rcl. '11 4 444 " ", l",44 W;1114444444 4 Old English, solid . . . 2.25 1e,,l'II1I1, 14(' n ' 144444 74.4 I441 Old h'nglish,shaded2 styles$3.50 "4 11 l '4' o4,i :dv(( t h ' ',1441 Ovi lock letter, shade Rise. .$2.00 444IW' ,' 4444444' t'4''4441144444411(1 44414444111 . Olock letter, solid line..$2.00 1,4 I 1' W tr o-hs-i"t i.Ahr 11111 I>il". 444:r' " '4444141444 4414 t o o li t o r e FAMOUS TUTTU FRUTI SILVERED CHOCOLATE MAPLE FROST T441 'ta iu 41) .i~ CAMPUS DRUG ST0RE PIPE SALE 'For te lReminii(Ier of te (ol- kge Year. My entire linre 444 pipes .rill he sold Ite-ale14.4 of Cost.: Sale B~egins Today. R. E. JOLLY, State Street. 14l 4.4 4 4 444t 4'.441144V t 1)4411-) ,7 ('444 on n '1," l' 1 14 S44 44' 1444 o441. 4I4n 4t l4 il 44 44m 4444 '444't \V1. S t44t,1 4lo f-w'4 l44 4ll4,44' 11 44441 4 4' oti WANTED An exjterieouied .salesma1n01for thee Sululle ieu olti s. fliII( ()optimil y for 'right tmail The Superior Nlanuf'g Co. 1('411. 1' ih~lf, 1111(' il' 11 ilst'' 14444444 02;11 ()lt':iLA W CLA SS1\ "- 02 LA PINS I (lf(x'1 l(ll:1411n (. ,lt ii ,1. 4Ito 44. :4444444444444 44411141 ata'44i44404445'14 41 II 4444 s1rotpeih~ :rotsll- 11111 1:1kd 14 414hepa' e",4 47- iold G ld,$100 - Gilt 50C 4444(.4.444 t}:tpe sn4(i,44pihic1,1 4444 'h s l;I s ' 'lll '1 14lly 1.44.Car4es or l4444es .- '- $2.00 44ol' 4444' i" ol'; 444414 iill e-(.,11hlil 11(4'4', 444 441 1444 tht44444 WMAl.A NOLD, JEW ELE2R. 74 41:11 pe''s( 4 '1 )''444 4 144, 1 144 144 : i cle '4,4' 4 ' 114 l fo'''p444444 1444 44444' tl1'E R 1'1E PL0'5 with4' 44144 44144, ;1114(1 '44444 44444. 4lv (ff ' c.PROCiiNOX & SCH'A.IBLE. too , 444' 1v. T e hiini,,.',of4' 144' .44444. 55,444,, '' v in-, . 1 7;t4. '111e' 4cc' (440 14) t lHenry lro. oti 1ll 441o4d .ol44oli4 444 he4'4' 4}' '4 44>111 e1' ol, l xcldl'144 ' tr MERCHANT o TAILOJRS, 444d. 14444444' 4i,444 lt elie4 444a4i,414()411('1''ill' :i j41;.444. 1 7094)N. 1114v. 4Ave. tor'ch 4444 4'4.4444 44,4 wh('44444oe fr m ; 1111dil4 44,:111th ' 4444i'-' Il;'' I ()r1. r Sprilng t h lto t Sldir. 1(11 .o - I "4k 40s 014414four 14444 414414 44'4444444444). 144414. Iin~spectioll. 44 .41444 .44ly1 : 1(-1: 414'the 4 'li 44444 4' 4444)'._11__________ll_________________________ay ,_ f BANKRUPTCY LAW FORMS AND ORDERS Just received, Gea co (py G.E. BARTH ELL I, I I + "All Soles Look Alike When Painted." How niany people knlow4 Oak sole lealt11rfrom441H144414ock + leather.'.3 Yet it costs us over $113O,000 yearly for 114414 invi'sble I1 difference, which adds a dollar to tile wear o)f every p~airof i Regal Shoes.+ Polling the Live Oak sole of a $6010 011)0e4114)to egals at $3.54) is onie of the courageous anid coolly tlhings whlichl are +E uiot imitated. , 'Wear-or the knife, will prove that 90 per c0e1n44 of al other $3.50 shoes have ccmmon (tRed" orrlhemlock soles t unuder their black finish. Send postal for Style Bock. THE REGAL SHOE $3 50 .. l22Woodwaud Ave.,' D tr oit, 'Rich. Sold by PAUL C. fIEV ERS, All IS. Williams St., - - Ann Arhor. The UNIVERSITY of CHICAGO THE SCHOOL OF LAW will open October 1, 1902. The i4444) the5wor)k 44f tileLaw School. THE SCHOOL OF NIEDICINE will hv a Semmner 18, 1902. Thle colkge coarse may be fitted ilnto the work of tihe Medical Schlool. IN -EITHER SCHOOL the lant Year of the college work is taken in connection with the finst year of the professional work. IF THESE ANNOUNCEIE$TS INTEREST YOU Sen~d for a circulgr describing tlhe LAW COUSESs or MED14ICCOUSEosS It [174' UNI1tISITY of CHICAGO, CHICAGO. College Mleiz are-more critical than any other class. That is wvhy these collars have been taken up hy them SCluett Collars Arrow Collars BR D ~~25 centsec 5 w for two w THE BEST MERCHANTS SELL THEM ICE CRE'AM , WHIO LEiALSI AND ILRLTAIL, DI)ttV~oEED TO ANY PARtT 01FTHlE CITY. BttO'AN'S, 210 S. 'tAIN STRtEET.