'THE]MICHLIGAN DAILY--NEWS a.,-,L. ------------- LAL-*-JL-O-JL .2-.A--ILJL A--IL -*-JL or eTl ,. .a...... .a..a. W 7F p[ _1F IF 7R 1F ww w ]R w- WIF W W fF iF >. T T T T r.,v L ......... - "....t.. W W .a. W W W tY W .i. fL nir W W fir fie W fY fY >r W W W ti SY fir 11C ] [ I111 W )k 111[. 11e. 111( 11[ ]Y ffa W fi< Le W Ytre Ye >V A, k k Ak >k Y Y[ >r ] ( >r W f 1k > fk W >r >v Bi CllrOffering New Fancy Shirts -50DOZEN STANDARD 4 PLY COLLARS, high tttrnover, in Another Shipment of the newest fads in the Manhattan Shirts fordifferent hialsts. This season's very latest styles, ssorth the for summer received thsis week. We'd like you to see thsenm, they're tol.~vrl>;w ie they ls this season's sswellest. 9c each, 3 for 25c Prices $1.50 to $2.503 Wf1DHt1MS, iRYAN & K1ULL. I~ sy .1. AL * *++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 ++++++++++++++++ 1 i 4-+++++++++ M UUHN J. SGHANZ OHAS. DIETAS EXCZELSIOR LRQNtDKT eo Am) lrN TAILORS DAY WORK A SRECIALTYo HANDWORK 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET 115 WEST HURON ST., 'Phone 506 This space belongs to'tiood Government Club ------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------- EG"YPTIAN DEITIES uN better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." i S The UNIVERSITY of CHICAGO TH-E SCHOOL OF LAW will opsen October 1,l90..Thse intlo the Ntork of thie Law School. THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE will hoeal7ons Sessio n hginssingdune i11.)(2. The college course may he filled into the work of the Mecdical School. IN EITHER SCHOOL the last year of the college work is taken in connectionl with the first year of the professional work. I. IF THESE ANNOUNCEnlENT.S INTEREST YOU Scnd for a circulart'esornihing the h.xw Cot ISeS~ or 1 i .o.Couitel' s il 71/,IN I VEIISITY of CIIICXGO, CIIICA(1O. GfiRIS8TIlIN J. A1LLMENDIMGER FINE ART GOODS Framing a Specialty. 210 Il. Huron St. ' - Ann Arbor TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 S. State St. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING Phione 246. Private lessons in leson '5150 IN NEW QURRTIEM, 00 Chve zs mvd o Stat ithedclf WM. H - CHREIN, anto Ptumber. teamanit tGaslFittingt ST~UDENTS I If yoouscant toIturntisih yoise aparstmentt Ichetipty, cull asnd secesoc before toyls~e el"sewh're'. I htaie secondnd stoveti s tibles, chatirs, etc., and will savecvs mosne'y. F. W. WILKI NSON, 3311 S. Maitl? St. SEASON 1902--1903 Pr Scott ~itlshestooannounce thst he wl atltedoihiannual eetiln'snrma'ltSc'hool Assn Nlusters orsst'Da nhldat. Neu York city ttis eo iatie Smm ron'dCill sttbe pre- prtogv l the ttlatsesst mehosOand sew danslit its nittschoto tfl. SCOT''S SCHOOL OF DANCING State St. Portland Cafe MSTAEBLER'S Ccle IEmporium, shiittt - ton 'iltholtoS 'ICYCLE-S SUPPLIES kItNTING and RIEPAI RING CE:(O TO: SBILLIARD PARLORS Mte t gkame' 0111get itquited S1,5 STATE STREET STYLEf SERVICE... STU DEN TS ALWAYS PATRONIZE U OLMES' LI'VER'Y Liherty St. + uWe's City Laundry, taltly and promptly done,: 547. - - 410 Dletroit St. Ms MMARTIN.,, F~UNERAL CDIRECTOR .0 S4th Ave. Phone .53. Iesi -' e 02. 5 1th ave. 'Phone 214. Am. e n call. r MICHIGAN NOTES. itt c oitl ttttitr '21 tttlittl fo, all Rltcg iSices. [llio an ti i~i " tb tit vi r ii I, so.0 iii .0Acbot'MicC O. '2 ;f ' 1,.1.I S' Y _1, ll1tfA1'O Its' til Zt31 ;etetri treelit, fel It'i''" tee' til Iotntc an'oftha folv"n- I' ii{Istil heoughltiat ELttit Aeoitor1111noIc O' isor a isice MAsi&get. 1111y of teRich- Atll t~rlitiltSttitg 15 IortiCome as i 171seveti. Dron sale o1tot1s osie. I'. or \I. pistie Jt ALLENLS. Catholic Church; Ilasses 8:00, 10:30 a. mi.; Vespers 7:30 p. mi. Ws'Ottd-Goonu, relilile man, good, addries nait ppileasrtance, 1to't'tral '- uiitltCiJtsly 1. Atddriss Agency' 0. S. Recgtstry Co., Ann Arbor. Eyes; tested at H AIttEl'S Jewvelry Store lby a 'graditte optiianttt. LAIDY STUDENTS. cant ctstitl nake$18 ft $235sweekly' lisle- ti sttittium ter Svactitoandstexpenses.O Stttintit "I'etnnotl" Best sellisse sbciptotboktf te cenltury'. Write foir tblt' of ecittitotstnd trmos. C.IL. DliSSIlElt & CD., 22013(Gladys gave., Chictigo. l house. SHAVE YOURSELF We gurne ever one fotie Razsotr 2 es. eocr t ite line of Grilh'on's Iae t sszor s ttnwhc w ilRie ounilfeectriil for satisfaction. Pries rudn; from ,$1.25 to $3.00. Every One (luaranite edt. Atiswer colts nighlts atsi Sundays. CUSHING'S PHARMACY ( Formerly Wilder's1 3311 5. SteSt. Buy your Cigars at THE DELMONIOO9 STATE STREET. Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches Open day ansd night. Huron St. - Opp. Court House A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. fitslt osthe ty eaditig CotI- ecee, Schnols IIAIL Clsubsstftthe Country. Nw Saiding's Offiial Athletic Godare standailrd oft ssI- ityand are recognize as Schbytiall tthte leding organiezatins eni- trlliitlig'sorets,.wticehsinv'ariably aots Spotlt i's ootd s Il the best. THEFISPALDING Offieial ieageeb allst, GfilietettItercoliegiate footbalslOffici Gelised se n "fiotiotbaloffiias lskt Raiit1, officil Intwi or tBiieball, OfictilPoin Balloficialothlietic Iniplements, 0ffi il oinieGlov'es. Newn Yorik thicugo tDenv'er A. 0. 5 PALOING &o BROS., rMakers sf5 COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNSantd'lOOS, CAPS ard GOWNS.: CLASS CtpNtS, II COLLEGE PINS, W,.C, KERN &Co. 41t E. Fifty.Seventa at I CAMPUS BARBER SHOP For a first-clsso Hair C(t ansd ass Easy Shave . . - HERB JOHNSON ELECTRIC GRANITEo and MARBLE WORKS Cha~s.A. Cole.Proil. Maufacbiturer'anilde- stgeofIl ARTISTIC MEflORIALS. Wte mode '01 ("ia- ]Nnooiiil andteaosetoC i-soutilng, wt'sr- iissiishLno. 'lhouts c 0. h30i-3i4ODetroit 51. J. ff'. SCHUH, HtghiOrade Matile anidOGit,'es. eciaotruet5lili oadSupiiesi SA~NITARY PLUMBING Artistic Gassand Etectric Fiti ures. Obea ssandotsltWltler etingo. SeOil Ii chns .0,t EAST WASHtNGTON STREET-' Sack Suits Pressed - - 25c Trousers Pressed, - Dress Sails Pressed, Soc. All our work guaranteed and done promptly. FULLER &c O'CONNOR, TAILORS. 619 E. William St. First Store West of State Street. IOC WE PATRONIZE GOODY-EAR F.OR DRUGS. ____~Y,. ,,,