THlE M I[CIIIGrA N DAILY NEWS I ake "a Kodak wthyo1 You will miss half the enjoyment of your vacation if you don't take one. Our prices are very* 1.low. Come in and see what we have. CM=LKINS PHFMRCY. 324 S. STM TE ST. II'iG k BiIaridP rlFors ad d Iowuio~ 707 NORTH1-IUNIXV1ERS1IY AVI'NULI THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.I!I Ta t theht of etoytl 001(0ER IC 000001IMENT 00 ODBEDt w t1Palo1 Cr TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write JW. LANDTI1AN, (jeneral Traveling Agent, LINEN PAPER, 15, 20, 25 and 30c a lb. SOHALLER'S \BOOKSTORE.. 16 S MAIN STREET FULDE ....The Tailor....4 jig S. Main St. Ann Arbor Ihe Ainn fArbor Savinus Banff Cat al 5to r 0 o tOOOO Oirtttrt $1 50,001 to to :, r: L'I i n t~tg Lava inhooLool t, oo Jo l n O f tol t; itt( Stateox. Dratt - ottup+, i It ooeort otottntfitOi saft~y deo t-;! -: .,Ot - rt . l~ito us etooto , N.o. RXIA oon (Pres.; W.o FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ie 8 Capital, $00000. tSrpls ad odfitso , 03 0000 exchange ouoghttandt-old. OFurnishle tters o S.XW. CLARONCotN 07i W. Aiioooo, ist Vire-prt Sfl J.IzSClhE 2 ieis S fIVI NGS f1rroniotoo a general Blariklig BinOess. Cor. Mainod urt ton tets. Capial. oO, XJ. Surpluso, $8.5.000. Traneaocts geneal a-in Boo lot~or-Ooo. I Goodyear (ilove Rubber 10ll0lineo lkstjotG(lm.nhoes-, LAMBERT 61 sX W iamSt. ByCalling On Borcltield 's inet 11(oio.t tade. Youl can0enoyO thet ocilleo t i tloring, sh'I ill. iloolt r'4 ou r 00teous00 tieatet. nt Faobr itstoo iy O tt) oJ BURCHFIELD'S = 106 E. Huron,- = - Fine Tailoring Trade. Established 1881 l~euscherGet Your Photographs -lot-tlottttotpltr Franmed Here CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES , Fi-( waot throt) to rhitogat IJALLEtOI'S. \totltw e'c lo1. 1:. (o. R., 000)1 N. t'ltvor~i~v 1venic.177 XX ti t tc (I to t, rto-O lleoot lt' oooo, gonot addr- s i~ia'i Otttt lic. toto trvel tbo- otootoot tol Itk0. Aovtdto-oooAgncy 'U. . Rt,:-to oy0Co., AAXrboor. : tt worttot ot tt O thoo otttot Oii nd gutartt iuii o 1000. WOMEN STUDENIr? TELL tt t Oto tt 1W oii tutt Ooo osocitto:00i. W ork is Iiiti ig ifed .toolt ttttr otlta l. Ca:0. 1w otooo oo ttt ito ttoe lcOttt t ll tett-tworko. a &Iy.t~t~ o Ottott o (s in00 totoot ito . 17 LTTLE1-0 tAIROS (CO., 1'. t0. Iox 1000 Newtoo trko Citt- 111111Vtoy SL11ot 0Itrtt o-to tooatoto 1Ar- or Miton Lo. ol andr toolTennisoTo~ rousers toonlnewX patternsotott ild'tOs. 190 H3AtA-bLbS 00J000\101.10Y STORE. Therlon 0otortle fOttsa wiltttnot eractk your olinet; scors so totudrled swill weator twice seton ttg oas othierwise. Tldo ttOLoaundry Agottoy, 12t S. Maon: 00tre't, Attn Arbtor. 'Phone0 545. Nt-to'ltlies of Maorseille'o s soooss ott W'st. 100) Eye glassesotoroot otrsolat HILLEOR'S. 60)(F05 ALL STYLES WAHR, Tbe Upto'Date Shoemn!- 1101010 SHINEE. MIHG Flg.Bnnrsn Pilw ME.A XIl Lb'l'THEOLOGOICAL AT Ft~ondoed IS--. New ent~oOXbt ots. LOVELL'S CORNER STORE5- Nto dtoctrinatsts.o'o.Modern plroramoo. _toottotooeolooloonsoot. Thtoro'ohtor.ioritn foor oltl'ge gr'od test'. Manoy tecturos HgtJono" byoviX'ootootg specialitt f onationoal repu- PHughrCaf.21on,.nson totaton.Stendofoor cataoogueto Pie.GOen(daPtoo r n0. oa1lrt$o50 L. Catry, 'Meadvolrle,'[Pa. 10 pnt o00 o nto 0 t DELICIOUS 'ICE CREAM - HANGSTERFER, CATERER, 316 S. STATE STREET. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD .&.-Dza .E X.50'T--' LtUa TIME TABLE ; Tain oofe t sne2. 100, j Trtainst leatvetAtno Arbtorotoy Cetrtal Stando-! SOOCT l NOROTH *N . .-1:0 . . Not. 1.- 9: 000 AM. No. .-113b A X. Not. 5.-12:30 P. M. No 4- :2 P.M ( NOt. 3.-4:-0otP.w -Nto tt02 ' ,-t NJ.ii No. 1010 (00:000P. 0J. N o1, , t. ,},l; : rl t insttNo.': ltttnd 103Sun yot ly ,'O c t Kc nTt'oo''oolo & I.ttoeltooo i-uboeoooten0000 rnor and Toliedo toly FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER intg, Manicuring and Face Matssage taspec- A GOOD SHAVE, Rater Hontng, Bathroomsot on Sunday,: 12. H. B. WELCH W. of Cok House. Inr. Sj THE OYSTER( 3AY which has made a Reputation as the BE".1 ING PARLOR in the city Is now ready to serve or deliver the fins I C E C R MM on very short notice. 607T E. WILLIAMS ST. IRCHIGAN QurR "The Niagara Falls Route." THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO ST DIN- NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct tonntion s t to ito t' est [Louis, KaotnaoCityo so. ti a0dothell t> wrto too11. W. HAYES. Antt. A ''~ Q. Y., A. A, '61& . RY. StandairOIf torssleveforDetroit e(ry h;1ot. " beginnin~lg at 0 6 t.15 . . ntil 0:1;10 [o7j-" Aftetha(ot to Detroit 10t:15tood 11Ip Crotsfrinm Ann Abo trE>:4&,OD G:It nom, and htou~ryutilo t11:151>OMt Firstcaosfrom Jaockson tt Ann Ae~b2ots no45 tm od houorly unotil 10:45 p W,- Waiting ruoom Huron St., W. oft~ao Destroit, 70 Woodward ase SPRING OF M WR SPRING WOOLENS HAVE ARRIVE()