THlE M4LIIAi 4 DA1LI,.NEWn 6 GINGER AL ..BETTER THAN THE IMIPORTED 5c SCALKINS' PILABMACY 324 SO. STATE ST. I' rIGKW1Gk IBilliard FrIOFs addBOWRinQ 707 NORTH UNIVIERSITY AVEINUE THE HOCKING VALLEY RY. I!I That meats tihe lst of ev''ythiisg: L 5t 0CE, EQUVIPMENT and ROADBED. wihPalrGTsIOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J W. LAND[lAN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIGAN LINEN PAPER 15, 20, 25 and 30c a lb. AT SOHALLER'S BOOKSTORE,, 1 165S MAIN STREET FULDE ,,,,The Tailor....: 119 S. Main St. Ann Arbor IThe fIIH flR OP Savinas Bdili CaopitalI Stock. $50,0W5. bsuplut, 050,000. lit-sorce. $1.-400,000. Or anize'd urthe'sbenerasl iBanking ilop. tI s Stats'. RTisoissdeposits, boys oand Xchmtigi, otheprncloc tiet of bthe olt' , afctyoi boxdtotto rent E'. lisock, tot. 50 . 1.5 oa! at, Mio~'o. 5. 4.Frito, Cashiero. FIRST NATIUNAL BANK Oraied~* 5lwotOO, uplus andi 'tas, E0,000' is osos osoa i~nrlb s~kmsgboslneoss. lotigi ex(bbooO bS~litt0 dsold. F5' osehsb ette o Eo. 1. KIii N E,'Pr s. 11 A HU18 St) 01U1, H, S.tW, CLARKOiisN W. .Ao.o, 155 tViccoptos 51TA1 J. . 'SHEEHAN, .)( ivo"-pto 'Transacts a geineral Banikinig liusitiSOS. 'os. liu apotktissoStet8, Captasto, w , . Surplo.s, ,0. Trascstt grea ait0ng tttttOese. R K~xr a t' o. C. E'Site Nx, Vise-Proe. FILE . 11 Es 0E . I s jot. Goodyear Glove Rubber [Fsll lins itt RIksklo Jes. Slioes, LAMBERT, 613 William St. By Calling O n Burchfil'ds fine tailoring trade. I00 cati enjoy' ite icic ottailoring skill. Ho0111st and cousrteosi treaitmeint . Fabi its to) atistyy tV1 tit'. URCHFIEL 'S =Fine Tailoring 106 E. Huron,- - Established 1881 lRenjtschler, Get Your Photographs 'lii1toioi~tlti Framed Here CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES A N 'lior'zi hi r 5th SEN 10110 ])];I i"- stil t iou itfr m issle' 190'2 1 ltiot- 55 sl t i t slt''.111~ts t-ill Nv I sI11c ii WOMEN STUDEN fS! TELL ti,, 1'1 ll s he sis it I itt-ilo -liii tti o(thei-tiorit a Il. It y 5555-h ili iti tittihon. 'tit-it lEA I t'llfree, 1. ()t. B 'x. iSilli NestYoirk ('its'. "to ineis' of Marseiles vesting-s at \V 13ds. 1901 Metti ililisii, iioslrucor orfiiaiidolin, it Nub Arbotr ,Ntisic to. tittli' an d's' silss'ioiises In net' itterlis at Wlii's. 190 itAIliVOl~s Lii'VSTOttE. 'he s! imettieic leiiisosvl lnot crack your liistettltirs soi loondriest will trtwrice iss ti tigas othesrwise. 'Toledlo tLtiinly Agi',iiey, 121 S. Main stree~t, Aiin Aribor. 'ilione 54d. Comedtty Vsi. tty :,1. Prices $1.00, 75c' 50cs' *25e. Otit stiittotielii boon. Eye glbsss rettireil at HAILER'S. MEADViiLith'rTIIEOLOGtCA14 S 0i-0O0L. tFoitittei 154-i. Newo entltswments. Nit ditriltil iesis. Mosderin prog ram. O)(FOR PS ALL STYLES WAIIR, The Up=toDate Shoenliile iFRtE OtItNE. IM~ICHIGAN Flags. Banners and Pillows AT LOVELLS CORNER STOREv Hugh Johnson's IPioneser Vats, 2i4 E. tIirot- Open day or iniglo lBst id$2.10 peW" 1, f'or college gradtietis. Ntiiiy lectures Fotr s '- A fit issiaits s rs'fs'srs's iy vsiilg siseitlisis ofr natisnisi retin' Dtills -No'st'stsocsk. A.(14ttre's "t, titiii.OSndtfor ctialogne to Pres. G. Nti''tis's. L.. Vary, *Measililt'Pa.' 190 DELICIOUS 'ICE CREAM - HANGSTERFER, CATERER, 316 S. STATE STREET. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD 'TIME TABLE Takisngeffect Junse 2, 1901i. Tr'ins lae nAroty cetral Stancd- No. 0.-7 tot A. M. No.1.- 9Sits A.Mt. N o. 8.-1il'oA. B. No. 5.-la:ts P. ti Nit. .-0.1 s a. No. 03- 4: 551)P,. Nott102l-ti'.5 13 No.i01-t9:05 v..m. N.'ti .t. 5,6 nTi.'ittsrains Nos ost and 'iiunibiL~ttO500 Abtor ad Toledttttv FASN~ONABLE larHAIRDRESSER fli oods, It' ir- dressing, Ott'amposs' Itng, MtxiCiing 'and Face Maossage a spec- lrs, J, R. iso enowak A GOOD SHAVE, Razor Honing, JBaruomiw seen Sunday, 9-12. H. B. W ELC h Wof CooktHouse. rS The finest Meal in the City is to be Obtained at OYSTER .BAY 607 E. WILLIAMS ST. All the Delicacies of the Season. Dining Parlor for Ladies and Gentlemen. MICHIGAN CNTA' "The Niagara Fails Route." THtE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHIC AGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON Withl direcitcections ats-a-iPn' touis, KansetitiOt Patland thit it Eor Iiforation aedthrouticettstal i4,7 wietot H.W. HAYES, Avent. Ac12er~ D. Y., A. A, & j, RY. Stanard'lf~c Cars ileave fotr Detroit every half thrUl beginning tot 65 1a. cm. until 9OtIS P' * After thiat to Detroit tell tied tt9P-nt Care leaving Ane Arbor att)-5t0 1tt45, 12:t5, t1t-i5 roe oDilY Asfar Ypsilati.i Firet oar frosm Ace Arbosr to Jtl91 6:15itom, ndintlhourly until 1It1'SP "'. First caor front Jackeon to An ArbOF,. 5:5itlm nood hourly utittl 0:45p exr., Weiting roomsin uron St., W. of Ma':' Detroit. 70 Woodward ay SPRING WOOLENS 1-IAVE ARRIVEI) SPRING OF #02 MI LWA RDNw