TII]MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS t*"4..44.+++4.4.444.4.4. .14 q- + I- 4... ++++++4-44444444444- 4.4.I IThe Most 6onvinGinu Thig that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES Would '.be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with whilch to tel'l you how good these clothes are. The makers attachI their 6:.e- Inratls the coat collar of their coats, and they are so proud of their reputation, that nout the slightest defect ietr of style, fahrics or tailoring, is permitted so ester ansyliart of their production. Yost dou't know isow chseaps.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, until you have worn them. Why dlally with the tisknoc ' -in nitantily of doubtful make we o anhyte'eal thing'? ILIND[,NSGIMIII&IAFtL + + Just Receilved A supply of new but already well-known Taliquist Henioolobin Scale A simpt~le bitt efficiesit device for detc'rnining the amtout of Ilemooglobiti, etc. EBERBACH &SON, i110 Malts Street, - 26 S. State Stree '"'V +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1I EGYPTIAN DEITIES No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." EGYPTIAN EMBLEMS (Crk Tipped.) Q O . H. MILLER' 212 S. MAIN ST. RO E ) :: GO To : :: R S ysBILLIARD PARLORS THtE (1.1) lthAALtEl Ley he gamne asi.] a iit.I 312 S. STATE STREET 4 2gSTYLE & SERVICE... STU DEN TSĀ± PATRONIZE HOLMES' SLIVERY I Liberty St. + Ro0wes CityLaundry, Wreatly and prom ptly done, - f 5. 410 litot Si - MARTIN,. FUNERAL SDIRECTOR hS.4th Ae Poe58 ei % 2(),S5 thae 'Phne3I4. Am- lz:! m 1i Ire- Brix oi- TheyI Must Fit ASuil or Top1ot iSold frost til vteSomstifit etr('lt'-yttiicant hoc, it if 15 has a, fault. To iti slioulslhavtie ehaggiv(n b h hesl merchanst tailore. The faheic cot and design are those used tis season-spriog oOf 1512-hy the his tailors, and the price itslprohably half theirs. Oarcloilies arc retidy to wert the day yetn buy thiem. These are some of the reasons our0 11)02 spring clothes-we litre notei nine otiser-tnill please you. Our SPRiNG HATS Have a: Marked Style. The Swellest Line of NECK.: WEAR. STAEBLER & WUERTH, 1 MICHIGAN NOTES. R. S. PAUL, 120 W. Washington St. You will find a nice line of tstdodp nd [du Good Butter and Fresh Eggs al- ways on hand, at reasonable prices. Give me a trial and be convinced. Remember the Place. 'Phone 3115. 120 W. Washington St TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 S. State.5t. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING Phone 246. Private lessons in dancing by appointment, I bosir lesson $.0 Skates around and Repaired while you wait, at Bailey & Edmunds, 121 E. Liberty St. SEASON 11902-1903 l'ro1. tcotStwithes to announe tihact ill attensd teanntttisiieettngtotresmsts.-Ooi Attn. Naters of Daneing hilditi tNets' ork cstSityiticrnig smmer, aid wihlle pree. paredt i v tt le lt sts methosti,,and snets 'danretiat his scholitnetflt. SCOT'S SCHOOL OF DANCING Stte t5. Bicycles Repaired, Also a fisl line of hicycle sundries tires, etc. Sock Reptairing and Key l istt i ) WMV. J. WENGER, Ill E. Libety.- - Phone it3 Studetleis (bothlsee~s):leDo U cvst to 1ro11,e $1(x51to -,5)otie sisnius iyour house twitory S title tpplortunsity. Only itokeAtesttrial stnsd sative hssst- ling sability requiretd. Cist out ands kissp this for retfertenc. Write imine- dittely, IDistriet 1Mstitgor IBurt, tof Nortlssstesters lift & gSinssCo., 110)1-2-3-4 Chitamiber of Comismere. le- troit. -1716 WEALTHY STUDEfNTS WANTED ito jot ti etlsitlitsg club, We sop itn Ness YeseS foitsieislo(rs fret. tBn, isisyting 5frotmtiats tttolbili'ito a l)) f (; s Not' lk itt "11il ic ii, l TNw)i irkstresit l\totiltsrout doos, :. . )ou ~ lv 11(wetithai itoilthsli liI hti'is'o. . tl is yito-i do~v' iii 111 ISi IS11 Ml'1I is loll N is tile(ti All thiste ishisng to go to the Ceun-; fe ise i ts iChiiagit, May13, lOss- stilt WstllsC..E,. 1R1iist,1604 S.Statle. Wanted--Goou, reliable man, good siddress and applearanee. to travel be- ginninig July 1. Addeest Ageney U. S. Registry Co., Ann Arbor. Trie Aim .xroMussie Co. Is telling $5.0)) worth of mstsdolinus sd gitiar tnussle for $1.00. Eyes tested at I{.LLEt',S Jewelry Stire liv isgrhadutate nltteia. LA1DY STUDENTS. etis tusily utike$18 fo S$25 seekly tdne- sli-l.ig hetiiutolio'y." fleet sellisig lusoitoutookif thlie etry. Wiite f'or th li-of ettiti iititidnd eetts. 22i l litilys tive., Ciietgoe. Nii' sttIg'TNvo Sile stinl tllus Free ltiits.att Myers' News'sStand 11101 t-eli eei\-, t Autus At-bot 'Muic Taor all lttgtl Shites. Co.'s ter. U. of "M.tilts ast IIt.IS Catholic Church; t'lasses 8:00, 10:30 a. in.; Vespers 7:30 p. m. Ito sure and get a eopy of the Niech-: full f')riiittg Song- to tate home as, t souvnsir. Onss ale at Root's musie house. PICNIC PLATES',SUMMER WORK: AND Get our proposition at onee, whether Paper Napkin secured swork fur the sum- We can ohfer youi a tithe linsthslat is -- AT - a husmmer. No investmentt required Gum'- in or sendi a postal card asking 1 0 N A G. MIA R KHIAMN' S er our printed ptroposition. 21,5So.MainSt.THE SUPERIOR MFG CO. 215 S. Mai St. 329 S. MAIN STREET nsear William CAMPUS IOAPeBER SHOUP For a fist-class flil Cut and ass Easy'Shave .--- HERB JOHNSON ELECTIC GRANITE an~d MARBLE WORKS. Cha.AColi. Prtit. Miuufsetrissd de- signte of ARTISTIC iMl~fORIALS. W'e'tmaie 101iiialtsttoriuaitidtlase tor moutting stutans- e ish anoti.'Phionsir '1. 3ee-t3e4Detroit Si. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. fit.. ttsers 5 to 4 the leasdtigCol- TR leges, teheoA sod Atise ei Cltsus itfthe SpligsnfansAthei' Goiods risnardo qual- itsratd arereotgsizoedua tett by altthe leitlng orgenizationsi..1 trollinspr tsw'ihutivariaihly-adoptss 0SpaidtsttGooisds ast he beet THEE.5PALDIN OffcilleIagute litieball, Oteitl Intercoll egiaite fooestall, ttttitui Garielisul Att'n fotioballs, 4 iSia sk etc huall,oliittlittdo orllitisettitl. Otilita Io 11111. )liiatthle sticieInisslenicntse, 0551 Nets YarktChic-igo Desirer A. 0 SPALDINGi& BROS., GOWNSa andjHODS, CAPS and GOWNS, 145SPECltqLTY CLASS CtqNES, COLLECE FLAGS COLLEGE PINS, W. KERN & co, 411 R. FitiY.Bescnt St J. F. SCHUH, ligrde ati tiati'.tti iraessElctrie.l1Con.1racttinand cSupliesa SARNITARY PLUMBING ArtistotitOsan Etio It 5sta Swa'i nni HotiSWcvto'erieatig. eteise ti ettitio %17 EAST W5ASHINGTON ST5151). Sack Suits Pressed 25c 'Proisers Pressed, IDress Soils SPressed, 5oc. All our work guaranteed and done promptly. FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. 691.5E. Wiuh-dia St. First Store Westsf Stats Street. ,ac 'uW E PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.