- - - - '- Weare fuly preared with a "strng"' selreti of nwfo lign aid domestic woolens fforthiapa chingseon If you are coas dering anythingfo ite.'a we. r, lt us tak It oe with TAILORS, 123 South [lain Street. rIG0wIk BlliaNrg arloir dildBOOM BU ETTERTH N VE 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE _____________________ Te SCLUE ____________________________________TEMPORARY BINDER Opens at.AUL49 THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. I I L.JEamne!, Thtmeans the bet af everything: SFt t'ICE, EQUIPMENT and ROADBED, tales P en mse GOUa5 wi arir"Car' T LENDO TO COLUMBUS F. J. SCLE3F Write J .LNMN General Traveling Agent, s.afta*5 By C llin YouTake No Risk FULDE o Ifloney in Advance On Brcbiel's fne ailringtrae. ou ct ejoy As I warrnt (Goods. Style Worlk-- Ou Brcbiel's inetaiorig tade Yo cai ejoy maslip and a Perfect Fit. SPflD9 ...h alr., the acme of tailoring skill. Honest and curteos and SumrWoe Uligs tramn.Fabrics t satify any toste. Outing Suit, made to your OWN Order 119 S. Main St. Ann Arbor I FineTalrn $15.00 and up.an BUTailoring Pell Dress, Prince Albert D Trade. Tuxedo Suits.. ~.o30 and NP 106 E. Huron, -- - Established 1881 2Woaentroselects$4 00 and2'e ThC innf~ror ,avnu~~ ______________________________________largest stck of PIECE GOOQDS to capital stoek. stiSS)o. srpus, $1500. ,~ h iy F Rerces. 5l.700O. 1Ca av Yo ony Oranteed ndr the Geerel Bn~gLwe~Gt P oo rp s a aeYe osy thi.astate. Rteeer depsit, byasnd e m l tier GetYour Poorps K ]R Z E Stan e nan.the rinipal ctites eotheUnite 131ao at.ci duo rpridniiaitgohrFramed HereFR Z ER Safety depsit beas tese. r D Custom Tailoring, ver lt Nat. Z OppeasE: Charles . Riscoc. Pre.;w. DA nAbr ih Base ma, ViePre.: M. J. Frit , Cashier. ~A nAbr ih I AnnArbolCALENDAR AND READING NOTICES o wilfn th c" FIRST NATINAL 'ANKOrgaize'di.NilOh 'fnapital, noeeibSrpuatn Protnr.,er030 CLUBI0UIVRSTY Mel Gillespie,Istructoreof madoln, selection of MOULDINGs Tranact a eneal ankng usiess.Forlgi COLMBI UNVERIT t AtitiArbor Music Co. exchange bogtand reid. Furnieh letters oe for Framing your PhAOtb crt.aghei SCHOOL OF LAW Gol f and Ttattlerousrs In new K. D. at NE. Pee. HRBIS'ON 50ULE. AT VicePe Offers a three-year course of suiy in latters at Wid's. 190 A s.w.Ct.ARKSON aherit ris te atid public isInv c.duti f6' the__ degee f L. B Gid~aesof al-I I At.'LR' ' JENVEIFIY STORE. It J.tISofTLI..c1. is o ot._____ W.'NO e ie-pr SPT lietes andtid cic ectols IwillTe oe ~ lutnot(akDeFries Art Store . AnsoesiA, teeVicetpecistanditg re itilrittec sittlott exiri- t o rc eee. C. W ev, AteeCahet R VI Xwtp liprsots oiler thn 'uc your lite; cllars so laundried will 21 S.Fut v-. j. V. neete~. hi Vce-pes SflVIO ii iieti itnsc wear twice as log as otherwise 27S out v. Bl s i idiat 5 nmust be eligible for aettis- Toedo Laundry Aency, 121 S Main WI iKtn to the Sopholore Class ouo tet n ror Poe55 Transacts a general ha Colicge, or prsetthe actd enicl AstreetdsoAnnaArbor.one'Phone Bankig Busines.ild irn of the Reents of teSlate ofAlKidofPcngoe10' New Yok or a- certiicate acceptable - Cornedy Cletb, May 31. Prices $1.00, ' Sl' Lto the egents In lieu thereof. ie , c, 25. Seat sle oten son DON'T BE FOOLED B3egieng co/ithIe isaadmic y ear Eye glasses rprec at RO&LLER'9.Bu By a 69ce Lead Pin ioe COCSM 193.90n wllh ami/dB___y____a good STEEL PI -ION4EI) 4110" 193zo operson wl eamte for $1. 00. See both clocks ON @tl Cr. Main and Hran Strees. /0 Ihe school except adnaes of eol. MEADVLLE THDIOI3GICAL bition in my window. oaplil,aliat. Serats, SsIS0. Tranranna ge W ent ic schools in goodued SCHOOL. Igeneral baking busins. Fuled18g.Nwsnawmels J L C acta Keri, Pre. C. R. Gaxza., VieePrr. standig, or persons presning sas- No dotrna4-ss. XNe n powrmnts,J. &. ChanI f Falme. BBoAss. cashir. factory evidence of equivaln train. Ample equipment. Thorough training ing. for college gaduetes. Many lectures Hugh Jhnson' Goodyear Glove Rubber For circulars cotining full Infcr- by riiting se cialitsOf national repu- , sar ~.s Full line of Elkskie Gym. Shotes, ition addres the Sceary, 0lum- taion. Sed for ctlgue to Pes G Pineer Cafe, 214 E Huron S. LAM BERT , 613 William St. his University New York City. L. Cry Meadvlle, Fle. 100o Open day en night. Board $2iS) pe k DELICIOUS IC CREAM HANGSTERFER, CATERER, 316 S. SASTREET. .,. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE Taking effretJune 2,1901. Trains liev Ann Arhor by Central Stand- SOOTB NORTH *No. C.-.7:20ta. a. No. 1.- 5:10 A. n. No. .-tt:ii Aa. m. *No. 5-12:30 P. M. No. 4- 811 )P. a. Ne. S.- 5:F5 P. a. N:o. t102- 5-6 e. a. Ne. 101- 5:051r. a. No's t,,4.6, 0 tnd -tealee Net'stet1and 102 Sunteay oly, between Toledo & L~akeland 'Eat between sAtn rtor and Toledo snly FASHIONABLE \ HAIRDRESSER Hair Gotods, Hair- dressig, Shamnpee. ig, Manicuring and F' c M assegea spec- 11r, J. R. TSnswese A GOOD SHAVE, Razer Honing, Bathrooms anen Sunday, 9-12. Li. E. WELCh W. ef Cook House. U)e(,n S ----------------------- ---------------------- --------- ------- ---------------------- ~TRY THE NEW STORE, 217 South Main Street Beforebuying YOUR SPRING SUIT try on one of the "1H. S.* & M." Line made by Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Chicago and New* York. Recognized by all Leading Clothiers as the best for* % Style, Fit and Finish. * BARKER'S COLLARS, TWO FOR 25c * JUST RElCEIVE D- - New Selectietns in fan. JA(EU T * cy Hlie iry.Neckweart, II Sits, Caps tnd Un- The Clothie, j derwear. O* AMIGAN CENT~J C527seg Mazara Falls ARo." THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK 0 AND BOSTOI With direct connections an t seage for s1 Coals, Kansas City, St.Panl and the Wsat' F~or information and through eieketsAell 0001 weltses to1. W. HAYES. Agent. An" "Ar D. Y., A. A, & JI RY. StIadait Cars leave for Detreit every IXl eu begianin-tig6it 3t5u a. muntil 9:15 P 0 A fter t h at to Dleceri t 10.-1'5atd 11:15 p' Cars l:eving Ann Arbor at 9,45 :4 11:45, 12:15, 12:45 rut: etly as Ypsilat.ei. First catr from Act Arborsto Jahsom 6:1it em, tnd hiurly tetil 11:15 P Tn- First car Irom Jacksont to Asicn At yo 5:45 a rn and Iieirly until 10):4, p SS. Waiticg room Huron St., W. af Male,': Detroit, 7b Woodwsed ane SPRINIGWOOLENS $AVE A"PIVEI: SPRING..O.F 002 14 M ILWARD N