'TRE]MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS :311111 zi~i :::::..- 11111111:1114~143'44u 4"gt.4g+eu+ I Among the Smaller Things 'of Life 4 What Greater Satisfaction than to know that all the little thinzs we wear meet the aoroval of the most critical er.. This accoonts for the tact that whether in towen or colle 'e the most particular dressers make THIS STORE HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN'S FURNISIiNGS. ~Oiue ths ~VFee Fancy Shirts. The Manhattan $1.50, $2.00. $2.50 and $2.75. Fir Fancy Wash Vests, beauties at $1.00, $1.50, $2 and $3 C ethsW e FoUnoSutall colors, $ro 3.I00 to$10.00. For Fancy Hose, stnnnin" styles at25 an c NOiBBY NECKWEAR,. HA'JS, GLOVES, HIANDKERCHIEFS, UMBRELLAS. ____________ IIDtHtMS,,lRYAN & I1ULFe. 'JOHN J- SCHANz HA.DE S ADMNTAILORS HS TS EXCOELSIOR LA1QNbRT J' 44RS:,A MENDA5Y WORK A- SPE-CIMLTY.; H/NOWORh 601 EAST WILUiAMS STREET 1,15 WEST HURON ST., 'Phone 506 This saeblngs to,,Go"d Governmnent 'Club ' EGaYPTIAN DEITIES, """%beter Turkish Cigarettes can be made." EGYPTIAN EMBLEMS (Cc rk Ti.0pmd.) The UNIVERSITY of ,CHICAGO ii ; THE SCHOOL OFI LAW will open October 1, 1902. The cleecourse may be fitted into the work of the Lawe School. THE CHOO OFMEDItNE will have a Seitoier THE___SCHOOL____OF____________ Session begiinningdune 1iS,1190)2. The college course may, be fitted into the work of the Medical School. IN-EITHER SCHOOL the last year of the college work is taken in connection with tse first year of the ilrofessiouai. work. I IF THESE1 ANN'UNCErIENTS INTEREST YOU Send for a circular describing the. LAW Cocass or MLEDIcAL CoUn SISii -Pte UNIVERISITY o/ CHICAGO, CHICAGO. i . MICHIGAN. NOTES. M.STAEBLER'S, shngo. Telephene :S SUFPLIES ENTING and ICdPAI RING1 ~O' BILLIARD PARLORS, THEtOLD) RELIA13LE asyegame and get acquainted 332 S. STATE STREET FOR STYLE AN~SERviCE. STUD EPN TS 1 i c 1 k - $5.00 weris of mandolin and guitar WEALTHY STUDENTS WANTED mui1or110 to joili our .4opping'club. We shop i Ne'w York fr inem-brs free. Buy Eye's testd at HALLMDWS Jewelry 4 anyisis fsttt ot uteuobls~ o aStore by # graduaie optclan. box of tacks. We srnug till lh ie tu New York stores -to your f roiut doors, LADY STUDENTS. soserever ysot live. Try our plan for can~ easily make $18 to $25 weekly dnr- six inietth.' fr'e. 'Meumbersihips cost lug the summer vacation suet expenses., $1. Youstave msore than thact ott the Selling 'Feminolog.' Best selling fir. t few' itoelaso as madic. St'tlen subscription bok of the century. Write this to your fuleis. Writetis by to- for tahie of contents and terms. day's mnail. C. L. DRESSLER & CO.,' Mit oi \'viie P1a1tlois'u 02ee 20' Gladys ave., Chicago. 1. 0 11e i~lfi. Nt'o Yok ('O'. Ness'Stitigs, Two Steps ant Walteesl julst received stAnitiAr'bor Muie Comie itsljust exaimiine (lie'Manolss o's store. :we are slioswiuig 4ii str is'indows. Aisi ______________ Arie usc1..Be surestinl get a copy of tuie Nlcfii- - g an D rinking - Son.- to taie home *as Catholic Church;. Ilasses 8:00, a eeu-eiiir. On sale at Hoot's music 10:30 a. in.; .Vespers 7:30 p. m . house., GfiISTIRIN J. IALLMENDINGEIR ...DEALER IN.... FINE ART GOODS FfamnIng a'Specialty. 210 1,. Huroni St. . . An Arbor TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 S. State St. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING Phone 246. Private. essons in dancin g by appoin tmet, hor lesson $1.5. IN NEW QURiRTEtS,' We have just moved to State St. (ead of Liberty), and invitenyount give a wer a trial. WM. HOONREIN, anitary Plumber. Steam and GasFitting SEASON 92-1903 Prof. Scott wises asnngtee tat he wit! attesd the annual Eieig5n~r~iS~n As" ag. hees oraning hed at Nes avCh() eity this comi snie,and sIt e pee paced tn give allI the atesia.ehZ!ed adesw dances at his aceuss net fali. SCOTT'S SCHOOL OF DANCING State St. ifyuSTUDENTS I IfYuWant to furnish your apartment cheaply, call and see me before buying elsewhere. I have secondhsnd stves tables, chairs, etc., and will save ye lmoney. F. W. WILKINSON, sill I. Main St. Portland Cafe Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches .Open. i-day' and'igt. Huron St. -Op. C~urt hiouSe A. PA.,SPALDNG*"& BROS. i~s I esi herthe.a Clubso isilcsOffic at Atltii ~ 0 e iretausaedot al ty snt ar r cgcca toI i a sport s hiis s. rbY aops "p liii, p Goodss a.the bet, IlESALnINo Oftciel sic iba sall 3soi sond Ass's footbloflilcti l ies hat, Oieht hinde r it ebatill Ofiictai',lo hush. Sfitlslt A thIltic Iim iita'iewt , dii ohi Ixnk Glsov ioes. New York chic ca De rver A.0G SPALIIINO & Ros., ReotteasT CLASS CNtS, *COLLCEFLGS ,. SHAVE YOU RSELF We wuarantee carry onoofour Razrsasra .'io carr a nice'line of Irifion's! Safely itzso niiswhichi s's swilairs a isa frie. tis sI i ait a ucttin. Ptiteas rtsn fom$12 to $3.00. Evesy Oia Giatrasiteed Ansswer cills nig-htsanldSindas . CUSHING'S PHARMACY (Formerly Wilder's) 336 1. $5 eSt. I - AL LWAYS ATRONIZE + +1 LIVERY + Liborty St. + + ++ Rowe's City Laundry, U1 6r netl andpromptly done, n417. -. - t10Detroit St. DN.MARTIN,.. FUNERAL '0% DIRECTOR 5etc 29S 4th Ave. 'Phone 98. Resl' 5 Lb8 thave.'Phone'114, Am' -, B uy your Cigars at THE DELMONICO0_I CAMPUS BARBER SHOP For a firstclass Hair Cut ELECTRIC GRANITE and MARBLE WORKS! Chs. A. taste. i'rop. Manufsturser and se- and ait Easy Shave . s igner of ARTISTIC MEI'1ORIALS. We adsie '01Cls eoiriai and bce tor sssosting ~San' HERB JOHNSON ;shiCaL0su.oi 'Psosse 'i. 30304 Dtroit Si. 3.. SCHUH# High Grade .ntst 5aa0Grtes. Electrical ConstructionaiSupsise. SANITA5RY PLUMBING Artistic 0as and Eectri'Istares. Stef iundHoEt avater Hesting. resiets M' 207 EAST WASHINGOTON STREET ' l k Sack Suits Pressed . . 25c r rousers Pre.sted, Dress Sails Pressed, 5oc. All our work guaranteed and done promptly. FULLER & O'CONNOR. TAILORS. 619 B. Withl'aat rat eStore West if State Street loc c WxE I PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.