THIE MICHIIGAND1AILY--NEWb U) D3 O) 4 N. U) @1 CS CL I) 0 W_ W 'in ft -10 U)W @3W 4) Amon 1ot t hit'lhilixie it tiingiitiiti' the 1, .l"ovig tii i fnder'' on0his liiomooi~~i. D4o. F wS llti Frlt M. lFogg, 'ill law, whose Sub Swit ' Iweeeii St the. itisnal niect- COMPRISING iMg oftOlie lnoera.tie 6t11) is vividly The U of M DAIL, l~t Year I'viii'i''(l by all who had ,-tule phas-: The 'VARSITY DAILY, 2th Year. lme of listelimiii to it, annoounces that lit, is toi take ltestumip for lilpaely: Enteredl asisconi-lss tiatter at Ann Ariseri Mussielitisells text SNpeltiler. Past Office. Pitblibst dily itt aytIt 'is gratifyinig to knotw that strife tbe coilege yeae at the sersetyteigfori' iere schiilairshiplihlas giveni llace at Michigiae. by the to i shirt witist war at the tUniversity MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS PFOB. CO. (Inc.) of ilis.teri Journal. Pres. 0. H. Hane. Sesy., NV. A. Knight, V. Pesn.0. W. Monxey, Trtas. It. u. Buston, Noit satler )lotw shallow aIitian is he -ANA--N---DITOR iiiiiy huasfor a deeppool 01 i e ian G ANINGED IR, keep Illi' froni throtwing In pebbiles GF401W W. 1XAXE s.o toiil 1.-New York Press. BUSINESS TIANAE, _______ O)TTtO 11. IIANS. "All the Comforts of Home," by EDITORS. Win. Gillette. Comedy Clob. Atbiots CeeAS.IDVOiRAK - - Jest J. RICos, Steitis (bioth text's): Do yout want General1 News to make $1tt to $5010 per moth in yoilt Mists L. K. SABiiit, hluie t'rritry I Floe opportunity. E.t1. HOUSTON C. C.It~ Asist's tH. ROH nut-ow . ,o\ Only psisket i~iriel toil ndtative Ittst- ALI. PkussmsAN'. NIlti. us-1;s long abillity reilitreil. Cut ottt and . 0. CiitKs. ItOBETies K. WAui'sii itAtii FE. JeNNEY. i-itp this for referience. W~rite inste- dlitotls', Distic taoxtger Butrt, if NorthwisstirntFifei'& Savinlgs Co., _______________________________1101-2-3-4 tChxtmtur of (Ontinlerce, It'- troit. -1761 Ness's IEditor - Ere .itnlt Mel Gillespie, instrtector of mando- XO'tICE. liii, iet Ann Arbor Mousij, Co. Th'ie anal itteeltig of tt. stockhtold- era of the Michigan i112.\'ittsiPithl) i'iir sl Afies'shares itf preferreti XsSiii 5will lit held Saturdut' llty ;Ii'iilv'NeOws stuck. Address 'e. 11 1. Ill., at tDaily-News slflii'i' t i ieis 'itihe. tion cf offleers and ii.-ecoi. B orider of Allthusewishing 'to gis litlotiheo- 0). 11. ttNS, IPresident, liii ic li uu'eatt.i-Isgut, May:101,cin W. .A. Kttx 1ti'rSic'y' solt ithli4C. E.. It11lioll, 6014 S. Stale. i il I euuis'ut i ' \ ,he,-i,'' lli seiorsiit ii'i.'iiig ttu' ll uu)1il'litial wil tbe Itittisg te.,i's icuilul 1)t (,- liii 'eit mit frost t he 19)12 51 lligtu-.1 Iliii iIio n lii si' t ll si.lii i us ifier30 't.\14iii teetecret's ,Zstilt its'ei Iloivr''silit stel . )ild1ite. O'M-\AtL I.UATZ, 175 leweler. Itaui for'conigre'ss biy thei'reulicans WOMEN STUDEN fS! TELL ,; . I I 1 Engraved Visiting Cards Our Engraving iS the product of one Of the best metropolitan en- gravers. We assure, you the newest styles and prompt service. 100 CARDS AND PLArE Script, 10 styles....'..125 Roman, solid ctt 8 styles -$2.2 Roman, shaded .......*'' 350 Old English, solid ... $2.25 Old English,shaded 2 btyle,-53.50 Block letter, shade line. -20 loklettef, solid line. .,$2.00 AT Wahr's Bookstores WANTED ,o Ace experieneeesalesS11 tile Summer 1cI' I1011t115. P1110 Oieportility for right ""'o Apply at the office oif FAMOUS TUTTu FRUTTI SiILVERED CHOCULATE MAPLE FROST Thes I'utin tt Specialtilus origieateI with ui tnditlike ai gooti ngtle 5Yoilsill itid theti Imitne. iComei, ters torthis ORIGINAL and BEST. QUARRY'S CAMPUS DRUG STORE -GO TO- R. E. JOLLY'S For Fine Linches, Chocolate, BOBnosi, Cigars, Cigaretts, Toancos nd Cigars. 308 S. State St. BANKRUPTCY LAW FORMS AND ORDERS Just reciveYd, Get a copyl 0. E. BARTHELL 3126 S. State Street. 2nd Floor. 1 i 1 The Superior Mdnauf'q CO. '129 S. Main street, Ann Atbor '02 LAW CLASS ~N at Ia discount (.euii'ge XW. S and'l uttthler's, ati chis'. at tliti'Unilversity of Mfilitiglis. 'I'c litssweni~~s likely 1o hav'e very sooelIthit lstnciont of furnliig two IiIiit'brs of ecnigrt'tt. IdIt' ots is 'iure' if ele'tio,. siile W. IW. IWt'ilt iltisr oftheii'sameitlishliItstte msto 2 Il ) i b l: F 1 atltsti 1904.V The' 'loyitug doenier.' stitiuse solier- ,'ftiir vs-iteu.''-As Ilii Dail'.\u'Nes 'isii1t tirdeit idmlirtet' it''fali' v 'ls'' liitgh S- ______while they last. [te men ithat -bothc they atel eoun euSolid Gold, SI.00 Gllt2 101k)' monlethis tsenitiet gettinlg itlet- Canec or Pipecs ue'rs fear our hoyheg assoeiabueuu. Work WM. ARNOLD, JEWELZR' ssth etigeebiedt and profitatble. Can_______________ d'cone without neglecting other work. ;tre~nuolu stuensIts can make tent dot- AFTER TfiE PLAY e ar. it day. Lazy 0o1es ill tt'Oortion. Drop in and get Oysters in any 5 Puarticulacrs free. Lunches of all kindS5 .9 look 1104 E. BetanS lt. Next to F. nib' - 77 LVi''LE LIOADIORS M. One bleak teem the Alahjnb, 'c.0. Box 18SM New York City. PROCIINOW &SH15 New lines of Marseilles veetes at Wlid's. 190____HENRY & KYER9 Free sine at M1yere' News Stand Successors to Henry B51' or nl Re Shos. -MERCHANT TAILORS# Wanted-Goso, reliabele man, good 709) N. Univ'. Ave. ddress and aptpearancee, to travel be- Our Spring Stock is opt-It f17 Oilning Juiy 1. Address Agency 1.. inspection. f 5. Registry Co., Ann Arbor. P T H ENS T H EF\T vr7-4 THREE NIGHTS, COMMENCING MONDAY, -JUNE 2 AND WEDNESDAY MATINEE DE AN M. SEABOLT and ALBERT C. PECIC The Royal Theatre CompanY Players of Quaiiy SU'PPORTINGI WILLARD MACK and I1AUDE LEONE nod thte following recoigntized artists - 4. 44...44.4.++++,fI444.'...441 ..t 7W7 AT ALLEN'S To Dress Well I does nt require a large expense; it mainly involves the good judgment to discriminate between unwofthy cheap- ness and reputable values. We have the expefience and you get the benefit free of charge. WE GIVE YOU THE BEST CLOTHING VALUES ON EARTH FOR THE MONEY SUITS and OVERCOATS ALLEN MEN'S OUTFITTER 1 1 .Mi r WILLRDEHACK ED. F.HAWKINS WhLLHDELMAN W. F. WAGNER ARTHUR BEN EDICT MAUDE LEONE CISARLES LAWRENCE MAY HURST ARTHURJ.tCAMPBrLL ESTHER FAY CHARLES CHARLES LTEMPLEL O WILL G. ROZELL O HT5P' 9 Big Vaudeville Ntumbers 9 (int intuos Ieruinces . A sitely no swaits. PRICES: 10, 20, 30c; a few at 50c Mits for te otire ci ci"S t i i-k is insletilS. I Clearing Sale Victor Until closed out Fielder's Gloves and Base Ball Shoes Ali (lov',' 7.")-ji o leS 50C' All Gl, .II ' Se'-. $1 0 0 I t' .70 c All 4'love's 1 2,-. 1etosv D9e' All G' 4 ees s2 ec ett All (eloes . .1, -owt t'1.51) All loes '1250, sews'1.75 All~, $3.0)Base Bai ll oes, 10A SHEEHAN & Go. University Booksellers, 32o So. State Street ICE CREAM, WHOLESAL.E AND RET~AIL.. DrtAV-MEDIK TO AINY PART OF1' TIn11 ISTY . iROGA N'S. 110 S. MAIN S*FHtF.E1.*